BluePineapple72 Posted May 1, 2021 (edited) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ⟟ ⍙⏃⋏⏁ ⏁⍜ ⏚⟒⌰⟟⟒⎐⟒ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This thread is irrelevant! Using it is futile! Click this link for something cooler than a beta! BETA Version TWO!!! Holy balls! It's just dawned on me that I have yet to release Warpspeed on this thread! Given how large this wad has become, you should expect a different thread for release. Beta 2 contains updates to several maps, as well as a few CWILV patches. The WAD is almost final: it just needs the completion of 4 maps towards the end. Beta 2 also contains a new map: Map26: Grab the Bull by the Horns by: ME!! I'm gonna use this version as a basis to figure out what maps need testing too. 8/6/2022. MAP 26, 27, and 30 remain. 26 is half way done. Bear is hard at work on map 30, and I've pawned off map27 to Peccatum Mihzamiz. Wad will be ready by late August. WAD File: Mapping at Warpspeed Release Thread Port: Boom Compatible - Tested in PRBoom IWAD: DOOM2 - Map01-32 Resources: Ancient Aliens Resources Comments: MegaWAD created as the ninth edition of the PUSS series. Maps are ordered in chronology of submission. Rules/gimmicks mappers followed are in the original post (SEE BELOW). MAPLIST: Map01 - "I Skillsawed the Aliens" - @Death BearMap02 - "Ancient Convenant" - @myolden Map03 - "Trespasser" - @notTyroneMap04 - "Oberth Malfunction" - @notTyroneMap05 - "Ursae Minoris" - @Death Bear Map06 - "Ursae Majoris" - @Death BearMap07 - "Holodeck" - @myoldenMap08 - "Moon Funeral" - @myoldenMap09 - "Alien Tartarus" - @muumiMap10 - "Lagrange Disruption" - @notTyroneMap11 - "Another Glance at the Paradise" - @muumiMap12 - "Spirit Fracture" - Lemonlytical Map13 - "Electron Avenue" - @Death BearMap14 - "Electron Boogaloo" - @Death BearMap15 - "The Atropal Jaws" - @BlooberryPi3Map16 - "Mors Palus Aliens" - @LateNightPerson Map17 - "Zero G Station" - @DanlexMap18 - "Close Encounters Of the Weird Kind" - @Weird SandwichMap19 - "Hiding the Secrets" - TheBMFGMap20 - "Archvile Arrival" - @muumiMap21 - "Beyond" - Doomcat, Son of Death BearMap22 - "Passions Like Fire"- @BluePineapple72Map23 - "Neon Desert" - ChookumMap24 - "Cryptozoophobia" - @Weird SandwichMap25 "Grab the Bull by the Horns" - @BluePineapple72 IN PROGRESS - Map26 "Clandestine Cumulonimbus" - @BluePineapple72IN PROGRESS - Map27 "Of Waves and Woe" - @BluePineapple72 Map28 - "Planet Chasers" - @Death Bear INCOMPLETE - Map29 - "Mapping at Warpspeed" - All of the AboveIN PROGRESS Map30 - "Credits" - Death Bear Map31 - "Lazarus Labs" - @CheesewheelMap32 - "Blood Swamps" - @muumi CHANGE LOG: Reveal hidden contents 3.1: + Added finished Map24 2.3: + Removed double defined resources + Fixed Scientist Sprite + Updated Maps: - 25 + Finished CWILV Patches + Fixed Map32 Exit 2.2: Updated Maps: 09 11 19 20 Added CWILV patches for Maps: 15 16 17 This wad has been one Hell of a journey, but we still have quite a ways to go till we see it complete! I'll see you all across the cosmos once that time comes! Here's my todo list for the finishing this wad: Reveal hidden contents - secret level skies and music - CWILV patches - Title pic fix (maybe get a new/better one) - explosion sprites - intermission texts - intermission backgrounds - Switch textures - Scientist stump - Credit (screenie from Map30) - README - My maps: 26 27 Map29 stuff It isn't a whole lot. If I sit down and really put my little flat martian gray nose to the red rock grindstone, I'm sure to have it done pretty quickly. It's a damn shame I came down with that plague from the lazy alien planet, else this would've been finished months ago! Until then folks... until then ,o7 Reveal hidden contents Turns out those April showers were meteors. We're not getting May flowers this year.... Greetings and Salutations everyone! Welcome to the ninth edition of the monthly ⌿⟟⋏⟒⏃⌿⌿⌰⟒ ⎍⋏⎅⟒⍀ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌇⟒⏃ ⌇⌿⟒⟒⎅⋔⏃⌿⌿⟟⋏☌ series! Unfortunately, our homeworld has been overrun by little green men. The downside is that we have to live in pink gelatinous bulbs for the rest of our lives whilst our humanic energies are sucked out of tubes implanted under our skin. The good news is that all the while, we'll be playing brand new cosmically themed doom maps