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Making impossible - possible. Community experiments

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Perhaps / not you have heard about decino's series related to 100% secrets, peaceful passage, etc. named



I decide to go a little deeper in that case myself and continue this theme related to PWAD's

, but by adding additional criteria to it - try to complete not only a specific hard wad / map, but also one that count impossible here and there to beat in specific conditions.


Today I'll will start my walkthrough with

that is count as one of the hardest maps of ever existing onces and which one marked as impossible to beat on UV, but, according to several commentaries, several folks done it. My point here will be to describe in details how it can be done. So you can read the hints and probably try it too in case it will not look anymore "that hard".


1. No Chance. Options: GZDoom, no mods, UV.


Specifics: originally no places to hide, lava in hub location, a lot of monsters, some can teleport to random locations on your way, low ammo sometimes.



The only incentive for playing this map on UV is purely for the sake of the challenge and to see if you can complete a seemingly impossible task, as this map is otherwise completely unplayable or fun for any other reason.



Make no mistake, if you decide to play this map on UV and don't think it's insanely hard, then something's wrong with you and you should call a doctor right away.



Known Bugs :UV is impossible



What the main point about such maps/wads? Well. Usually they have tonns of monsters, zero place to hide and, perhaps, sometimes low ammo. In current case first two criterias exist. Usually from "casual" point of view it's basicly looks like hell to step it, but main thing that people can forget about points like that you need to save/load a lot + create a specific algoritm to deal with. "Regular" gameplay not working here, so you can count it as sort of puzzle to need to crack if you want to deal with it. This is what I'am going to do.


1. Explore the map a little and try to find "save like" temporary place. This usually a major/main part of beating such maps in combo of you not killing the demons - demons kills themselfs thing. I've run into the room with 2-3 cyberdemons, skeletons, cacodemons and other folks. Got the soul sphere and found sort of a cover where can stand for a few seconds. This is already good because during this time some of the monsters will kill their own kind.


2. Then I run out from there to tiny bridge and drop off from it to look around a little. The bridge can be lowered, but the bottom is lava. So you die fast if will not back on it.




3. In one of the sections I've noticed a cyberdemon that was alone and run there. This place also contain a switch that will open a passage with few demons, including 2 archviles. Point here that you need to try to hide in that small passage with a skull switch / one in the opposite until cyberdemon will be distracted/killed by others. Yes, he can kill you by one hit. Yes, archviles can do the same. But with enough luck and saves you can deal with them and make a first save spot on the map. So from now 243/1162 demons are dead and I can plan further steps with 10 HP left.


4. Moving deeper in caves. 7 archviles, few teleported in, few mancubuses. Kill one by one / hiding around. By this time I've had only rockets, which one goes to zero for the moment, and double barrel shotgun. So stick to shotgun from here.


5. Anouther soul sphere. If you take it - around 5 archs will teleport + few more archiviles around forward. So. Better to kill existing onces first.


6. After you will see a passage don't go there. First take soul sphere and kill new archviles. In total points 3 - 6 include about ~ 25 archiviles.


7. There is no place to hide in next section. Run in, 4 archviles + cyberdemons will teleport to near by + hord of demons, run out. Keep your distance and wait. Ammo is low, so it's additional reason to not move forward.




8. 369 monsters dead. Passage is clear, but this place is a trap. After you will take a blue key exit from here will blocked by cyberdemons and another pack of enemies will teleport in.




9. Exit is blocked by 3 small towers. 2 with cyberdemons and last one with 4 archviles. You need to lower last one to run out from this location. It is possible to turn the switch, but extra hard to stay alive. Running by circles or killing most of demons isn't possible here. So. You must have extra luck or BFG.


10. I've roll back from that area, decide to forget about blue key for a time. Drop once again from the bridge. Entered to area with 3 cyberdemons. Wasn't easy, but I run behind them and then destroy them. If you reach specific line that mancubuses and 1 arch will teleport.


11. Here is a place to drop down with a read key and you can't go back without using several switches. 2 cyberdemons will teleport. Another trap with low chances to exit.


12. Loading savegame. Back to blue key area. After a several attempts I've got lucky. Took blue keys, run out, hit circle area to make another cyberdemon uppear, turn on the switch on the last tower, exit from the location with 34 HP.


13. Demons will fight with each other, but here you can't bet on it too much - some of them will require you to join in the party. There is no point to kill all of them. Just onces that can cause troubles. Othewise you will have low ammo. You can back here later.


