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PUSS IX: MAPPING AT WARPSPEED - BETA 3 Released [May-June Speedmapping Event]

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Map name: Mors Palus Aliens

Author: Late Night Person

Music: Sonic CD (US) - Collision Chaos Present

Sky: Generic sky texture

Format: Boom (Doom 2)

Difficulty Settings: Barely

Build Time: 7 - 8 hours

Comments: Probably doesn't transform a lot, but I hope it suffices. This is my 3rd attempt to make a map with these resources and constraints (all previous attempts were crap). Resources are bundled in the wad. The name is supposed to be "Lost Alien Swamps" in Latin but according to Google it is "Death Swamp Action" which works as well lmfao. Enjoy!




Updates 1 and 2: removed some decor at the beginning and made the supercharge accessible

Edited by LateNightPerson

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Map01 I Skillsawed the Aliens (v5) - Widened the berserk hallway. Added monsters to each opening area to provide telegraphing. Small amount of ammo added to compensate.
Map05 Ursae Minoris (v2) - Fixed lift in central area. Fixed a few textures.
Map14 Electron Boogaloo (v2) - Fixed some textures. Added an exit sign. Added Map15 UFO to end. Changed final Bear Warp to Exit line. https://www.mediafire.com/file/hk2ljouoxirzot9/DB.EleBoog.v2.wad/file

Edited by Death Bear
Added updates for Map14

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v3 Notes:

-Moved a revenant in the main area

-Added a gate to block escape from the chaingun fight

-Removed a revenant trap

-Added health to the room beyond the red key door

-Fixed an issue where the blue key door could cause a softlock

-Fixed an issue where the mancubi in the final fight wouldn't spawn as intended

-Added some monsters to the final fight

-Fixed a broken monster closet


NOTE: There are a few issues that remain

-Ending UFO needs added still (My UFO from the next map is way bigger than the geometry I built my exit platform around, so I'll have to do this another day when I have more time)

-There are some graphical glitches that occur in the red key room that I can't fix. They don't happen every time I play the map, and nothing I do seems to fix them permanently. I literally totally redrew the sectors from scratch and it still happens at random. I have no idea how to fix this.

Holodeck v3.zip

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Map name: Zero G Station

Author: Danlex

Music: Satellite One by Purple Motion

Sky: Episode 2 sky

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: no

Build Time: 10 h 15m (I had to do a lot of sky transfers and monster closets and it took me more time than expected, sorry u_u)







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59 minutes ago, The BMFG said:


Map Name : Hiding The Secrets

Author : The BMFG

Midi : Flee - Stuart Stewboy Rynn 

Sky : Normal AA Sky

Format : Boom

Difficulty : Very Hard

Build Time : About 8 Hours Or So


Hiding The Secrets V2! https://www.mediafire.com/file/pvg6gl38tp66fn0/very+recent+aliens.wad/file

fixed some stuff and added more monsters

 EDIT: OOPS created more errors accidentally will replace the download link with the fixed one

EDIT 2: replaced download link with v3.

Edited by The BMFG

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Map name: Archvile Arrival

Author: Muumi

Music: Roof by Stuart Rynn

Sky: SKYAA_14

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: no

Build Time: ~9.5 hours

Comments: Don't get scared by hefty monster count, there is better reasons to be scared. Inspired by very old map of mine.







Edited by muumi
reuploaded level

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Added my UFO from the next map. A couple of minor visual bugs continue to persist despite my best efforts.


Holodeck v4.zip

Edited by myolden

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Map: Passions Like Fire
Author: BluePineapple72
Music: Birdsong - Stewboy
Sky: Something red

Format: Boom (Doom 2)
Difficulty Settings: lol
Build Time: 10 hours 

Comments: Nine to go!!!










Edit: Yes, I am planning on doing the rest






Edited by BluePineapple72

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Howdy Doomworld! Here's an update post for what we're planning on doing with this wad.


I have a major mapping project due the 30th that is taking precedent at the moment, so I'm doing something different with submissions this month.


The deadline for submissions has been pushed to the 30th. You'll have till the end of June to get a map into Mapping at Warpspeed. On the first of July, a beta containing every submitted map will be compiled and released. Special features like the interpic and credits page won't be available then. Sometime in July, Death Bear and I (and any other necessary mappers ) will fill up the remaining map slots with maps we have had planned for some time, leaving us with a full 32 map megawad! These maps will still follow the necessary event rules (time limit being a key one).