in the computers they've installed into our brains! Aliens folks. Gotta love em. Wanna know something else pretty cool? Ancient Aliens is five years old this month. The cacoward winning megaWAD is undoubtedly one of the most famous and well venerated set of 32 levels ever to grace the doom community. Across mysterious and strange boom compatible worlds you travel in a colorful quest to uncover the truth on the origins of human civilization. This may come as a shock to you, but aliens are involved. - 10 Hour Mapping Time Limit - See the General Speedmapping Guidelines posted below for PUSS regulations for speedmapping. - Required: Ancient Aliens Resources - We'll be using these resources to create wonderful levels in homage to the original megawad. - If you are having issues with the aa-tex wad, use this file. Special thanks to @skillsaw @BlooberryPi3 and @myolden for helping get this fix. - Each map must be an explorative journey on an alien world - You'll be tasked with creating an interesting and beautiful level for the player to explore as they uncover interesting secrets and fascinating parts of the level that you've created. - Each map must evolve/change/unfold in some way - A huge design pillar of the original megaWAD, your level will need to have different areas revealed to the player via floors lowering (or other methods). Essentially, your level will evolve over the course of progress as the player discovers more of your world. - Each map must begin and end with a UFO - The beginning of your level will be you getting off of the previous level's UFO in search of a new one to hijack in your quest to pilfer discover new alien levels. Gran Theft Flying Object essentially. In the final release, spaceships at the beginning of submissions will be copy pasted onto the ending spaceships of the previous levels, creating a retroactive continuity between the different levels created for this event. - MIDIs must be thematically fitting - We're shooting for a different earfeel than normal doom releases. Ancient Aliens is famous for it's soundtrack by Stuart "Stewboy" Rynn. I highly highly highly recommend using one of his MIDIs in order to properly capture that classic Ancient Aliens earfeel. I recommend the following: - Abstract level design: as in midtex walk ways. Sky Floors. - Animal Warps telefrags. Likewise, turret monsters would make great homages to the first episode of AAliens - Maps must be in Boom format - We'll be shooting for a limit removing release. Don't let that stop you from using fancy ACS features that involve sound effects. That's how the original did the wolfwarp howls after all. - Custom Skies (if they fit the palette) are allowed. You'll have to use boom features in order to implement them though. - Likewise, maps should be beatable without jumping/crouching (duh). They should also be designed with pistol starting in mind. Maps will be due to either this thread or my discord's event thread by June 24th at 11:59 PM EST. A date before the end of the month will see a wad compiled with each qualifying map ordered in chronology of submission. For discord submitters, I'd ask that you also post here to bump the thread so other folks could get their grubby little eyes on this event. Your mapping time can be nonconsecutive. Your timer will only go down when you are mapping, scripting or playtesting. Speedmaps will be under the honor rule. Neither you nor I can prove if a map went over the time limit or not, but one can kind of see what is and is not a speedmap. If you cheat, people will notice. Any time in Slade used to give a custom sky, midi, etc. is outside of your mapping time. I would recommend spending some time looking over the texture pack before you begin mapping, so that you don’t waste time scrolling. I'd also recommend playing Ancient Aliens a bit before just so you can get a good mapfeel for the vibe we're shooting for this month, if you haven't already. Once your time is up, if you haven’t beaten your map, please spend time to verify that your level is beatable. Bug fixing is for fixing bugs, not adding new areas to your map. Your bug fixing period should be spent balancing ammo and fixing any potential gameplay errors, such as texture misalignment or soft locks. I’m generally okay with you sending me