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So where does your username come from?


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Dunbar - Short for Clive Dunbar, a name I got off a Weebl and Bob short. I also use it as my pen name.

Way long ago I used Sputnik as my username here. I got that off of my comic character by the same name. I plan on making a mod out of that comic someday.

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Jk = My initials. I added the lines because many forums don't allow usernames that are shorter than three characters...

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usually i play multiplayer games, especially doom, and i always frag people all the time and get killed so little myself, so i live in extreme wootage, hence the name, Mr. Woot

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jWhen I first played Doom on a LAN (Windows source port), it was me who fragged
all classmates. Needed something to express the haunt-and-kill or

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I'm tired of telling the old story so here's part of it:

I wanted to sign up with a short, quick-to-type, easy-to-remember and simple name.
I came up with a three-letter abbreviation.

And hence dsm, the Undead Fishie - one of the Lords of Fishies and Destroyer of wretched Doom Novels everywhere, was spawned from the fires of Hell.

The End (complete with bulletholes :-P)

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Ct_red_pants said:

you know, I named a puppy after you.

I already have a toy plush dog and a toy frog named after me.

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Not really "exile" but Exl actually... has something to do with the NewDoom forum's authentication email never arriving at my regular mail address. I used to use exile everywhere else where I was know (i.e. almost nowhere) but when I had to get creative when registering over there, I used the abbreviation Exl. And since that's the one which got through, I'm more or less stuck with it.

You can wake up now.

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insertwackynamehere said:

Eventually it became a gimmick, and other people occasionally said insertwackywhateverhere, but I was first :-)

I'm sure I remember seeing "insertwacky[somethingorother]here" at the end of a TV show or movie credit listing at some point. The Simpsons?

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I usually go by "Cop" by people in the community.
1. It's the very first thing I always dreamed to be when I was younger because I care to restore the balance of the world a lot
2. Inspired by a game called "Virtua Cop", and I just thought the cop guy looked cool(well, it's anime graphics)

999 is just a number I thought I had to use to disguish myself apart from real cops. It's actually the emergency number used in HK, where I am from.

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Enjay said:

I'm sure I remember seeing "insertwacky[somethingorother]here" at the end of a TV show or movie credit listing at some point. The Simpsons?

Yeah, I posted something about that before. James Brooks Halloween special name was James [Insert Scary Name Here] Brooks, or something like that

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All the good names were taken.

boris said:

boris = my name OlolOLOloLOLol!!111111111eleven

bois ate tarin and that's the end of that chapter!

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Real name is Chris, and some people outside the net called me what my username is. It is also my universal name used in all multiplayer games.

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My alias is pretty simple.

DOOM - Well, the game Doom, I love it and I figured I'd have it in my alias. I have it in all capitals because that is how I use to spell it at the time.
Anomaly - I liked this word, on more than one level. I liked the word because it defines me quite well, I am an odd one. I always loved the map Phobos Anomaly from Doom, and the word just always appealed to me, even before I knew what it meant. Also lots of people here don't even know what the word means so more power to me. :D

Basically my name was just a random put together, I just made it up. I had a mind for my other alias which I just thought of also, being Undying_Maelstrom, but I have since progressed from being so dark-minded and I didn't want to use that on a Doom-based forum. I threw this one together, I also used it on Newgrounds beforehand, and it came to mind from there too. I also had thought of just using DOOM, but that was too unoriginal and felt like I was living a name I didn't come up with. I am happy with mine. :D There are various abbriviations that have been used for my alias though, actually just made up by the forum members here, I never thought of Abbriviating it. The main one being DA Or just Anomaly. When writing it myself I put :DOOM Anomaly or :DA, the ':' being because I use the ':D' face a lot. :D

fraggle said:

I rock.

Hurray for Fraggle Rock. :D

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