HQDefault Posted November 4, 2020 HQDefault is the filename for youtube thumbnails. Or at least it used to be, now I think it's "MaxResDefault" 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Lippeth Posted November 4, 2020 On the cover of the Nirvana biography "Come As You Are" Kurt Cobain is wearing a shirt that says "Flipper" but his overshirt covers up the corners so all you see is "lippe" and I always read it as "lippeth". The book was simply in range when it came time to create my first email address. I think I was 14 and don't have a proper excuse as to why I still use it. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pirx Posted November 4, 2020 On 11/4/2020 at 5:02 PM, Clippy said: I'm a paperclip Expand That avatar :D 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Omniarch Posted November 4, 2020 Originally, Omniarch was the executive title of the transhuman dictator main villain from a sci-fi novel I wrote when I was thirteen. I thought it was really clever at the time, so the title ended up becoming my main handle, and just sort of stuck around through sheer inertia. I suppose it had a better ring to it than "Empire", my previous handle. ... What? Who didn't have delusional dictatorial aspirations as a child? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
magicsofa Posted November 4, 2020 (edited) I think it was my 13th birthday, my dad was taking me and two friends to laser tag. In the car we were coming up with funny codenames by combining random adjectives and nouns. I came up with "magic sofa" then which we all thought was suitably absurd and had a good laugh. I've used it for almost 20 years now and have no plans of changing it, it actually feels like my second name at this point. Side note, one time I was walking around town and someone passing looked at me and said "magicsofa?" I was like yeah that's me, how did you know? Well I had made a character on his sister's wii that was so accurate, he recognized me from it, lol Edited November 4, 2020 by magicsofa 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheEvilGrin Posted November 4, 2020 You know that famous photo of the Id guys ? Someone told me one day that John Carmack's smile probably inspired the evil grin, and I happen to have the exact same smile. So yeah. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
HLRaven Posted November 4, 2020 I was gonna change my name to raven since back then it used to be something really generic, so I used raven as a placeholder, from ravenholm. It stuck and I grew with it until that one day where I wasn't able to change back my name to raven so i just added HL at the start, you can probably guess what it means 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
stphrz Posted November 5, 2020 It was an accident. I sneezed when I was typing out my first name. 11 Quote Share this post Link to post
LordSas Posted November 5, 2020 S.A.S are my initials so "Sas" comes from there, since 2014 i always used "Sasgamern1"online because 9yr me tought it was cool, only recently i realized how cringy that name was so i changed to LordSas because it sounds cool i guess, at least it's better than the other one 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Murdoch Posted November 5, 2020 I chose it in honour of our lord and saviour, Rupert Murdoch. Praise be to Lord Rupert! Nah, it's just my last name. Creative, I know. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Serum Posted November 5, 2020 It's the name of a popular software synthesizer that me likey 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jello Posted November 5, 2020 (edited) I was 15, Freshman in high-school and I found a copy of Knee Deep in the Dead in the school Library. Hadn't played Doom in years, I had moved on to Quake, Quake 2, Unreal, Half-Life, etc... So I decided to start playing Doom again, and I found out about things like jDoom, so I really started getting back into Doom. Then I found Doomworld and decided to register an account. I'll give you one guess why a 15 year old who loved Doom and punk rock would name themselves Jello in 2001. I didn't really intend to be using it 20 years later, but here we are. I still love the Dead Kennedys though, so at least I didn't end up with a user name that I ended up hating a few years later. I still like the name. Edited November 5, 2020 by Jello 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pokemanic33 Posted November 5, 2020 I was ten(-ish) years old and I needed a name for Minecraft and I liked Pokemon at the time (or perhaps more accurately I liked the Youtuber TheJwittz). It's a dumb name and I'm not super fond of it but I've used it pretty much everywhere since and I've got a nostalgic attachment to it (typo and all). I don't have any better ideas but I tend to go by the abbreviated Poke as opposed to the name in full. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Z0k Posted November 5, 2020 (edited) (Zok from the Herculoids by Hannah Barbera) Basically the reason of my nickname, but "zok" was already taken and probably the user here not even plays doom or use it anymore so i have to put a 0 (zero) in my nickname so i can register my account i probably should change my nickname but meh. but sometimes even at TF2 people think my nickname is "Zeta Zero Kay" instead Zok. i dont know why... but ok Edited November 5, 2020 by Z0k 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dark Pulse Posted November 5, 2020 It's a long story, so I'll spoilertag it. Copy/pasted from a site I help run. Note the post is originally from 2012, so you can't exactly do some of the stuff mentioned in it anymore (like going and getting the ROM off the Virtual Console on your Wii, MSN still being relevant, etc.). Reveal hidden contents Since one unfortunate person made the mistake of thinking I nicknamed myself after a Pokemon move, I figure I'll clear the air on this. "Darples named himself off a move from Pokemon." FALSE. "Game Freak is responsible for Darples' nickname." TRUE. Now, let me explain. In the early 1990s, there was a little something called "Sega Channel." Some of you may remember it. It was really the precursor to emulation as we know it... except the mind-blowing thing was that this was for an actual, real, current-at-the-time console. 50 games a month, every month, from the popular and obvious (Gunstar Heroes) to the absolutely obscure. That's kind of what I'll be talking about today. Every so often, Sega Channel would have a section devoted to imports; games that, for some reason or another, never made it or would never make it stateside. I definitely remember finding Alien Soldier in there (though, of course, being 9-10 at the time, I got absolutely raped by the game) and some other lesser-known gems. One of them was a little known gem called "Pulseman." A lot of you will look at that, and you'll go "Oh shit, Megaman ripoff." Wrong. Couldn't be further from the truth. Pulseman was something else - it was damn fast (almost, if not faster, than Sonic at times) and besides your somewhat typical repertoire of moves at the time, he had a couple other moves (One of which was named the Volteccer) that kind of set him apart from something like Sonic or Megaman. It's thus best described as a bit of a blend of both, with its own unique elements thrown in. However, it wasn't really that which impressed me. It was the graphics this thing put out. (Videos courtesy of a translation patch. The game never got an English release, though cutscenes were fully voiced in English.) Keep in mind this was 1994, and on a Sega Genesis. It was seriously one of the greatest-looking games I've ever played - flashy, colorful, and with music that goddamn stuck in my head and it still does to this day. It's not flawless, but damn if it wasn't fun and challenging to my mind at that time. I really, really, really wanted to buy it, but obviously, I knew I never could, because I knew it would not come out in the US. Move forward about six years. I begin getting into computers and the internet around 2000, at this time making regular trips to a local library to use theirs as I still did not own my own PC. I lurked around the IGN boards for awhile, and eventually decided to join up. Naturally, I needed an email address, so I sought and found one - Hotmail. I decided to use "pulsemanfan001" as the alias for both the email, and the account. The email is long-gone, but it was used when I signed up for MSN Messenger (or as it's now called, Windows Live Messenger), and so it remains my MSN to this day. Either way, come 2001 or so, I begin finding GameFAQs. I sign up for an account there. By this time, "Pulsemanfan001" sounded not only long-winded, but also extremely, extremely fanboyish. Thus, I shortened it simply to "Pulse." To this day, this is the handle I am known at on GameFAQs; my account is still active, though obviously I don't visit there very much anymore. I'm something of a Legend there though, for the tumultuous times of LUE, Vets, LTU, and the RP/FF board. The last of those is where my name came from. The character I conceived of basically had seven different forms. This is going to sound cheesy as shit, but what the hell, I was 16 - give me a break. Anyway, the seven forms I'd eventually settled on were Normal, Shin, Chou, Kou, Dark, Orochi, and Omega. Of them, "Dark Pulse" simply had that ring to it. And so I've kept it ever since late 2001/early 2002 - predating the Pokemon games that the move known in English as Dark Pulse (and in Japan as Evil Pulse) by approximately a year or so, as those games didn't come to the US until 2003. It's by a tragic quirk of luck and nothing more that my nickname evolved into something identical to the English name of a Pokemon attack. Which brings us full-circle to the beginning of this post. How, then, is Game Freak responsible? Simple. You may have noticed some similarities between the guy up there, and this guy: Those of you who know the Pokemon games will know this is one of Rotom's forms. This is not a coincidence. Indeed, if anything, the similarities are strikingly similar. Game Freak developed both Pulseman and Pokemon. If you look in the credits of Pulseman, you'll see many, many people who worked on Pokemon, including Ken Sugimori, Junichi Masuda, and Satoshi Tajiri. Furthermore, the homages continue, right down to Pokemon's most known character - the Japanese name for the move the English world knows as "Volt Tackle" is - you guessed it - "Volteccer." Lastly, Dr. Waruyama, the big bad of