as many fixes as you make, as long as these fixes don’t overhaul any major sections of your map. You’re not supposed to be mapping after your time is up, you’re supposed to polish what you have. Due to the Incessant Flow of Time, there is no cap to how many maps you can submit to these events. I'm estimating that @Death Bear already has five or so planned. I challenge any of you to try and make more maps than him. As they say, the more the merrier. Any bug fixing/map changes are due to me 1 week after I upload the final playthrough video of the last submission.For submissions, please post in this format: Map Name: [ X ] Author: [ X ] Music: [ Song + Author ] Sky: [ X ] Format: [ X ] Difficulty Settings: [ X ] Build Time [ X ] Comments: Include here a short description of what your map is all about really. I'll be creating short map descriptions for each map for release at the end of the month, so this will help me if I haven't had the chance to play it. Screenshots: I only need the .wad file of your map. Compiling your submission with the resources is unnecessary for this event. IMPORTANT LINKS: Stewboy's Doomwiki Page - has external links to bandcamp/soundcloud Ancient Aliens Textures My discord server, The Pineapple Under the Sea, is a neat little community of mappers that occasionally participate in mapping events. Home to the PUSS, mappers of any species and of any star cluster are welcome to participate in these events in order to foster and grow their mapping abilities! We're always looking for fresh new hu-mans to power our starships. We're told that speedmappers have the proper biochemistry to make our spaceships go faster. ⌇⟒⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ ⏁⊑⟒⍀⟒! Events:@ViolentBeetle's Skulltiverse- Live and accepting claims! PAST EVENTS:Hot Potato PUSS VIII: Speed Squared - Beta Version 1 out now!PUSS VII: Rowdy Rudy in... March of the Speeddemons! - Version 2 coming soonPUSS VI: Imperfect Hatred - Version 3 coming incredibly soon! PUSS V: Clandestine Castle Crashing The 2020 PUSS Collection:PUSS IV: 12 Days of DoommasPUSS III: Boss Battle BonanzaPUSS II: TRICK & TEAR IPUSS I: September Under the Sea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ⏚⏃ ⍙⟒⟒⌿ ☌⍀⏃⋏⋏⏃ ⍙⟒⟒⌿ ⋏⟟⋏⋏⊬ ⏚⍜⋏☌ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edited October 25, 2022 by BluePineapple72 26 Quote Share this post Link to post
Terminus Posted May 1, 2021 Hell yeah! I've been waiting for more AA inspired maps, there really is a criminally low number of them. Can't wait for this! 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
MemeMind Posted May 2, 2021 Wait can my map start of in a tube in a ufo? Its still in one but i dont know it would count? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
BluePineapple72 Posted May 2, 2021 On 5/2/2021 at 4:00 AM, Theperson said: Wait can my map start of in a tube in a ufo? Its still in one but i dont know it would count? Expand Starting in a UFO is perfectly fine, as long as of at some point you leave the UFO and enter a new one to leave the level. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Death Bear Posted May 2, 2021 Aww. Thanks for the shoutout. You’re not wrong. 🤣🤘 On 5/1/2021 at 6:11 PM, BluePineapple72 said: Due to the Incessant Flow of Time, there is no cap to how many maps you can submit to these events. I'm estimating that @Death Bear already has five or so planned. I challenge any of you to try and make more maps than him. As they say, the more the merrier. Expand 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Death Bear Posted May 2, 2021 (edited) Map Name: I Skillsawed the Aliens Author: Death Bear Music: Incessant Flow of Time by Stuart Rynn Sky: Two Skies from aatex Format: Boom (Doom 2) Difficulty Settings: No Build Time: 9.5 Hours Comments: Homage to Ep1 of AAliens with combination of alien textures and pyramids. Pyramid hub with turrets, continually opening areas, lots of alien lights. My UFO isn’t quite as impressive as the originals. Contains Wolf Warps, and some "redraws" from Map01. The exit teleport will eventually be replaced retroactively by another author’s spaceship. (Might change the name for Blue's convenience). Run with palleted aatex, and aamons. Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents Enjoy! Download: v1b: Attempted to fix a bug with players getting stuck in wolf warps. Hopefully, this fixes it. v3: - Warps were replaced. Hopefully no issues now, at all. (Thanks Danlex and Myolden) - Texture fixes - Fixed a sky bleed (Thanks, Blue) - Spiced up several of the traps, and changed the pacing a little (Thanks, Myolden). - Added more spice to the final fight. - Added Myolden's UFO to an end area, and directly connected exit UFO - Fixed button position to escape from trap v4: -Added a slight more ammo and health -Fixed a few textures -Changed a lift action to a gen floor action -Removed music-killing items in warps, I think (and tested in PRBoom+) -Lightened up the second and third trap areas -Removed a tag from the exit fragment that was causing it to lower Edited May 30, 2021 by Death Bear Updated to v4 (5/29/21) 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
myolden Posted May 4, 2021 Map Name: Ancient Covenant Author: myolden Music: Desk Lamp by Stuart Rynn Sky: Default AA sky Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: No Build Time: 10 Hours Comments: I still need to add difficulties. Reveal hidden contents Ancient Covenant 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
myolden Posted May 6, 2021 (edited) v4 Notes: 1. Fixed an issue where revenants had trouble spawning during the yellow key fight 2. Changed the blue key door to open/close instead of open stay 3. Added difficulties 4. Moved some monster closets further out so the player can't hear them in the main map 5. I definitely didn't add a secret room at the start of the map. You definitely won't find anything at the start of the map after getting the yellow key. If @BluePineapple72 went back to the beginning of the map after getting the yellow key, he would definitely NOT find a secret room. Ancient Covenant v4.zipFetching info... Edited May 6, 2021 by myolden 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
notTyrone Posted May 9, 2021 Map Name: Trespasser Author: notTyrone Music: Icicles - Jimmy Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: Yes (roughly) Build Time: Just about 9 hours Comments: You've been dropped off at an unknown facility. It's quite clear you are not welcome. Find they way to the mountain pass where there's hopefully a way out. Also, who is that guy? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Death Bear Posted May 13, 2021 Slowly but surely chipping away on my next one, Ursae Minoris, inspired by Ep2 of AAliens. Almost 2 Hours in. Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
BluePineapple72 Posted May 15, 2021 Just barely over a week left for submissions! Don’t miss out! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
BluePineapple72 Posted May 17, 2021 To allow for more time on my part to finish up older wads and to prepare new events, I'm pushing the Mapping at Warpspeed deadline back into June. I simply need more time to catch up on my backlog of works. Likewise, I imagine an extra month will give more people breathing room to participate in this project. Our June event has been postponed until November and our August event reserved for next year. July-August will be the Summer of Slaughter. So with that being said, Mapping at Warpspeed will continue as normal, only that there is now an extra month tacked on for more folks to hop aboard the starship! Let's hit Warp 11 baby! 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
notTyrone Posted May 20, 2021 Map Name: Oberth Malfunction Author: notTyrone Music: Stuart Rynn - Alien Forest Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: Yes (roughly) Build Time: Just shy of 10 hours Comments: A slight miscalculation has "landed" you here. This is not a friendly place (as is tradition). Oberth 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
BluePineapple72 Posted May 24, 2021 (edited) Mapping at Warpspeed Alpha Playthrough - Part 1 Features maps by: @Death Bear @myolden Edited May 24, 2021 by BluePineapple72 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Death Bear Posted May 24, 2021 Reveal hidden contents Alpha Release playtest of Maps 1-4 with SUPERCHARGE. Lots of fun. (I cheated just a little. Just attempting to see if anything was obvious or broke). 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
