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So where does your username come from?


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I don't really remember how did I come up with my username (and why I chose it after using a different one for a long time) but I am sure it had something with Aleister Crowley and the medicine.

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  • 1 month later...

I originally wanted to be 'The_DooMinator' here but I found out someone already took that name & I don't want people to confuse me with that person. So, I'm 'The_DooMinator' everywhere except here.


So I combined 'Terminator' with my country's name 'Slovenia'.

'The_Slovinator' was born. Not the most original thing (probably cringy as fuck) but hey, it works somehow.

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I created my username when I was interested in turkology. When I was a panturkist. It was in 2016.

Taw Tu'lki is taken from turkic languages (kypchak languages). Taw means "mountain" and tu'lki (because u' is an equivalent of turkic ü) means "fox". So, Taw Tu'lki is "Mountain Fox". Because some users have a japanese usernames with fox (kitsune) and I decided to be an original in that. In some sites I registered as a Dagtilki that also is from turkic languages (oguz languages), that also means a "mountain fox".

Edited by Taw Tu'lki

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I used a random username generator. Certainly beats Mr$uP3rCo0LdUd3, which was my first internet username.

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My name is a mock of "F.E.A.R 3" being spelled as F.3.a.r   Accidently double posted due to issue with computer. Apologies

Edited by Silhou3tte
 Accidently double posted due to issue with computer

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  • 3 months later...

So, how did you get that username? what did you take it from or made you decide to take that one specifically (I don't think that I need to explain it more).


Mine came from me trying to sound cool so I normally used the username Destructor (yeah I was dumb) then on a game that username was already taken so I had to try and create something around it, and so I types 1Destro (Destro as destructor but shorter) and then I typed randomly numbrs but ended up all of them being in a sequence of 3456 and so I still use that username today

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 mine came from when i was a kid

 i was creating a character on pow that was a gangster so i though omalefico would be a cool name (in this case it reads o malefico or in english the manevolent) and the 32x in my name came from the sega 32x i remenber watching a video on the thing and thinking to myself (if sega doesnt want it i do) so this day i still use it

from time to time i also use the nick victor valletas with is litteraly victor with i think sounds cool with valletas with is a name based on vanitas from kh and the term veritas

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14 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

 mine came from when i was a kid

 i was creating a character on pow that was a gangster so i though omalefico would be a cool name (in this case it reads o malefico or in english the manevolent) and the 32x in my name came from the sega 32x i remenber watching a video on the thing and thinking to myself (if sega doesnt want it i do) so this day i still use it

from time to time i also use the nick victor valletas with is litteraly victor with i think sounds cool with valletas with is a name based on vanitas from kh and the term veritas

So I guess I was right on the thread of react to the username above you about it being evil 

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Mine is from the first GTA. At some point you're working for the Triads and they send you on yet another mission to kill a nondescript NPC. Only this time, they send help in the form of a named NPC who isn't trying to kill you. That's where I got my online handle.

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I used to be called crackhead brad, because i had edited a PNG pic of a cartoon character named brad to look like a crack head, and used it as my PFP.

And then eventually the title "crackhead brad" turned into cracky bracky. (no clue on how or why it turned into that)

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It was the year 2000 and I heard a rumor / read it in PC Gamer (don't really remember exactly) that a new Doom game (what would become Doom 3) was in the works at id Software. So I did a search for 'New Doom game' or somesuch and found Newdoom.com with a couple people on it, Zack and King_Ralph so I joined and my brain spewed out Doom_Dude as I was signing up. It wasn't until later that year that I joined Doomworld and I kept the name, obviously.

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The Baron is my favorite demon in DOOM. Since there are Knights and Barons, I wanted my username to be a position above my favorite demon. So I Googled synonyms for "Devil" or something, and "Archfiend" sounded cool. It doesn't have anything to do with Archviles.

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Bailey is my name and the TW is an acronym I put in front of my name for usernames starting when I was like 14. Stands for The Whitesican (contraction of white and Mexican, not actually white but the skin could fool a lotta people). Half the time I just use the initial and half the time the full thing. Initial is better because then I can pretend it means something else like I dunno, The Woz.

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"Atim" - A mispelling of Atem, the name of the Pharaoh from Yu-Gi-Oh. I named my first World of Warcraft character back in 2006/2007 as "Atim". I never used the name again after that.


"Zarr" - When I went to make an account to access the Darkspore beta, the name "Atim" was unavailable. As Darkspore was a sci-fi game, I somehow decided that "Zarr" would be a fitting-sounding affix to go with that. "AtimZarr" has been my go-to username since then, mostly because it seems personal to me.


"1" - I couldn't remember the password to my original DoomWorld account and didn't have access to the email I had used to sign up with anymore. So, instead of spending more effort trying to recover it, I just made a second account and creatively named it "AtimZarr1".

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mine is 'cause my college friends change the first letters of my surname from "sara" to "rata"... same friends say i'm a toxic guy in all ways

my gang love me

Edited by toxic.rat

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A "Dub Bag" is a 20 dollar bag of marijuana. I like the guitarist Dimebag Darrel and I play guitar as well. So I used Dub instead of Dime.

Edited by Dubbag

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for some strange reason, 9y/o me thought it'd be a great idea to name my roblox account after what i thought the name of a rollercoaster tycoon 3 mod that i liked was (it was actually trackworx, my memory has been awful since the day i was born lol). and it's stuck ever since lol

Edited by roadworx

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