Pulseman, runs a criminal organization called the "Galaxy Gang." There's one of those in Pokemon, too - the English versions translate it as "Team Galactic" but they both share the same Japanese name, "Ginga-dan." Both translations are correct. But so ends this rather long blogpost. I hope this clears the confusion. Now if anyone else accuses me of simply being an unimaginative hack, or worse, a Pokemon fanatic (I like the games, but fanatic? Hardly), they're getting one-dayed, on the spot, no questions asked. Srs. >:( Now, use the comment field below to share your own tales of nickname acquisition and/or evolution. Make me think that I didn't just waste half an hour of my life writing this up. :P Oh, and for the love of god, go play Pulseman. Either dig up the ROM on the internet and throw it on Kega Fusion, or if you got a Wii, go buy it from the Wii Shop for Virtual Console. Maybe someday, they'll make a sequel... or at least someone will code up a level editor. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
spineapple tea Posted November 5, 2020 On 11/5/2020 at 12:04 AM, stphrz said: It was an accident. I sneezed when I was typing out my first name. Expand The greatest origin story ever told. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
ReaperAA Posted November 5, 2020 ReaperAA is a dumb username I came up with like 7-8 years ago when I was a "edgy teenager" and also because I couldn't think of anything better at that time. The "AA" in ReaperAA are the initials of my real name "Atif Arshad". I have been thinking about changing my username for a long long time. The only reason why haven't done so is that I would have to change my name across all the gaming forums that I am registered to. Call it laziness or whatever. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
seed Posted November 5, 2020 On 11/5/2020 at 7:05 AM, ReaperAA said: The "AA" in ReaperAA are the initials of my real name "Atif Arshad". Expand I knew it. BTW it's fine as it is, don't change it 👌. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maximum Matt Posted November 5, 2020 Coz my name's Matt and I don't fuck around. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
elend Posted November 5, 2020 I chose this after seeing it on the cover art of a french band, whose music is listed as... *checks* "Dark Ambient / Neo Classical". Uh.. yeah. It was a weird phase of mine. Also it's german for "misery", so that's fitting. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
croc_rock Posted November 5, 2020 I like the band King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard and they have a crocodile as their "mascot" 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Araki Posted November 5, 2020 Araki from japanese means "rough wood", which kinda summarizes my status (from wuxing point of view): growing and improving :3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maximum Matt Posted November 5, 2020 On 11/5/2020 at 8:36 AM, croc_rock said: I like the band King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard and they have a crocodile as their "mascot" Expand So, not an Elton John reference then 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomedPerson Posted November 5, 2020 Some security guard did not open the silo doors and now I'm doomed 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Asure Posted November 5, 2020 Here comes the most boring story. I lack the creativity to create an unique username, and I didn't want to include my name in any form, so I was stuck with my favorite character from animes or video games at the time. This applies to my previous names, too. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
DownloadTheseSweetViruses Posted November 5, 2020 (edited) It's complicated... (and totally original.) Edited November 5, 2020 by DownloadTheseSweetViruses 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
rodster Posted November 5, 2020 (edited) Since I love historical cars in racing games, I thought I'd call myself roadster, but then I thought that it would be "too unoriginal" and removed the letter 'a'. Later on I worried that rodster would have a weird/bad meaning and decided to check on if it has any meaning at all, turns out it has something to do with fishing or fishermen, so that is fine for me! :D I never went fishing myself, but it does look like a calming activity! Edited November 5, 2020 by rodster 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
seed Posted November 5, 2020 On 11/4/2020 at 8:55 PM, Omniarch said: What? Who didn't have delusional dictatorial aspirations as a child? Expand Ah, but the fact that you have given up on your tyrannical aspirations in the meantime is most displeasing. I have since ascended to the status of supervillain 😉 . 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Omniarch Posted November 5, 2020 On 11/5/2020 at 2:43 PM, seed said: Ah, but the fact that you have given up on your tyrannical aspirations in the meantime is most displeasing. I have since ascended to the status of supervillain 😉 . Expand When ever did I say I had abandoned those aspirations... *steeples fingers menacingly* 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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