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Underused high quality resources

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9 hours ago, Mechadon said:

Yea sorry about that!  I put together that texture pack many years ago and then bunged up the readme file.  From what I remember I used the readme generator and, like Gez mentioned, the default must have been to disallow reuse.  I just missed it before I uploaded.


I've always wanted to go back and redo that texture set anyways (and get proper permission to port it, which I didn't do back then).  I knew very little about what I was doing at the time and there's a ton of stuff that could have been converted over better (ie. I'd get rid of those awful D64 switches that I recolored).  Maybe one day I can redo it if I get some spare time.


So anyone reading this that wants to use that texture pack, please just ignore that usage clause.  You're free to use them in your project (and be sure to give proper credit to Speedy as well).

Ill do you one better - Ill reupload the whole thing for you on /idgames with the proper clause that it is free for people to use, or ill update the original on /idgames.


If you are interested in that or feel ill have to add something in them (A clause, extra credits), please drop me a PM for confirmation and ill throw it out there.

37 minutes ago, VanaheimRanger said:

Isn't it possible to get admins to change a file that's already uploaded?  I thought I had seen that happen with a few wads.

It is possible to change an already uploaded file, atleast on /idgames. You will have to specify it is an update to an existing file, preferably with some source that backs it up.


Mechadon's seal of approval post in this very thread is perfectly suitable for that and would be enough of an update as is.

Edited by Redneckerz

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I want see more people to use this texture pack and get it out from the shadows and obscurity:


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On 4/29/2021 at 5:08 AM, Catpho said:


LKTex (link)

Textures local wizard lupinx-Kassman used to wrought entire worlds, at your fingertips!

Screens (by kassman):




This Dropbox link isnt working currently

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  • 4 weeks later...

I saw someone on Discord say that Ogrotex should be mentioned here, so there ya go :D


It's very Quake-esque, gothic and dark, though probably still not versatile enough for me to not have to pair it up with something else to make interesting looking maps. Here's a screenshot for anyone unfamiliar with its textures (from Ogro Power Facility):



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  • 3 months later...

There's a lot more i want to update into this list, BUT!!! For now i have come to ask, why isn't anybody using these resources???







For anyone who doesn't know, these are screenshots of Hell-Forged, and these resources have been uploaded by the author in this thread a good while back for anyone to use, yet nobody has done it yet?? Get on it, people!!


(OP updated to include a link to this, obviously!)

Edited by MattFright

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  • 1 month later...

Ever since I saw what people did with NMN Corp's textures for HFFM, I've really wanted to play around with textures like that myself. They really are underrated.

Edited by ChopBlock223

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another update to the OP! For one i decided to organize things a bit better, but also added a few more texture packs. Gonna list them below in the hopes that they interest someone enough to consider mapping with them, along with some screenies to show them off here:








OAGB Textures








The Kerberos Complex Texture Pack





Wireframe Texture Pack





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Just popping in to hype this completely under-rated texture set by DooMAD:

EDIT: I just double checked and this is, in fact, part of the OP. Sorry for the redundancy, but leaving this post as an endorsement.

EDIT #2: Misty beat me to it. I really should read through the entire forum before comenting :p

On 10/1/2018 at 7:20 AM, DooMAD said:

StalungCraeft loosely translates to "stolen art".


A compilation of textures mostly sourced from google image search and then edited to look decent in Blasphemer, Heretic and Hexen.  Doom paletted versions have also been included for the sake of completeness (although all the blue ones are basically terrible in Doom and were definitely designed for Heretic/Blasphemer/Hexen).


Current version:

2.1.1 - Updated 13th Sept 2021


Current total textures:

1594 (+154 compared to the previous release)


Download links:

The download comes in two flavours, PNG and WAD.




Edited by Egregor

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  • 2 months later...
13 minutes ago, Captain Toenail said:

I can recommend freesound.org for sound effects. There's all sorts of untapped gold on that website.

Since we're on the topic of sharing sound resources: https://gamesounds.xyz/

Edited by kwc

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  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...

The Graphics Library that came with the 3D Alchemy which were done by Justin Fisher of Aliens TC fame, doesn't seem to had been used outside of Nemesis though. Maybe even some BMP and GIF files that came with most Doom Shovelware CDs and even early Doom WADs available on the idgames Archive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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