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So where does your username come from?


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Was listening to this, and since my creative juices were really flowing I decided to name myself after it. :>



Edited by DeathevokatioN

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joshmon is already taken, try thejoshmon


thejoshmon is taken, try mrthejoshmon


Welcome mrthejoshmon!

Thanks Youtube.

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I wanted to have an alternative name to my version of Doomguy, which will be featured in The Doomguy Reviews, a web review show that I've been planning to get off the ground for some time now, but real life has caused me to be too busy to even attempt working on said review show. In other words, my version of Doomguy has multiple names and monikers (The Man of Doom, That Guy with the Helmet, etc.)


But in regards as to where "Man of Doom" actually came from:


*cough* DMCHOSHO *cough*


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2 hours ago, Man of Doom said:

I wanted to have an alternative name to my version of Doomguy, which will be featured in The Doomguy Reviews, a web review show that I've been planning to get off the ground for some time now, but real life has caused me to be too busy to even attempt working on said review show. In other words, my version of Doomguy has multiple names and monikers (The Man of Doom, That Guy with the Helmet, etc.)


But in regards as to where "Man of Doom" actually came from:

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*cough* DMCHOSHO *cough*


So what does he say in the show?  Does he just grunt and/or rip and tear the controller/keyboard?

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1 hour ago, TootsyBowl said:

Does he just grunt and/or rip and tear the controller/keyboard?


Only when he deals with a legendarily shitty game. ;)

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People called me Rick even it's not my real name.. 

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I had just started junior high and was slowly coming out of my edgy/so random phase. The original version of this name was Gothic Block, which I used for a game called Blockland (don't judge) and when I was making a Doomworld account two years later, I changed block to box since it was similar.

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had an older sister who was a real bitch, so we called her a grouchbag.I thought it was humorous, hence my user name.

Edited by grouchbag

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Sodaholic because I literally used to drink more soda than actual water everyday. I almost never drink soda now.


Blastfrog because I like Marathon 2 quite a bit. "Frog blast the vent core!"

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7 minutes ago, termrork said:

looks amazing! is it planned that fans can create levels? As one could see this has a big impact on the community.

Uhh lol did you get hacked

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oh... I am so sorry. I wanted to post this in a different thread... if you want you can delete these posts since they do not make sense here at all.

edit: sorry for all the inconvenience...

edit2: also I have not a single clue how I landed here, I was in a thread in doom general

edit3: to make at least one comment ontopic: termrork for t ER m ROR k so a combination of error and TMK for the first letters of my names (yeah I know quite odd, but I was about 8 years old when I came up with this. when I came up with error was even earlier, I did not even know what it means, I was just typing something as a nick into the keyboard, was around 6-7 years old).

Edited by termrork

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is the name I chose when I first made a Playstation screen/user name. It's literally what you think it is: I imagined Chewbaca from Stars Wars in a Ninja outfit 69ing. I know, real mature. ::shrugs::

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I stole it from Gamespy Naminator when I was 13 and I regret it but I don't want to change it so people still know who I am.


Then again I have my shitposter title so people will likely still know.

Edited by SavageCorona

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On 7/16/2017 at 0:49 AM, grouchbag said:

had an older sister who was a real bitch, so we called her a grouchbag.I thought it was humorous, hence my user name.

I'm curious about your use of past tense here---'had an older sister'. Is that to say she is no longer around?

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Was assigned to me as a default name while playing Arma II for some reason, so it just stuck




also red is the superior color

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