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MAYhem 2021...or should I say MAYhem X!

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@Obsidian Everything I'm adding is made from the 8BDM resources so don't worry about that - mostly ground/rock/sand stuff and green stuff, along with all the Snake Man stage resources.

Edited by dac

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16 hours ago, dac said:

@Obsidian Everything I'm adding is made from the 8BDM resources so don't worry about that - mostly ground/rock/sand stuff and green stuff, along with all the Snake Man stage resources.


Did you resize the textures and flats? MM8BDM scales each texture up by 100% via each map's TEXTURES lump and I've had to manually resize each texture I add to the resource.

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9 hours ago, Obsidian said:


Did you resize the textures and flats? MM8BDM scales each texture up by 100% via each map's TEXTURES lump and I've had to manually resize each texture I add to the resource.




I'll adjust on my end, but you can go ahead with the texture pack as is.

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Oh no, just noticed this thread now...

This is going to be tight.


Edit: is there a discord for this ?

Edited by Lynn

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There is no Discord for the project, no. Everything is handled here.


Speaking of which, the texture pack in the OP has been updated! Just more textures this time, nothing too earth-shattering.

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Oh, I almost forgot! TMD and I will be hosting an informal mapping session for MAYhem in lieu of ASS this month: it'll take place on the ASS Discord server and will be happening this Saturday at 2pm Eastern time, with Round Two 12 hours later for any European Doomers. Send me a message if you'd like access to the server before then.

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Finally got a brief break from the university project and started to map properly.


EDIT: a screenshot of the new area.



Edited by DukeOfDoom

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Map name: All Turned Around

Music: The music from MAP04 of 32 Inch Nails

Build time: Built over a span of 19 days

Difficulty settings: Yes

Tested in: PrBoom+


Donezo! I tried to make something of a spiritual sequel to one of my maps from MAYhem 2018 and while I didn't quite succeed, I still think it's a decent effort.





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Updated my map. The deadline creeps ever closer, so remember: your map only has to be completeable to be submitted. Additional tweaking can be done after the deadline if it isn't too extensive or needless (such as getting busy with detail). Hopefully this allays some concerns about not being able to finish up. 

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I'm still sorta new here so any advice is welcome.  Happy to make any requested changes.  I never know how to balance anything without feedback so please feel free to point out areas you think need adjusting.


Dot Matrix Winter


Map Name: Dot Matrix Winter
Author: Salmon
Music: Dance of the Reindeer by stewboy
Difficulty settings:  Yes
Testing:  PrBoom+, Eternity, GZDoom





As a self-imposed limitation, I didn't place any shells, shotguns, SSGs, or accessible shotgunners (honestly I thought it was weird to see Doomguy's hands with the Mega Man theme.)

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8 hours ago, Salmon said:

I'm still sorta new here so any advice is welcome.  Happy to make any requested changes.  I never know how to balance anything without feedback so please feel free to point out areas you think need adjusting.

Here's an FDA. I thought it was quite enjoyable, not too difficult, seemed fairly balanced to me (I didn't die, the rerecord was due to a PrBoom+ crash). I didn't find the secrets, spent some time hunting for them afterwards and then looked up one. One small potential change would be to


make the lift out of the plasma gun secret a 1 second timed one or make it lower to a staircase instead. It can be pressed from above to reduce wait time, but otherwise, it seemed like it would end up in unnecessary downtime when grabbing that secret.



Edited by 4shockblast

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16 hours ago, Obsidian said:

Updated my map. The deadline creeps ever closer, so remember: your map only has to be completeable to be submitted. Additional tweaking can be done after the deadline if it isn't too extensive or needless (such as getting busy with detail). Hopefully this allays some concerns about not being able to finish up. 


About that, I'll have to bow out of this year cause I won't have time to do anything these last days, but do you mind if I keep the resource pack for a while? While I can't get anything out right now, I feel like I can pull out something more elaborate with it.

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26 minutes ago, dac said:


About that, I'll have to bow out of this year cause I won't have time to do anything these last days, but do you mind if I keep the resource pack for a while? While I can't get anything out right now, I feel like I can pull out something more elaborate with it.


I'd recommend asking Cutmanmike over on the ZDoom forums, considering a large chunk of the resources were originally from his project. If he gives you the go-ahead, then go for it!

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TWENTY-FOUR HOURS TO GO! Remember, your map only needs to be beatable to be submitted: we can sort out the fine details like difficulty settings over the next month.

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Map name: Into the Spectral Citadel

Music: D_RUNNIN (I will change this, it's way too late o'clock in the UK and I need to get up for work soon).

Build time: Frantically over the last seven days of May.

Tested: It works in Zdoom, will test in Boom ASAP!


So this is a puzzle map. I've also managed to squeeze in a few secrets (though I am not sure what I can reward the player with as there is no combat, so I just stuck in some random stuff). I might add some combat at the end to make it worthwhile. Please let me know if you find any weird stuff - there might be some oddities as I was experimenting with some things. Yes, I know that the player can't go under the 'solid' platforms, sorry about that, I should be able to do something about that over the next couple weeks. Thanks! :-)



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Good news everyone!

I figured out how to unlock my account on desktop.  And not a moment too soon!

Here is my map for this year.

Mapname:  Cryo Havoc!
Music:  Freeze Penguin from Mega Man X
Buildtime:  maybe ten hours over the last week?
Tested:  Its 100% able, yes.  Still needs difficulty and fine tuning but the structure is all here.

Cryo Havoc mk2.zip

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FDAed above two maps.


@Surreily, really cool stuff.


I'll admit I used the automap secret lines that I have configured in PrBoom+ to find where the backpack secret was. Everything seemed to work Boom compat. I like the super special Easter egg. :) Admittedly, it didn't register in my brain that arrows go across forever until another info platform is reached, even though the arrow section should have made that clear.


@TMD, fun map.


There's a HOM on the plasma gun secret (only secret I found). Gameplay seemed alright. I hope there's a berserk somewhere in a secret? Otherwise the sword isn't super useful. :P Had some close calls in my demo, but it seemed balanced enough. Without finding secrets, I was a bit starved for shells, otherwise there's a ton of surplus plasma in the secret, but I suppose, it's needed for that exit.



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Mapname:  --
Music:  D_running as of yet
Buildtime:  ~ 5 days


Difficulties arent implemented yet.



Im having a graphical glitch in prboom + where light level 0 in the editor is still lighted in-game, visible at the end of the map.








e1 - forgot to add an exit trigger. fixed it right now.

Edited by NeedHealth

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Annnnnnnnd TIME! Thanks to everyone who contributed to MAYhem this year, your efforts are very much appreciated.

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Unknowni123 just submitted some darn good sprites of Vile to the Spriters Resource, including some where he's looking directly at the camera. So I did what had to be done.


Too bad this project is classic-flavored instead. But I do understand why.

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Some rebalancing after gameplay feedback from Dubzzz, mostly the map became harder. :^)


I might add some more visual touches if I'm not too lazy, but I think the UV gameplay is basically done barring any issues or really out of whack balancing. Not sure if anyone wants to test it on other skill levels, I didn't play through them fully.



Edited by 4shockblast
Minor update for nomo

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