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Widescreen Assets Pack and Appreciation Thread

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On 12/9/2023 at 5:44 AM, MugMonster said:

with the addition of The Troopers' Playground to the official bethesda add-ons, I decided to make a quick (lazy) widescreen pack for it, perhaps in the hopes that @Devalaous will make a QoL patch to go along with it ;)


You mean this?. Its been around for quite some time, I almost even beat id to porting it, the only reason it wasn't ported was because Arsinik hadn't found out the reason behind a lot of vanilla wads crashing the port yet. To be fair, I wouldn't have left out the bonus level and the DM levels like id did.

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I feel it is worth pointing out:

560px is not wide enough for 21:9.

Even though the math checks out, the issue is that real 21:9 monitors' resolutions are not actually a 21:9 ratio but actually slightly wider.

Just divide 2560 by 1080 yourself, or 3440 by 1440 yourself. Those most common "21:9" resolutions are actually 21.33333...:9 and 21.5:9 respectively.


Some ports (such as Woof) mask this because the ratio selector uses an exact 21:9 ratio rather than basing it off a real 21:9 monitor's ratio.

Others such as DSDA Doom or GZDoom which support arbitrary internal resolutions will have gaps to the sides of 560px content on real 21:9 screens.


574px should cover all cases of "21:9" marketed monitors.


However, just 2px more: 576px also covers "24:10" monitors which is a somewhat common monitor for workstations.

Edited by Trov

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On 12/14/2023 at 3:55 PM, somerandommarineguy said:

Update: now includes an aspect ratio corrected version. using the ones made by @revenant100.

Is it possible for one for the help/credits screen for SIGIL II?

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4 minutes ago, AmethystViper said:

Is it possible for one for the help/credits screen for SIGIL II?


The wad has a TITLEPIC, HELP1, CREDIT, SIGILIN2 and SIGILEND lump inside it

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On 12/15/2023 at 1:44 PM, Trov said:

I feel it is worth pointing out:

560px is not wide enough for 21:9.

Even though the math checks out, the issue is that real 21:9 monitors' resolutions are not actually a 21:9 ratio but actually slightly wider.

Just divide 2560 by 1080 yourself, or 3440 by 1440 yourself. Those most common "21:9" resolutions are actually 21.33333...:9 and 21.5:9 respectively.


Some ports (such as Woof) mask this because the ratio selector uses an exact 21:9 ratio rather than basing it off a real 21:9 monitor's ratio.

Others such as DSDA Doom or GZDoom which support arbitrary internal resolutions will have gaps to the sides of 560px content on real 21:9 screens.


574px should cover all cases of "21:9" marketed monitors.


However, just 2px more: 576px also covers "24:10" monitors which is a somewhat common monitor for workstations.

I have noticed this on my 21:9 monitor.

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I'm gonna be real, 21:9 just isn't a good aspect ratio for retro games like Doom, even source ports for old games that can run in widescreen. Most of the assets people have made here are designed for 16:9 anyway, so it would take a lot of extra effort to resolve this problem.


On 12/15/2023 at 2:44 PM, Trov said:

However, just 2px more: 576px also covers "24:10" monitors which is a somewhat common monitor for workstations.

I have never heard of this ratio until now...

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16 minutes ago, Malice said:

$100 USD to anyone that will do it and you can skip the HUD since I already have a solution for that.

Would make more sense to upscale someone else's widescreen assets like Scuba Steve's. Not sure what technique was used or if it was recreated though.

I would also recommend Doom Neural Upscale 2x as being the "best upscale pack" as it isn't a messy conglomerate of other peoples mods and remains stylistically cohesive.

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On 12/24/2023 at 6:09 PM, Firebert said:

Would make more sense to upscale someone else's widescreen assets like Scuba Steve's. Not sure what technique was used or if it was recreated though.

I would also recommend Doom Neural Upscale 2x as being the "best upscale pack" as it isn't a messy conglomerate of other peoples mods and remains stylistically cohesive.

