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Black N' Blanco : Adventures in (mostly) Monochrome ! [v.1.0.1]

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version 1.0.1 : fixed a HOM glitch, as well as a graphical issue within Area 5 and 10. Also fixed the Cyberdemon boss fight to prevent softlocking.

version 1.0.2 : no drastic changes, apart from the inclusion of a Pk3 file ! It's a modified version of Smooth Doom that includes smoother animations for the Mugshots. I haven't made the changes for the Item sprites yet though, so use it at your own risk !



Hello there, fellow Doomers !


Today is the BIG DAY. As of now, I am officially releasing my third and newest WAD onto this website :










You are Mr. Bowtie, the most awesome of all adventurers !

Until one day, when you get scammed with a treasure map, forcibly transported into a weird dimension, and now battling for your very life as hordes of monsters try to kill you.

Worry not, though, as thanks to your wits a complete arsenal of vanilla weapons, you are more than capable to defend yourself ! If only you could find a treasure of some sort to make it worthwhile...




This partial Doom II conversion includes :

- Mandatory jumping and running (it's a platformer, silly), allowed mouselook.

- Reworked Item sprites, and wall/ceilings textures made from scratch ! [I don't know yet if I'm going to remake the weapons / monster sprites :/ ]

- New sound effects to enhance your experience !

- An integrated soundtrack that will definitively not upset Nintendo !

- Roughly 1 hour / 1 hour and an half of playability !

- Stinky French memes (and normal ones. What am I, a monster ?) !

- A challenging mapset, filled with platforming, traps and asshole designs genius design !

- An optional tutorial map, garanteed to help you understand stuff even more !

- An a BONUS feature : the WAD by itself, but also a directory containing all of those lovely textures / sprites for your own levels ! Feel free to modify them or create new ones *O*


Link for the WAD here + Textures directory + Modified version of Smooth Doom :



In advance, thanks for playing my WAD and your feedback. It is always much appreciated !










Edited by Origamyde
Newer version

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This was a lot of fun to play through! There was a cute feeling throughout thanks to the faces, and the sound effect choices were nice as well. (The sounds for punching and dying even got some laughs from me!)


There was definitely some evil platforming in here, and while I happen to have a tolerance for the kinda trial-and-error that it results in I think it was also helped by the personality throughout the map.

For some reason I decided to play without freelook but aside from a few parts I didn't have much trouble because of that. (and the parts I did have trouble with could at least be resolved via automap)

(btw to anyone playing without freelook be sure to check what your swim/fly keys are!)


I think my favorite part was the 9th area. Even if I don't know the context for most (if not all) of the jokes, It still got a good amount of laughs out of me!


I did find some bugs on my way through, but they weren't that common:



The escape teleporter in this water pit scrolls together with the water, which probably isn't intended...



The crusher in the teleporter room of area 10 shows a HOM once it's down fully if you didn't reach the end in time. (by the way, didn't manage to figure out what the pattern was to that section, got through it via trial-and-error)

(while writing, I happened to find that a similar issue is present in other safe spots.)


Speaking of area 10, it seems like you can't reset the crushers on the first visit, resulting in the potential to be softlocked if you retreat into a safe area once the crusher is completely down.

I'd recommend some sort of method to restart the crusher of each section, but if you can't do that or want to be evil, make the safe spot crush the player if they're too slow >:)


Another thing I noticed is that on the second visit of that area, the final arena still stays crushed, making it's impossible to actually leave.

I only noticed this after I double-checked area 10 while writing this post so I wasn't softlocked by that, but it'll probably really bother people trying to get 100% kills.


Aside from the bugs, good stuff!

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44 minutes ago, Alper002 said:

This was a lot of fun to play through! There was a cute feeling throughout thanks to the faces, and the sound effect choices were nice as well. (The sounds for punching and dying even got some laughs from me!)


There was definitely some evil platforming in here, and while I happen to have a tolerance for the kinda trial-and-error that it results in I think it was also helped by the personality throughout the map.

For some reason I decided to play without freelook but aside from a few parts I didn't have much trouble because of that. (and the parts I did have trouble with could at least be resolved via automap)

(btw to anyone playing without freelook be sure to check what your swim/fly keys are!)