myolden Posted May 25, 2021 Final Update: Thanks to @Death Bear, @Danlex, @BluePineapple72, and @FrancisT218 (on Twitch) for the testing and feedback! 1. Fixed an issue with the sky. 2. Made the hint for the secret a little more noticeable. 3. Changed which sector is tagged as secret due to an issue where the secret would not tag properly in some sourecports. 4. Added some ammo throughout the map. 5. Added some chaingunners so the player can get a chaingun. 6. Increased the duration of the red skull key trap (this is the originally intended duration that I mistakenly forgot to extend when I went from 2 to 4 revenants) 7. Fixed a few spots where textures were not correct. 8. Slightly changed the wording in the super secret area 9. Shortened the hallway in the yellow skull key room to prevent players from cheesing the fight 10. Fixed some minor texture alignment issues 11. Added @notTyrone's UFO to the exit. Ancient Covenant 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
BluePineapple72 Posted May 25, 2021 (edited) Two important links: 1. Pre-release. Since the original due date for this project was yesterday, I thought I'd drop what we have insofar here for folks to check out before the final wad releases late June. 2. Updated Resource file. A lot of folks have been having issues with the texture pack linked in the OP. That link has been updated to this one, which contains a switch fix for non animating switch textures as well as updated and paletted graphics. Special thanks to @skillsaw @BlooberryPi3 and @myolden NOTE - You'll still need to use aa-mons.wad from the Ancient Aliens texture pack linked on idgames to get the custom monsters. Edited May 25, 2021 by BluePineapple72 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Death Bear Posted May 29, 2021 (edited) Map Name: Ursae Minoris Author: Death Bear Music: Depth Charge by Stuart Rynn Sky: Skies from aatex Format: Boom (Doom 2) Difficulty Settings: No Build Time: 10 Hours (3 Hours for Central Area, 7 for Main part of the map.) Comments: Part 1 of the Planet Chasers Saga. Bear Warps. AAliens Ep2 vibes. Telefrag you some Spiders, and blow things up. Tested in GZDoom and PRBoom+. Enjoy. Needs both updated aa-tex and aa-mons from OP. Download: Reveal hidden contents Map Name: Ursae Majoris Author: Death Bear Music: Space Train by Stuart Rynn Sky: Skies from aatex Format: Boom (Doom 2) Difficulty Settings: No Build Time: 10 Hours (3 Hours for Central Area, 7 for Main part of the map.) Comments: Part 2 of the Planet Chasers Saga. Bear Warps. More AAliens Ep2 vibes. Four arenas. There is not a sweet, multilayered secret. Nope. I hate secrets in my maps. Will be updated for UFO from next submitted map (currently just a bear warp). Tested in GZDoom and PRBoom+. Enjoy. Needs both updated aa-tex and aa-mons from OP. NOTE: After playing through again, I felt like there wasn't enough health in the second arena. Will be adding more on next update. Download: VERSION 3: Update v2 includes: Did some texture realignments. Fixed the lift in central area not working. Fixed a weird softlock thing in first arena. Extended one boundary out that was causing skybox overlap. Fixed some missing textures on end portal. Update v3 includes: Some fixed doors, some stuck monsters, and added health to final fight. (Thanks, MUUMI) Reveal hidden contents Edited June 12, 2021 by Death Bear Song Updates (5/30), Update to Map06 (6/7), (6/11) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
myolden Posted May 30, 2021 Map Name: Holodeck Author: myolden Music: Gold Rush by Stuart Rynn Sky: SKYAA_01 Format: Boom (Doom 2) Difficulty Settings: No Build Time: Either 8.5 or 9.5 hours (see Comments) Comments: A relatively short techbase map where a big chunk of the build time went into the floors. I think I may have forgotten to add one hour of build time to my notepad file where I track that, so I'm going to assume I did forget and cap myself at 9 recorded hours. I may add some secrets when I go to update the map after playtesting. I also left an open platform at the end of the map where the next UFO will go. Reveal hidden contents 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
