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Worst texture? (other than fireblue)

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I see a lot of people hate on fireblue, but what are some also really bad textures from the iwads? Personally a lot of tnts custom textures suck aswell.

Edited by Puncher_Sponge

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Don't forget that Miniwad and Freedoom are IWADs too :)


I never really liked Freedoom's flesh textures, and its SP_FACE1 is even more odd than the original. Miniwad's are mostly just flat colors and simplistic with a tiny palette, though that's mainly to help with compression.

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FIREBLU is unironically maybe my favorite Doom texture, it's so striking and unique and can add more flair than anything else when used right.


GRAYTALL is probably more deserving of its reputation, if only because that red stripe renders it pretty hideous when tiled.  Although even then the stripe is fun to use strategically as a blood drip or things like that.  Some of the STARTAN textures have also acquired a bad rep because they're overused in contexts where they shouldn't be, especially the one that's supposed to transition between gray and brown(?); but I wouldn't say the STARTAN family is bad by itself.


TNT has some pretty ugly textures; I like the weird ones a lot but there's some like the barbed wire fence in particular that are just MSPaint-ey to the point of mockery.  At least the worst TNT textures are rarely seen inside TNT and virtually unheard of elsewhere.


idk overall I might have to go with SP_HOT.  It's a pretty basic answer, and like any texture it can look good when used right; but it's just so red, there's no other textures or flats that match it so it lends itself to monotony and clashes with most of what you can put next to it.  I have used it in some of my maps of course but most of the time I end up substituting it for something more versatile.


EDIT: honorable mention to DOORTRAK, a texture which works great in its very specific intended context but looks positively disgusting in just about anything else, or even when used at a width much greater than 16tx

Edited by StupidBunny

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STARTAN is my least. My most favorite however is BROWNGRN.

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21 minutes ago, Chopkinsca said:

Maybe AASHITTY because when I first started mapping, I thought it was an actual texture and had no idea as to what was going wrong.

It's technically not a bad "texture".
It can be useful if you used it on monster ambushes and other mapping tricks.

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STARTAN. Not only is it ugly, but it reminds me of all the babby's first doom wads that clog up the archives.

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bigdoor1 is garbage lol that's the first thing I replace whenever I start and abandon a new resource wad

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32 minutes ago, Xulgonoth said:

COMPOHSO is the only acceptable answer.

I actually really like that one.


ASHWALL7, now that's an ugly texture. Does anyone even use it?

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TEKBRON cause it looks like it should be a perfect door, but I've never managed to make a convincing one out of it, and it looks a bit ugly as a tiled wall. 

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The sewage related textures, they feel kind of out of place. I do love fireblu though, the only problem I have with it is that it's too contrasted.

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I don’t like the grainy brown dirt texture, especially when used in abundance like for a cave or something, it looks fugly. 

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The red brick texture. Its so obviously hand-drawn it looks very out of place with the rest of the grainier, more realistic textures. Feels like something out of Wolfenstein.

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Wow. I actually love just about every texture mentioned so far. Especially BIGDOOR1 and COMPOHSO. My pick has to be A-BRICK1 and all its bricky variants from Plutonia. It somehow manages to look blurry, it's got weird seams down the middle, and the bricks aren't a size you can work with easily.

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4 hours ago, StupidBunny said:

FIREBLU is unironically maybe my favorite Doom texture, it's so striking and unique and can add more flair than anything else when used right.

This 😁

Big fan of FIREBLU...

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Fireblu is quite useful as the other vanilla fire textures have obvious vertical tiling. I have never used the Cement textures, except for the one time I tried making a realistic bathroom. They're overly busy and don't tile well.

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Worst: WOODVERT, DOORTRAK (if not used for what it is intended for), GRAYTALL, GRAYBIG, FIREBLU1, 2 and 3, ZZWOLF10, BROWNWEL



Fireblu still has it's uses though, it depends on how it is used.


Edited by pcorf

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Question. Does ANYONE use FIREMAG1/2 though?


About worst texture to use....idk.....

There are textures that are barely used, like the Wolfy ones. But I don't have textures that I consider worse than anything (other than STARTAN2)



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5 hours ago, pcorf said:


This one kind of flew under my radar but yeah every time I’ve tried to use it it just ends up looking ugly. It just looks so flat and unconvincing, like cheap vinyl paneling or something.



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