Map 29 will be a big journey map containing one arena from every mapper. More info on that later (most submitters are in my discord, so I'll probably worry about it in there).


This full 32 map megawad will be our Beta V2. Likewise, during July, I'll be continuing my video playthrough of the wad, gathering any feedback that players may need. Final versions of bug fixed maps are due to me 1 week after I finish the last video for the last map submitted. RC1 of the MegaWAD will contain every updated map as well as finished CWILV patches and custom menu screens. If I'm forgetting anything, I'll include that too.


Looking forward to finishing this badboy. Until next time folks ,o7

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Map 28
Name: Planet Chasers Starlight Excellent
Author: Death Bear
Music: Gigabridge by Stuart Rynn (Part 1 is Featherfall by Stuart Rynn)
Sky: AAliens (several)
Format: Boom
Difficulties: UV Only
Build Time: 10 Hours for Part 1, 6 Hours (not including UFO transfer) for Part 2
Comments: Will be combining the two maps to fit amount of submissions, and possibly making volume tweaks to second map. Will need to retag second map parts. This is the finale to my little mini-saga, and will lead into a very special Map29. Credit to all the amazing mappers and their UFO designs to bring this to a near-finale. They will also be included in Map30.
Known Issues: Sky Floor and Fake Floor levels in Part 2 need to be tweaked.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the "Pre Beta"

Beta release will see:

- Completed titlepatches

- Map updates (various)

- New Interpic/Titlepic/Credit Maybe: Map25


It'll be out within a few weeks. Dunno what date, I've been pretty busy with work, so my doom time has been sapped up



Also, I just noticed a few errors in map names. These will be fixed in future updates.

Final release will get a new thread.

Edited by BluePineapple72

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our special team map, Map29, has been started and is being handed off accordingly. As creator of Map01, I got to start. We also have a new INTERPIC created, with a new TITLEPIC on the way, and a few items left to finish up. Here's a screenshot of the start.




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Maps Featured:

Map09 - "Alien Tartarus" - @muumi

Map10 - "Lagrange Disruption" - @notTyrone

Map11 - "Another Glance at the Paradise" - Muumi


Maps Featured:

Map12 - "Spirit Fracture" - @Lemonlytical

Map13 - "Electron Avenue" - @Death Bear*


* finished in GZDoom in part 6


As for a quick update on this wad:

Progress is slow, but it's progress! Once playtesting is done, and once I've finished my Summer of Slaughter map, work will continue to finish the remaining slots in this wad. I'm anticipating a late October to November release. The final megawad will get it's own release thread.

Edited by BluePineapple72

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  • 2 months later...

BETA Version TWO!!!


Holy balls! It's just dawned on me that I have yet to release Warpspeed on this thread! Given how large this wad has become, you should expect a different thread for release.

Beta 2 contains updates to several maps, as well as a few CWILV patches. The WAD is almost final: it just needs the completion of 4 maps towards the end.

Beta 2 also contains a new map: Map26: Grab the Bull by the Horns by: ME!!


I'm gonna use this version as a basis to figure out what maps need testing too.


WAD File: Mapping at Warpspeed - Beta V2

Port: Boom Compatible

- Tested in PRBoom

IWAD: DOOM2 - Map01-32

Resources: Ancient Aliens Resources

Comments: MegaWAD created as the ninth edition of the PUSS series. Maps are ordered in chronology of submission. Rules/gimmicks mappers followed are in the original post (SEE BELOW).



Map01 - "I Skillsawed the Aliens" - @Death Bear
Map02 - "Ancient Convenant" - @myolden
Map03 - "Trespasser" - @notTyrone
Map04 - "Oberth Malfunction" - @notTyrone
Map05 - "Ursae Minoris" - @Death Bear
Map06 - "Ursae Majoris" - @Death Bear
Map07 - "Holodeck" - @myolden
Map08 - "Moon Funeral" - @myolden
Map09 - "Alien Tartarus" - @muumi
Map10 - "Lagrange Disruption" - @notTyrone
Map11 - "Another Glance at the Paradise" - @muumi
Map12 - "Spirit Fracture" - Lemonlytical        
Map13 - "Electron Avenue" - @Death Bear
Map14 - "Electron Boogaloo" - @Death Bear
Map15 - "The Atropal Jaws" - @BlooberryPi3
Map16 - "Mors Palus Aliens" - @LateNightPerson 
Map17 - "Zero G Station" - @Danlex
Map18 - "Close Encounters Of the Weird Kind" - @Weird Sandwich
Map19 - "Hiding the Secrets" - TheBMFG
Map20 - "Archvile Arrival" - @muumi
Map21 - "Beyond" - Doomcat, Son of Death Bear
Map22 - "Passions Like Fire"- @BluePineapple72
Map23 - "Neon Desert" - Chookum
IN PROGRESS - Map24 - "Cryptozoophobia" - @Weird Sandwich
Map25 "Grab the Bull by the Horns" - @BluePineapple72

