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What is your favorite Custom Mega-Wad you've ever played?


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Honorable mentions include TNTRevilution, Valiant, Alien Vendetta, Jenesis, Ancient Aliens

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My (un)holy trinity is Alien Vendetta, Kama Sutra and Scythe II


That said there are plenty of ones that are equally as good...Ancient Aliens, D2TWiD, Hell Revealed II, to name just a few. Ultimate Doom II is going to be up there for sure when its finished.

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I think on balance the most fun I've had with an entire megawad is Speed of Doom. It was buckets of fun when it came out, it's still buckets of fun today.

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I’m going to have to do a massive replaying and reevaluation at some point to see if my memories of most of the megaWADs I’ve played stand up, but at the moment my favourite is Mini-Level MegaWAD by Wim Vanrie. (not sure on the spelling of that surname without checking)

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TNT and the early versions of Devilution and Revilution were my favourites for a very long time. These days my favourite is A.L.T., largely because it has the same extremely imagination-inducing style of map that the TNTs always had many of. I hope the final release of Revilution and Devilution doesn't let me down too much in this regard; I know that style of map is not popular with Doom normies. 

Edited by Devalaous

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I liked Deathless a lot, I do prefer Doom 2, but Deathless has a lot of really cool designs based on Doom 1 and I think it actually surpases Doom 1 in a lot of ways.

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16 hours ago, Bridgeburner56 said:

I think on balance the most fun I've had with an entire megawad is Speed of Doom. It was buckets of fun when it came out, it's still buckets of fun today.

Having recently replayed it I can confirm, it is fun. One of the most fun wads I've played.

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My favourite custom megawads:


- Icarus: Alien Vanguard

- Hell Revealed

- Memento Mori 1 & 2

- Requiem

- Eternal Doom

- Alien Vendetta


And they're all the ones I started with.

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Heartland, Scythe 2, Valiant, Going Down, and Speed Of Doom are my top 5 so far. Currently playing Resurgence which is really really good, so maybe that can make the list soon enough

Edited by i suck at nicknames

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Probably Sunder, Sunlust or scythe 2, with deus vult 2 as an honorable mention.

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Memento Mori 1 and 2



Icarus Alien Vanguard

Eternal Doom 3


Scythe 2

Alien Vendetta

Ancient Aliens

Going Down




Plutonia Revisited CP


DTWiD Lost Levels



Lost Civilization


And many more .............

Edited by pcorf

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