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So where does your username come from?


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13 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

OK, couldn't help it. Now I'm formerly known as "Sure Bowb", and shall hence forth be known as "Nine Inch Heels" (Not that anyone cares, though ;-)).


No, I don't have a high-heel-fetish. Yes, I am in denial about that.

The real question is, though, do you actually have any shoes with nine inch heels?


EDIT: changed mine to YukiRaven since I was tired of people assuming mine was yukiblt, like a snow bacon lettuce tomato sandwich rather than yukib(one)t.  Also, ravens <3

Edited by YukiRaven

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9 minutes ago, Voros said:

RIP Sure Bowb. It was a great name.

I liked it too, it's not that I had any regrets calling myself like that. However, it might have caused some confusion about my gender/sex. But the actual reason is that I am going to release my first ever (public) map relatively soon, and I figured it would be nice to have my new name there, because it's something I relate to a great deal. Let alone that "Sure Bowb" was a name I used almost exclusively for DoomWorld, which caused a bit of confusion for myself. So now it's been dealt with, and that's probably a good thing. :-)

@YukiRaven see a couple posts above. Not exactly 9 inches, but as close as humanly possible, without taking plateau into account, I do own "some" plateaus though. ;-)

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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I had mine changed before this new system went up, it was Chu before but I figured I might as well use my name now.

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I've said this before on another thread but, I'm formally Omegalore. I've pretty much abandoned Omega which was my old sona.


The only thing missing on my new username is Akita which is her middle name

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3 hours ago, Tarnsman said:

Like a lettuce wrap?

Lettuce wraps are good.  TraceOfSpade with an s under it is not.

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Got annoyed of Jimi. Been using TwinBeast about everywhere now. I think they appeared in videogamename generator, thought they were fun together.

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I am really gonna lose track of everyone. If I was to change, I'd shorten it to just Clone, as other places have since taken to calling me that, as it's quicker to type. I even changed my Steam and Discord handles to just Clone. 

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Clone we can call you Clone if you want to be called Clone just don't change it from Clonehunter. Btw Nidoqueen is my favorite pokemon from the original 150. She was so badass. Could learn water, ice, electric, even fire moves (most of the time). Plus fighting moves like double kick early on. Nidoqueen was so badass. If I had to solo the whole game with 2 pokemon it would be a combination of nidoqueen and nidoking

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5 minutes ago, YukiRaven said:

@Nine Inch Heels Heh, you know, you're right.  That wasn't intentional lol.  The raven is sort of a religious thing for me, and also just an animal I really like.  This is probably also why I have one tattooed on my right arm.

For me this is a religious thing: It's not a picture of mine, though. Mine has different colors (which is important) and has a different shape (which is not so important, really)
This is called "asson", and it should be kinda obvious as to why that's not exactly feasible to put in a username. ;-)

Despite the "odd" name, my asson is my most precious posession. Real "oldschool-crafted" ones are usually filled with snake vertebrae. They make for a very distinct sound (which is really important, too).

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6 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I used to be known as doomkid

Doomkid92 wasn't it?


Meh, close enough.

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1 hour ago, RUSH said:

Doomkid92 wasn't it?


Meh, close enough.

I used to find myself attaching various numbers to it for some dumbass reason. As a kid I went as doomkid89 on a few forums/chatrooms/etc to seem slightly older, I changed it to 92 when I realized that was retarded a bit later. On Doom Connector though, I had all sorts of stupid variations, shit like <DooM><KiD> or full of symbols or numbers or whatever. I thought it looked cool as a youngn but now I just see all that shit as clutter.

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10 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

I had all sorts of stupid variations, shit like <DooM><KiD> or full of symbols or numbers or whatever. I thought it looked cool as a youngn but now I just see all that shit as clutter.

So,  ".-+*']_) 00 ]\/[ 12!(_['*+-." wasn't cutting it? ;-)

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I used to be mason1729. Now I'm Mason. with a full-stop because apparently I made an account in 2007 called Mason with my old dead email and never used it.

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8 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Nope, it's a shoe reference. And yes, I can walk in shoes like those for real:

Learning to walk in similar ones was quite a fun challenge, to be honest.

Holy crap, doesn't it hurt? I've heard wearing high heels collapses the transversal arch of the foot over time, pressing the big thumb inwards, and with these shoes I'd estimate the "time" as roughly 8 seconds. It looks like a torture device!

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I still consider myself lucky to have landed this username before it got snapped up by somebody else. I think I'll hold onto it. :)

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11 minutes ago, rehelekretep said:

you can change your username?!

Don't see why you have to change yours.

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Maybe I should have changed mine to FraggIe, use an uppercase "i" instead of a lowercase L...although the font for our usernames might ruin the intended effect.

Edited by Tracer

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edit: tracey you could try using the vertical bar / "pipe" character by holding down shift and \ (backslash), because DW might allow that unix character since it appears on just about all keyboards that I know of


(Vertical bar) vs (lower case l) vs (one) 

| vs l vs 1


edit 2: you could always go back to Krispavera, Kris

Edited by Cupboard

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