14. Now another question take a place. BFG is located in third place. Location is full of demons and it's problematic to enter there. So the only way here, in case, again, only shotgun and few rockets available, is to wait till ut will "slightly looser" and run into. There is no other way to continue without enough ammo. And problematic if too much of it was spent in point 13.




623/1318 dead demons, but passage is blocked. Or it's not?...


15. I drop down and, with just one 1 HP left, I get up on the tiny bridge near 3 archviles. After several attempts and enough luck get into the location by the left side near baron, killed several chain gunners, then entered in a small passage with 3 arches and get medkit. Cyberdemon followed, so it required to kill one.




16. Ammo is low. Time to take plasma gun. Clear a place a little. Got. Move out in case new pack of demons teleport.


17. Time for BFG. Need to kill 2 archs and cyberdemon to turn on the red switch. After also 3 more archs will teleport. And, when you take BFG, several mankubuses around. Once again. Grab. Run out. Then attack one by one.


18. After slowly going on top. And hide because 4 archs will appear behind + mancubuses on top. They will attack the cyberdemon on the top.


19. Top is half cleared. Another switch available here. Pull the trigger and 4 cyberdemons will teleport + pack of imps and another one cyberdemon and pain elementals in main location. Using plasma gun run out from them to more bottom like place. Wait till cyberdemon will kill most of the lost souls and all pain elementals.




Result - 1061 demons of 1584 dead. Imps will block themselfs in the location. As for about 4 cyberdemons can forgot about them for now.


20. Grab yellow skull. Run and hide at the same place. Kill several archs near by. Attack skeletons, mankubuses and near by cyberdemon from this spot. Most of the place is clear. Section with imps currently blocked by 1 cyberdemon. Also contain one arch and few imps, seems to.


21. Time for red key. Going back, cleaning the tiny bridge so only cyberdemon and mastermind on the corners of the hub location left and now can run here and there without a trouble. Only two cyberdemons left alive by the moment at the entrance. No problem to kill them with the BFG, same as mankubuses, but only 10 HP left. Going back and taking the black medkit I left behind before - several revenants teleport, but no problem to run thru them with BFG.


1201 of 1617.


22. Mastermind become too annoying. Destroying him by 4 BFG shoots. Going to secret place on the left where imps on the border was. Here is megasphere available and some ammo. BFG, same as HP, will be required during next fight. So it's better not spend it all here on revenants and cyberdemon.


23. Entering into zone with red key. 121 HP and Armor, 504/600 BFG ammo. Killing 2 cyberdemons wasn't a big deal, but, as it was said in one of the Katy Perry's songs: "... actually just a beginning". It was a first part of three. Next one, after you enter the teleport, will be combo of imps and barons. Better to use plasma gun and back to same location, i.e. where teleport was. From here you can easy kill the second wave. Third one contain 1 cyberdemon on small tower + 4 archs in second one (same as it was in another location).




Path is clear.


1322 of 1639 demons dead.


24. Destroying last cyberdemon near tiny bridge by BFG and visiting the location where 2 cyberdemons left on the small towers, same as some other enemies. Replenishing ammo. There are still 6 boxes of plasma left after in this location, so can back here once again, if required.


25. Switching all the keys. 4 cyberdemons enter the place, run from them to the bridge and shoot from there. Note here - if you will cross specific border then also few arches will teleport, which will make things too tough. So better not and kill them in 2 separate lines.

26. Cyberdemons took all ammo, so I go back for additional one in place where 6 plasma ammo boxes left. Archs didn't give much trouble. Cleared the place with imps and one cyberdemon near by.


1400 of 1658 demons dead.


27. Time for final part. Drop down. Here you take a sphere and a lot of ammo. A huge pack of archs + 1 cyberdemons awaiting. Point is that you need to block them near entrance so they will not able to hit you too hard.




28. Exit switch. When you press it a lot of revenants will enter the area. Around 200 (?) skeletons + 3 cyberdemons. Main problem not their number. Main problem that they can block the way to addittional ammo + you can have not enough to kill them all.




So. At the end point I've exit from the map with no ammo left, 3 HP, all items / secrets found, 1656/1658 enemies killed in case no ammo left for two last cyberdemons.



Edited by UnknDoomer

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Well. Seems to Decino made it two days ago too and better then I am - no saves (but 86 (?) attempts), a lot of ammo / HP left, 100% enemies and 1:01:31 instead of mine 1:05:29.



Edited by UnknDoomer

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