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Feature request: colored blood

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Would it be difficult to add colored blood in Eternity engine like in Crispy Doom and Doom Retro. My OCD can´t stand seeing Cacos and Hell Knights bleed red blood anymore.

Edited by MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai

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This is the job of a mod, not an integrated feature. I've made a mod you can try, it changes the Baron, Hell Knight and Cacodemon blood colours, and removes the blood of the Lost Soul. You can open the PKE to see how it was made.




Extract ColorBlood.pke from this zip and load it into Eternity (inane forum rules require me to use known extensions like zip, that's why I didn't publish the pke file directly). 


Something to note: even though the thingtype EDF block lets you change bloodcolor, that only works for particle effects (if visually activated in the settings). It won't recolour the sprites. Unfortunately if we implement sprite recoloration, it would need to work with any kind of user mods which might change the sprite.


I agree that the way to translate thingtype sprite colours (using the translation field) is unwieldy: it requires you to write a 256-byte colour translation lump in the zip/pke, instead of just specifying a colour range in EDF as you'd do in SLADE. This can be quite tedious for quick mods like this, so I'm planning to implement in EDF to specify colour ranges…

Edited by printz

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