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So where does your username come from?


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Sodaholic - unhealthy consumption of sweetened carbonated beverages, though I've been cutting back far more in recent months.

Blastfrog - Alternate name of mine, is a reference to the assimilated simulacrum BOB enemies in Marathon 2 who occasionally shout "frog blast the vent core!" which gives them away.

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Did I told? Or was it somewhere else? Anyway...

Played quite lot of Freelancer, and name comes from this faction (minus the plural part.) And they have best ship, too. (yeah yeah yeah, it's debatable which one of the three is the top VHF, gimme a break)

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@Soda I was also a sodaholic for many years - I too have cut back (though the beer consumption is still full force..)

@CorSair I always assumed it was after the brand - very wrong!

As far as alternate nicks, Faceplant has a funnier history than Doomkid. Back in 9th grade, myself and my friends Andrew and Tomas would always race as fast as possible to the exit of our school when the bell rang. The main part of the campus was raised up nearly 2 yards from ground level. One day as the 3 of us were hauling ass to the exit gate, I tripped up on the 2 yard jump, spun 180 degrees midair and landed directly on my face. According to everyone watching, they had thought I had broken my neck, and truth is it's sheer luck I didn't, just a minor gruise on my face. Tomas called me "Faceplant man" for the next few days, by coincidence that's when I opened my YouTube channel, so I figured it sounded better than Doomkid and went with it.

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if you wanna know what my former name was, I just wanted to combine two windy words, but in the long run the name made me feel like an asshole.

CorSair said:

yeah yeah yeah, it's debatable which one of the three is the top VHF, gimme a break

Raven's Talon?

...just kidding.

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printz sounds funny, like I'm being vain. But it's also all written in lower case to fight that.

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Doominator because it sounds cool

The number 2 because some guy from 2005 got losered and already possessed the name, he never returned.

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I wanted the name 40ozcasualtie named after the album, to be my name on skulltag, but I think at the time the name was too long to fit or something, so I had to slim it down to 40oz, and registered to skulltag forums with that name.

I had already signed up to doomworld forums as a nobody named "JohnnyRancid" years earlier, but when I had gotten into mapping and posting more frequently, I severed ties with the JR name and asked to be changed to 40oz so I didn't have to live two identities.

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The name of the dark one from Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness, it's basically a knockoff of Cthulhu but as a super beast from another world in which it's common at.

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Let's see... hoo boy, this is going way back... like way, way back... Okay, so one of my online handles at the time was geekerman. I don't even really remember the story behind that - wanted something geeky, and I dunno, something about adding the "er" to it just made it sound nice. So when I signed up for Doomworld, and keep in mind I was just starting high school at the time, I decided to put a twist on it by combining my existing nickname with "space marine," to make it slightly Doom-themed. Thus, geekmarine was born. Now I'm 31 and stuck with a nickname I came up with in 9th grade. Oy.

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I simply like sci-fi. And so, with my lack of imagination, I came up with this username. The suffix -ista is Czech equivalent of -ist in English, so it's like "a sci-fi person".

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"yuki" means snow in Japanese, and is in my name because I absolutely hate summer and love winter.

b1t is just "bit" with a 1 in it, which I picked because computers have been so important in my life.

I think my previous name here was Partition36, which is actually my band name. "Partition" again because of computers. The 36 is kind of a nod to industrial music, where bands like Assemblage 23, Front 242, and Bigod 20, and Cobalt 60 tend to have numbers in their name.

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Long story, but here is a short version one:

(Nickname given by friend after an event transpired)

older Youtube said:

"joshmon is already taken" (Suggestions of: The, Mr, Ms, A)
"Thejoshmon is already taken" (Suggestions of: The, Mr, Ms, A)

"Thank you for registering MrThejoshmon!"

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I think my name chose me, to be honest: I can't recall where I first saw it, but for some reason I feel this weird affinity to it.

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I think the origin of my nickname is pretty obvious to anyone who ever put a little too many sectors of varied height, lighting and/or flats in a single area of their vanilla Doom map.

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yukib1t said:

I think my previous name here was Partition36, which is actually my band name. "Partition" again because of computers. The 36 is kind of a nod to industrial music, where bands like Assemblage 23, Front 242, and Bigod 20, and Cobalt 60 tend to have numbers in their name.

Assemblage 23 is one of my favorite clean singing Industrial groups (I tend to prefer the harsher, more aggressive styles of the genre).

Primeval - adj: of or resembling the earliest ages in the history of the world

Originally got it from the final boss of Twisted Metal 3 back in 2005 when I became a forumer on the interwebs, but it also fits my liking of the show of the same name and my fascination with prehistoric times. It's so heavily connected to me that even people at my local Taco Bell call me that or some other derivative like Prime Time.

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I think it sounds good, and it was actualy meant to have the implied contradiction. Fish do not swim in fire unless they are imagined
to be supernatural or hellish. It is a evolution of a nickname going back to 2008 where used HellfishFirefly which was inspired by
an asian style of thinking around descriptive naming. A dark side directly linked to a light side.

as a modern example i could take the japansese 'ryu ga gotoku' video games with translated titles as ' Like a dragon, black panther'.
The stories are translated and rewritten for the west and released as the Yakuza titled games.

Although it has become very rare for me to use the same nickname anywhere. I usualy do not feel the need to have any recognition or
reputation online.

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