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Donuts - 11 Boom Maps (Now on idgames)

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The map with the bridges in the middle gave me Running Late 2 flashbacks.

The ending fight was a sight to behold.

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1 hour ago, Bryan T said:

The map with the bridges in the middle gave me Running Late 2 flashbacks.

The ending fight was a sight to behold.


You're referring to Map07. That whole courtyard with bridges concept was something I really liked, so I ended up expanding on it with Map05 of Running Late 2.

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Played the first episode.  Must say it's pretty good.  The play isn't too easy and it isn't too hard.  I imagine this will be going in my /replay folder when I finish playing.

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Version 2 is now available.


-Added DECORATE lump for new enemies

-Cleaned up some textures to lower the file size


The old version will be left up for the time being, in case I broke something in V2.


Next update will probably be the Idgames release.

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hi. just completed your mapset in [uv]. though visually vanilla flavoured, some levels were astoundingly beautiful. gameplay is sometimes carnage with scarce health and ammo. level 6 onwards were very challenging. love it. congratulations and many thanks for producing such a delighful mapset. 











Edited by saibog

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  • 2 weeks later...

Huh, I felt like I recognized some of these levels! They look a lot better than before with the next texturing and the gameplay is definitely top notch.

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Now available on idgames.


Includes an additional level in the Map31 slot, a harder version of "The Close Encounter" before it was toned down for the Map06 slot. Pretty much identical to how it was in "Isolation".



Thanks for the suggestion@Scotty.



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I played the first three maps of this and enjoyed them. They were modest as one might expect from the earlier levels of a wad, but not entirely without teeth. The visuals are clean and pleasing to the eye, too. Looking forward to playing the rest, and congrats on the release!

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