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What Doom 1/2 maps are the most Slaughtermap'ish?


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I feel like Map08 Tricks and Traps, while incredibly tame by modern standards, was one of the first to plant those seeds - large rooms all populated by waves of one particular species and lots of armaments to take them out with (if you know where to look). The core design philosophy of that map, if expanded upon, will result in a slaughtermap - so I’ll put that down as my final answer.

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The outdoor area of Suburbs (MAP16) and The Courtyard (MAP18) are the closest that come to mind. Refueling Base (MAP10) also approaches that feeling if you run around a while and let the monsters bunch up.

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Suburbs from Doom 2 has some proto-slaughter gameplay I believe. Can't think of many others... I wouldn't say it has a slaughtermap-sized amount of enemies, but it definitely has some 'slaughterish' encounters.

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A few parts of The Spirit World (map 28) remind me of what would become the foundation for slaughtery parts in later maps. Mostly the wide-open Arachnotron and Spider Mastermind assault, despite the invincibility spheres you get. A bit of a watery example, but it's what first came to mind somehow. 

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I'd say the Suburbs has that the most followed by Courtyard. Real difficulty in trying to figure out if Doom 1 has any of that, I'm gonna say no.

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Maybe E4M3/Sever the Wicked, The Countyard and Hell Gate from the Jaguar/PSX port, those were kinda slaughter-ish to me.

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Pretty much none


The only ones that can even remotely be considered slaughter would probably be categorized as "very very very very light semi-slaughter"

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5 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I feel like Map08 Tricks and Traps, while incredibly tame by modern standards, was one of the first to plant those seeds - large rooms all populated by waves of one particular species and lots of armaments to take them out with (if you know where to look). The core design philosophy of that map, if expanded upon, will result in a slaughtermap - so I’ll put that down as my final answer.

The Baron room is pretty much a mini proto-slaughter arena, where you don't have to fight them, but you still can. On the other hand, I also feel like E4M2 has some slaughter-ish moments regarding combat. While the map itself is very far from the huge-open-arena of modern slaughter, the gameplay is so brutal and packed in such a little map that it kinda fits the bill for a bit.

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6 minutes ago, Endless said:

On the other hand, I also feel like E4M2 has some slaughter-ish moments regarding combat. While the map itself is very far from the huge-open-arena of modern slaughter, the gameplay is so brutal and packed in such a little map that it kinda fits the bill for a bit.

Not only that, but with the right route, it's a BFG spam map.



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Warrens, maybe? Once you get back from the fake E3M1 exit, all the areas you revisit open up to reveal a lot more monsters.


For Doom II, definitely Tricks & Traps, Courtyard, and Suburbs.

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For DooM 1? E4M2

DooM II? Probably Downtown due to how many enemies you can encounter rather easily but even then isn't that hard at all. Maybe MAP10 UV pistol start just due to all the hitscanner enemies.

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