If your going to irrelevantly add your two cents you might want to first learn what subjectivity is. At the end of the day all these packs are simply minor edits of already existing asset so if you have a problem with how "stylistically incohesive" the title/intermission/credit screens are then take your gripe out on the old id software guys. I heard romero still reads emails from people like you. Might want to start there.

Edited by Malice

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22 minutes ago, Malice said:

If your going to irrelevantly add your two cents, you might want to first learn what subjectivity is.

You're right. The comment was arguably needless, I didn't think about how the comment would naturally be interpreted as an insult to your taste.


22 minutes ago, Malice said:

At the end of the day all these packs are simply upscales of artwork assets that already existed.

Using the word "upscales" leads me to believe you aren't aware that the art in JDUI (the original project that the titlepic and others come from) was made from scratch and not necessarily upscaled proceduraly or by a fancy AI program. In order to make a wide version of these graphics, you would need to convincingly copy the art style of the originals, which is a skill set that is pretty far removed from the pixel art type of work that these types of graphics usually entail.


I would personally recommend putting this type of bounty up elsewhere, maybe on some art-centric discussion board. Or perhaps you could track down the original artist and request them to do it instead?

Edited by Firebert

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6 hours ago, Firebert said:

You're right. The comment was arguably needless, I didn't think about how the comment would naturally be interpreted as an insult to your taste.


No offense was taken. Your comment simply contributed nothing towards what I'm trying to accomplish. It's as if you happened to mention something you liked and I commented with a caveat on how you're wrong because it didn't align with my personal taste. Example: I have zero time for brutal Doom but thousands still enjoy it. Great they can do so and I can continue to live my life without bother. There will always be those that prefer a more "vanilla" experience but lets be honest here unless you're still playing on a 486 DOS machine at 320x200 with a CRT monitor and using only keyboard controls, at some point you're well past the point of "vanilla" Doom. Where that line is drawn is up for debate however which is why some Doom fans still play on era correct hardware.


6 hours ago, Firebert said:

Using the word "upscales" leads me to believe you aren't aware that the art in JDUI (the original project that the titlepic and others come from) was made from scratch and not necessarily upscaled proceduraly or by a fancy AI program. In order to make a wide version of these graphics, you would need to convincingly copy the art style of the originals, which is a skill set that is pretty far removed from the pixel art type of work that these types of graphics usually entail.


Splitting hairs. I've seen both "methods" applied to widescreen assets. At times it's "redrawn" in others it's extended/blended. The point being that none of these are original projects and if it came down to a point of copyright infringement law both would lose.


6 hours ago, Firebert said:

I would personally recommend putting this type of bounty up elsewhere, maybe on some art-centric discussion board. Or perhaps you could track down the original artist and request them to do it instead?


You mean as opposed to a Doom specific one where there are users that already have interest and experience doing exactly what I'm requesting? Seems like a waste of time to me when there are perfectly capable artists/modders already here already dealing with the content. Again, if you don't like what I'm doing that's fine. You have many options to avoid my posts.


For anyone that may be interested, my $100 USD bounty still stands and no HUD is necessary Just the title/intermission/ending/credit screens which I can personally add myself with slade so outside of artistic ability which I lack there's no additional work required.

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Sorry to say, but you invited others' subjective takes when you gave your own subjective take that it is "the best upscale currently available". If you were not interested in discussing that, then you making that statement in the first place also contributed nothing towards the conversation.


I don't think you will find much help with your dismissive attitude towards one of the guys who has made the most content in this thread. Good luck.

Edited by Trov

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On 7/7/2022 at 2:57 AM, PKr said:


Well... I tried. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




I tried to make this into a WAD (attached as ZIP), but it looks like this in DSDA-Doom: rbQuFlP.png


as you can see it's moved too far to the right (compare to the white crosshair in the center), and no amount of offset fixing in SLADE can seem to fix this. Can someone help?