I think my favorite part was the 9th area. Even if I don't know the context for most (if not all) of the jokes, It still got a good amount of laughs out of me!


I did find some bugs on my way through, but they weren't that common:

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The escape teleporter in this water pit scrolls together with the water, which probably isn't intended...



The crusher in the teleporter room of area 10 shows a HOM once it's down fully if you didn't reach the end in time. (by the way, didn't manage to figure out what the pattern was to that section, got through it via trial-and-error)

(while writing, I happened to find that a similar issue is present in other safe spots.)


Speaking of area 10, it seems like you can't reset the crushers on the first visit, resulting in the potential to be softlocked if you retreat into a safe area once the crusher is completely down.

I'd recommend some sort of method to restart the crusher of each section, but if you can't do that or want to be evil, make the safe spot crush the player if they're too slow >:)


Another thing I noticed is that on the second visit of that area, the final arena still stays crushed, making it's impossible to actually leave.

I only noticed this after I double-checked area 10 while writing this post so I wasn't softlocked by that, but it'll probably really bother people trying to get 100% kills.


Aside from the bugs, good stuff!


Hi there Alper, thanks for giving some of your time towards my silly map :)



I'll be fixing the bugs in Area 5 and 10 as soon as possible, though I was sure I had fixed the HOM issue prior to release :/


As for the first and final crushers, I made a workaround for the final crusher. Those prior to the boss fight, however, will remain. I believe it's better to simply make a savestate before each room, so that you can reload it when failing, rather than expecting a merciful death to come once in a while because you made a whoopsie.

Though, you can reset the first crushers. There's a switch, to the left and right before the boss fight, which allows to move back the ceilings. Hope you see it in the future !


Also, yes, that room with the pillars is intended to be trial-and-error. It's an hommage of mine to a similar (and equally stupid) level section from GSC's Stalker : Call of Prypiat :O

Edited by Origamyde

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Alright, since it's been more than 24 hours, I'm gonna give the WAD another chance to get the spotlight. 


It'd be a shame that it gets buried unfairly : It took me quite some time and effort, and is genuinely my most ambitious work to date :O


Don't hesitate to give me suggestions as to how to potentially enhance the mapset, or to ask me anything about either the references or how I designed the whole thing altogether. It's always a pleasure to answer ! :) 

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Around the time I got to the jumping 2: electric boogaloo section(area 7), progression gets a little bit unclear and perhaps a little too dependent on jumping vast distances in one or two spots.  You're obviously supposed to get to the ledge with the baron because a switch in that room opens some key doors required for progression, but that seems located much too far away. I explored around a little more with cheats, and confirmed my suspicions that some jumps seemed to require a stupid amount of luck. I've played many difficult platformers where I was successful if I was only precise and....yeah. There's just evil (practically blind jumps) and there's things like this Awesome commimitment to the visual aesthetic though, and the hand-drawn look of the objects on the ground was cute. It actually played well for the most part.

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21 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

Around the time I got to the jumping 2: electric boogaloo section(area 7), progression gets a little bit unclear and perhaps a little too dependent on jumping vast distances in one or two spots.  You're obviously supposed to get to the ledge with the baron because a switch in that room opens some key doors required for progression, but that seems located much too far away. I explored around a little more with cheats, and confirmed my suspicions that some jumps seemed to require a stupid amount of luck. I've played many difficult platformers where I was successful if I was only precise and....yeah. There's just evil (practically blind jumps) and there's things like this Awesome commimitment to the visual aesthetic though, and the hand-drawn look of the objects on the ground was cute. It actually played well for the most part.


HI there, LMD !


Thanks for your feedback on those pesky jumps [HINT : crouch jumping helps with the Baron section on Area 7 ;) ]. I know some people might hate them, but don't worry : the next installment of BNB will have more forgiving and better conceived platforming ! 😈


Aside from that, I'm glad you liked my stupid commitment to visual design and the likes. I feel like there's potential to make a much more memorable WAD if I took some time and designed new creatures / items / weapons, but I'll save it for the sequel 😊

Edited by Origamyde

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