IN PROGRESS - Map26 "Clandestine Cumulonimbus" - @BluePineapple72
IN PROGRESS - Map27 "Of Waves and Woe" - @BluePineapple72

Map28 - "Planet Chasers" - @Death Bear

INCOMPLETE - Map29 - "Mapping at Warpspeed" - All of the Above
IN PROGRESS Map30 - "Credits" - @Death Bear

Map31 - "Lazarus Labs" - @Cheesewheel
Map32 - "Blood Swamps" - @muumi


This wad has been one Hell of a journey, but we still have quite a ways to go till we see it complete! I'll see you all across the cosmos once that time comes!


Here's my todo list for the finishing this wad:


- secret level skies and music 
- CWILV patches
- Title pic fix (maybe get a new/better one)
- explosion sprites
- intermission texts
- intermission backgrounds

- Switch textures
- Scientist stump

- Credit (screenie from Map30)

- My maps:
26 27


Map29 stuff


It isn't a whole lot. If I sit down and really put my little flat martian gray nose to the red rock grindstone, I'm sure to have it done pretty quickly. It's a damn shame I came down with that plague from the lazy alien planet, else this would've been finished months ago! Until then folks... until then ,o7





BETA v2.2

Updated Maps:

09 11 19 20


Added CWILV patches for Maps:

15 16 17



Here's information for Map25:

Map: Grab the Bull by the Horns

Author: BluePineapple72

Format: Boom

Music: "Depth Charge" - Stewboy (for now)

Sky: Something from Aalien

Difficulty settings: Kinda

Time spent: 10 hours. 30 minutes testing

Known issues: Missing Sky Transfer tags. A bit hard. 

Comments: Theoretically beatable. May need to add more health












Edited by BluePineapple72

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I've honestly been looking forward to this one ever since I've seen it start, since I love Ancient Aliens. Glad to see it's almost complete! I'll wait until it's out of beta, but I will for sure be playing this ASAP.

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The third Beta version of Mapping at Warpspeed! Featuring multiple map updates, CWILV patches, quality of life changes, and a brand new level by WeirdSandwich!



Map name: Cryptozoophobia (Map24)

Author: @Weird Sandwich

Music: Trapeze by Stuart Rynn (AA map 18)
Sky: SKYAA_10

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: Sort of

Build Time: 10 hours

Comments: Finally got around to finishing this one! Consider a sort of slaughter-lite map. There are still a few graphical bugs to fix, and for some reason that I haven't figured out 3 monsters won't spawn on Boom-compatible ports but will on GZDoom.







There has also been the slight reduction in file size from the culling of resources. Once every map is completed, the whole lot of unused textures will be purged from the wad.


Here is the current TODO list:


- Custom secret level skies and music
- Title pic fix (maybe get a new/better one)
- explosion sprite palette fix
    - intermission texts - I'll craft a loose story for the wad.
    - intermission backgrounds
- Switch textures (make sure each one is functioning properly in boom)
- Credit Page (screenshot from Map30)

- Map29
- README file


If you or anyone you know has knowledge in where to find (or make) a MIDI of Doom 2016's Skullhacker and Eternal's Blood Swamps, I would be greatly appreciated. If neither exist, crafting a midi in the style of aalien's musical palette would be splendid.


Future updates to Warpspeed will see the release of Maps 25, 26, 29, and 30. Map 29 will be a special collaborative project with the entire Warpspeed team.


Balancing updates and bug fixings for older maps are still supported. It's important that we maintain the continuity of UFOs between maps. I'll be going through each level to figure out what UFOs need to be put on which level. Each level should have a unique starting UFO: the exit UFO should be the following levels starting UFO.


Until next time folks ,o7


Edited by BluePineapple72

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