Edited by saturian1

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13 hours ago, saturian1 said:

I tried to make this into a WAD (attached as ZIP), but it looks like this in DSDA-Doom:

Seems like it's a DSDA-Doom thing.


It looks like this in crispy/woof:



P.S. Tested it in prboom-plus, and it also works properly there.


P.P.S. To be more specific it works properly in DSDA-Doom in a software mode, but shifts it to the right in opengl mode.

Edited by PKr

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On 12/31/2023 at 9:08 PM, Trov said:

Sorry to say, but you invited others' subjective takes when you gave your own subjective take that it is "the best upscale currently available". If you were not interested in discussing that, then you making that statement in the first place also contributed nothing towards the conversation.


I don't think you will find much help with your dismissive attitude towards one of the guys who has made the most content in this thread. Good luck.


"Sorry to say", but your subjective take regarding another post by someone that doesn't know what subjectivity is still has nothing to do with what the original intention of what my post was. I supppse by your logic any time someone posts that they like something that someone else doesn't they should be told that they are wrong and it essentially sucks because XYZ opinion matters more than theirs does. Don't like anything, everything is bad, right?


Also here's a news flash, telling others that their "attitude is dismissive" while dismissing their post makes you a laughably oblivious hypocrite.


Regarding the rest of your drivel, I have already had someone step up and perform the task and didn't even take my bounty when offered. Thanks for your two cents from the peanut gallary though.


I can thankfully say that the bounty is closed. Good riddance to the fun police.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/17/2023 at 6:13 PM, Scuba Steve said:

I have noticed this on my 21:9 monitor.


On 12/17/2023 at 7:47 PM, OpenRift said:

I have never heard of this ratio until now...



A bit late to reply, but in this thread here are great widescreen assets that i use too. Thanks for all your efforts.

And yeah, these are really good for todays monitors and i think people are spending much time to make them.


So one thing should be said for those who will make 21:9 ultrawide assets in future.

21:9 monitors have never existed in real.


It was only a marketing term that Philips used for their Cinema-like TVs that the customers had a number to compare it with 16:9 TVs.

Btw, this 21:9 TV series had a resolution of 2560x1080 which is an real aspect ratio of 64:27.


Ultrawide-monitors have these usual real aspect ratios:


64:27 2560x1080 pixels

43:18 3440x1440 pixels

24:10 (12:5) 3840x1600 pixels


So i have to agree with @Trov that a width of 576 pixels covers all of these real ultrawide aspect ratios.

560 pixels gives more or less borders left and right depending on which ultrawide monitor you have.

Edited by Meerschweinmann

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  • 1 month later...

Would it be okay if I can use these newer widescreen assets for patches I'm going to update on for the Unity ports of Doom I and II? Proper credits of course will be given.


EDIT: I am noticing a lot of widescreen assets for other mods are missing or have dead links in the previous pages. Are there a back of these missing assets?

Edited by AmethystViper

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/10/2024 at 6:59 PM, AmethystViper said:

EDIT: I am noticing a lot of widescreen assets for other mods are missing or have dead links in the previous pages. Are there a back of these missing assets?

There's this repository, but it doesn't seem to be updated in recent months. I don't know how much has been lost.

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On 3/11/2024 at 6:59 AM, AmethystViper said:

I am noticing a lot of widescreen assets for other mods are missing or have dead links in the previous pages. Are there a back of these missing assets?


Discord recently cracked down on linking images, causing massive global linkrot, im one of the ones affected as I used a private server of mine to post pictures and bypass Doomworld's attachment system and slow annoying uploads on imgur. Nothing I really posted in here was actually valuable though, just examples of ingame stuff. Wadmodder Shalton's stuff is all gone too.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/11/2022 at 12:39 AM, Chainie said:

I found the left side extension does not mesh well with the original STBAR. This was very noticeable when I was playing. I tried re-touching the left side extension a bit to make it merge more seamlessly.

NOTE: This STBAR is also used in some other wads, including but not limited to:

- Magnolia
- Frog and Toad
- Poogers



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