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I've uploaded the first two episodes of Anna Banana onto Youtube

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I couldn't find any video footage of this obscure 90s TV series online, and as someone that feels strongly about media preservation, I took the liberty to track down a used DVD so that there would exist some form of video footage available to the public. Anna Banana is the intellectual property of Cinema Options, Inc. Enjoy.

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gee, i wonder why there wasn't any footage of it online lol


jokes aside, great job!! media preservation is super important, i wish i had some footage of some rare tv show or something i could contribute 

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That is definitely one acid-trip of a kids show.


Who needs truth serum? Lock someone in a room with a few episodes of that and simply wait for the screaming to begin. You'll have all you need within the hour.


Seriously though, I'm right there with you on the media preservation part. 

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11 hours ago, amackert said:

Well if this isn't nightmare fuel, then I'm not sure what is.


I'm honestly not sure if classifying this video for children was the right decision or not.


Anna Banana.png

Edited by [McD]James

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Ya know, I've seen this .gif plenty of times, and I've always wanted to post it about something, but I've never had a real reason to. Until now:




Seriously, when I was a child this show would've been used as a form of punishment. But I think almost any half-way decent parent would think that would be too cruel.


I mean good on you for trying to preserve media, it's extremely important. Because once some things are gone, they're just gone. And that's a shame. But honestly... sometimes, dead is better.

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Just looked around for more information on this series, there's not a whole lot out there. But I wonder if I can sue Amazon for false claims in Editorial Reviews:


Fun & Songs For Children Of All AgesAnna Banana is an adorable but mischievous 6-year old inhabiting a spectacular cartoon world with her mom. brother Dweezle friend Muffin nemesis Ordoe grade one teacher Miz Mizerie and school principal Mr. Bliffle. These incredible realistic puppets live in three-dimensional sets surrounded by spectacular animated backgrounds. Each story is filled with laughs and zany songs but teaches a valuable lesson. You will truly enjoy this television comedy series if you are a kid or just young at heart.10 Episodes:1. Teacher's Pet 2. Hippopotamus Tooth 3. Furry Tale 4. Once Upon A Mousey 5. Train 6. Excavation 7. An Apple A Day 8. I Bet You Can't 9. Peanut Butter Medal 10. Hole In OneSystem Requirements:Running Time: 130 Mins.Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: CHILDREN/FAMILY UPC: 787364491797 Manufacturer No: 44917-9


Not one word of that review is factual. Aside from maybe the names of the episodes, but after all the lies I'm even dubious of that.


Well, I just looked at a few more links, and apparently it was originally a French Canadian (Quebecois?) show called Anne la banane. It was dubbed into English. Still creepy as hell.

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2 minutes ago, [McD]James said:

I can't wrap my head around why anyone would name their child Muffin. 

Or Dweezle. Who would name their child that? Except for Frank Zappa.

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13 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

That reminds me of my astonishment when I read this:




Yeah, I'm pretty sure most people don't know about alt 146 (Æ). And it seems like it would cause a lifetime of problems for the child trying to get entered in to computer systems, going to school, getting a drivers license, applying for jobs, or loans. Seems like Musk was just being a dick, which seems par for his course. 

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Reminds me of these terrifying Canadian French videos I was forced to watch in elementary school...


L'anana has haunted my dreams for many years. He scared the shit out of me when I was a little kid.




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1 hour ago, Arrowhead said:

Reminds me of these terrifying Canadian French videos I was forced to watch in elementary school...


L'anana has haunted my dreams for many years. He scared the shit out of me when I was a little kid.




Fortunately there's always the great Canadian palate cleanser.


Edited by Dark Pulse

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11 hours ago, Arrowhead said:


L'anana has haunted my dreams for many years. He scared the shit out of me when I was a little kid.



He's scaring me right now and I'm a grown man.


In reality those kids would have told their parents about it and a local mob would turned up to exterminate it. After a short parade around town the remains would then have been dumped into a large jar of formaldehyde for future generations to gawk at.


There was some weird kids tv shows around back then. It's a wonder any of us grew up normal....well I didn't but you know, most of my generation did.... I think. 


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On 4/27/2021 at 1:07 PM, Jello said:

Or Dweezle. Who would name their child that? Except for Frank Zappa.

Dweezil is actually how it's spelled!


(I normally wouldn't be that pedantic but hey, I can't claim to be the resident Zappa guy if I don't..)

Edited by Doomkid

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It's worth noting that not all 80s/90s children's puppet shows were nightmare-inducing trainwrecks. A lot of people don't seem to remember The Puzzle Place, and that's a shame because it had excellent production values, was very creative, and you can tell the people who made it put a lot of work and enthusiasm into their craft.



Edited by [McD]James

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9 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Dweezil is actually how it's spelled!


(I normally wouldn't be that pedantic but hey, I can't claim to be the resident Zappa guy if I don't..)

Yeah I know that, but in Anna Banana the brothers name is spelled Dweezle. I actually went back and forth a few times deciding which spelling to use. But yes, I would expect no less from our resident Zappa guy.

Edited by Jello

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9 hours ago, Doom_Dude said:

This shit is fucked up. That French Canadian Pineapple is pretty weird. Then there's this thing..




Oh god, what the hell is this?!



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1 hour ago, [McD]James said:

Oh god, what the hell is this?!


Whoever did this hates children and the very concept of innocence.

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I don't remember watching many puppet shows. Certainly never saw any of this nonsense. Mr. Dressup was a show I remember watching, but very little about.


I guess I got lucky and was born after most of these shows were off the air.

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1 hour ago, Murdoch said:


Whoever did this hates children and the very concept of innocence.


"A little boy was skinned to make this puppet." 


"He sounds like that nerdy squeaky voiced teenager from The Simpsons."

Edited by [McD]James

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14 minutes ago, [McD]James said:


"A little boy was skinned to make this puppet." 


"He sounds like that nerdy squeaky voiced teenager from The Simpsons."


I thought it sounded familiar.

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This segment here is genuinely impressive but no less terrifying than everything else I've already seen on this cursed show. I'd like to imagine there's a human soul trapped within the scarecrow's body, eternally crying out in existential horror.

Edited by [McD]James

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3 hours ago, [McD]James said:

This segment here is genuinely impressive but no less terrifying than everything else I've already seen on this cursed show. I'd like to imagine there's a human soul trapped within the scarecrow's body, eternally crying out in existential horror.

"Why can't I just die!? What kind of God would allow this torment!?"


Well, just imagine that the person was a murderer, or rapist, or pedophile, and this is their eternal punishment. You'll feel better. But yes, you're right, I couldn't stop thinking about a human soul being forever trapped in that puppets body while I was watching it. Which is really how I view most puppets and dolls, they creep me the Hell out. Might be because I watched Puppet Master when I was probably way too young to watch it.

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I now understand how the number 4 works. It's one of those very difficult and hard to remember numbers. Thanks, Peppermint Park. 

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