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Multiplayer idea that could've been awesome...

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So, I'm not the greatest fan of Battlemode (in all honesty I think it absolutely blows... and it's even fun when you're winning...).

id billed it as "The Doom dance with your friends" and unfortunately it feels like everything BUT that. To me a "Doom dance with your friends" would be multiple Slayers, all dashing and double jumping and performing the "combat chess" together. With that in mind, I've been thinking about how something like this could be implemented. My thoughts are:

- Regular deathmatch in Slayer gate/Q3 Arena style arenas for frags. All weapons available around the arenas as standard, plus all Slayers have their flame belch, blood punch and starting standard shotgun. Games can be timed or scored.

- Team deathmatch. As above but in teams.

- Co-operative. Extra large arenas where waves of gradually stronger monsters and monster combinations spawn in against a team of 8 Slayers. Weapons are available around arenas as standard and all Slayers have flame belch, blood punch and 1 selectable weapon as start up (so a team could have the full loadout of weapons and strategise their approach as a team and "dance" together effectively). Dead Slayers stay down for 10 seconds before respawning. If the final Slayer drops while all other Slayers are in respawn cooloff, the game is over.

Additional slants on Co-op play could be friendly-fire on... which means those friendly locked-on rockets heading for that Cacodemon behind you WILL go through you to get to it. Watch out! Or a single death mode where if you're killed, you're out and the team goes down to 7. 6. 5 etc. etc. Game is over when final Slayer is dead or specific number of waves are beaten, or time runs out.

Perhaps even a co-operative run through the campaign itself where neither Slayer can advance until the other reaches the checkpoint (so 1 Slayer can't just run off and leave the other at the beginning).

I think any one of these modes would've been heaps more fun than Battlemode and it's awkward, cumbersome and totally unbalanced and very limited 2 vs 1 gameplay. And would be much closer to the proposed "Doom dance with your friends" concept. It would also give real use to the multitude of different Slayer skins as you could have 8 (or even more, I just chose 8 as an arbitrary amount) different and easily recognisable teammates on the battlefield. For example, Maykr Slayer with a ballista providing long range support while a gold and Phobos Slayer provide hit & runs with shotguns and grappling hooks... you could easily co-ordinate a team attack and easily know who is who in the arena...

Your thoughts?

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I think any kind of multiplayer in a doom game is nothing but a waste of dev time, there are already fuck-ton of multiplayer games and small amount of good singpleplayer games in comparison. Not every game needs multiplayer.


Longer, better singleplayer campaign, horde mode, mod support >> invasion, battlemode, deathmatch, whatever...

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I fully expect some type of coop mp mode (not campaign coop) in the future.  If we dont see it in the next Doom game, than Id was never listening.  FFA Deathmatch would of been a nice addition with the new weapons as long as there are not loadouts.  Lot of potential with other game modes but Id choose to go ALL IN on Battelmode.  I dont hate battlemode, but sadly it never got updated with new demons and maps due to covid.  BM needs constant updates to keep players interested.

Edited by Zemini

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I've recently been craving a Quake 3 but with Doom Eternal's gameplay. I know id said they're going to work on a complete Battlemode overhaul but I really hope they eventually add a Slayer-only Deathmatch mode, if they did it right(Map Weapon Pick Ups, Frag Oriented Game modes, Actual leveling reward system that isn't tied to Events) I could see myself playing that for a long time.  

It is no secret that Battlemode is far from fun right now, most people only play it to do the challenges and then neglect it until there are new challenges. It's a shame that id was scared off of doing another deathmatch mode after 2016, cause the best we have right now is Quake Champions and even that doesn't really fill the void.


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Something i feel like could make sense is a horde mode, with either co-op or even Slayers competing on who gets the most kills.

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On 4/19/2021 at 11:25 PM, Michniko said:

cause the best we have right now is Quake Champions and even that doesn't really fill the void.


There are loads of populated servers on Quake Live with custom maps up and running right now

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