myolden Posted May 30, 2021 A quick v2 update: 1. Removed some shotgun ammo 2. Fixed an issue where a few monsters couldn't leave their closets 3. Added some more monsters to existing closets to even out the ammo to monster ratio. Holodeck 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
myolden Posted June 1, 2021 Map Name: Moon Funeral Author: myolden Music: Alien Forest by Stuart Rynn Sky: SKYAA_11 Format: Boom (Doom 2) Difficulty Settings: No Build Time: 9 hours Comments: I left myself with 1 hour of edit time to detail the end of the map after the exit UFO is added and to possibly alter some map geometry based on feedback. Whatever time is left over after that will go into more cosmetic detail. Moon_Funeral.zipFetching info... Reveal hidden contents 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
muumi Posted June 3, 2021 Map Name: Alien Tartarus Author: Muumi Music: basement from resurgence (used in aa map 21) Sky: SKYAA_01 Format: Boom (Doom 2) Difficulty Settings: No Build Time: around 8 hours Comments: Evershifting stone structure amidst stars. Full of traps and poor aliens to torment. alien_tartarus.zipFetching info... Reveal hidden contents 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
AtticTelephone Posted June 4, 2021 Hey, I'm using the aa-tex and aa-mon WADs as resources in Doom Builder 2, but the weapon sprites are all weird. Is there a solution to this problem? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
BluePineapple72 Posted June 4, 2021 (edited) On 6/4/2021 at 3:47 PM, AtticTelephone said: Hey, I'm using the aa-tex and aa-mon WADs as resources in Doom Builder 2, but the weapon sprites are all weird. Is there a solution to this problem? Expand The easiest way to fix this would be to use the Mapping at Warpspeed Alpha I posted a few days back. The aa-Tex wad requires mappers to add vanilla doom sprites into the resource by hand and then converting them into the new palette that aaliens has. I’ve gone ahead and done this (as well as a few other things) for the WARP alpha. If you download that and use it as a resource, you shouldn’t have any issues. edit: I’ll link the most recent version of the alpha here in a moment. Edited June 4, 2021 by BluePineapple72 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BluePineapple72 Posted June 4, 2021 (edited) Here is the most recent version of the Alpha @AtticTelephone To anyone else reading: If you're having difficulties with the texture pack and sprite palettes, try using this as a resource Edited June 4, 2021 by BluePineapple72 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
notTyrone Posted June 6, 2021 Map Name: Lagrange Disruption Author: notTyrone Music: Stuart Rynn - Garden of Lost Souls Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: Yes (roughly) Build Time: Just shy of 10 hours Comments: You've crashed. Should probably fix that. Lagrange 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
muumi Posted June 9, 2021 Map Name: Another glance at the paradise Author: Muumi Music: The Incessant Flow of Time (aa map02) Sky: SKYAA_13 Format: Boom (Doom 2) Difficulty Settings: No Build Time: 10 hours of incessant flow of time Comments: After landing to a garden of ethereal beauty, strangest feel of dejavu fills doomguy. Hell, what is this place? Only thing to do is push forward to see if this mystery can be revealed! (This map is complete bananas, good luck for anyone playing this...) another_glance_at_the_paradise.zipFetching info... 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
BluePineapple72 Posted June 9, 2021 Map list as of June 9th. Got plenty of slots open! Thanks to @Death Bear for slapping this sheet together. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Death Bear Posted June 12, 2021 Map Name: Electron Avenue Author: Death Bear Music: GOTO 10 by Stuart Rynn Sky: Skies from aatex Format: Boom (Doom 2) Difficulty Settings: No Build Time: 10 Hours (3 Hours for Central Area, .5 Hours for vanity-aesthetic buildings. 6.5 for Main part of the map.) Comments: Part 3 of the Planet Chasers Saga. Bear Warps. More AAliens Ep2 vibes. Compact map with mostly timed-waves of enemies. Tested in GZDoom and PRBoom+. Enjoy. Reveal hidden contents 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Death Bear Posted June 12, 2021 Map Name: Electron Boogaloo Author: Death Bear Music: Web of Steel by Stuart Rynn Sky: Skies from aatex Format: Boom (Doom 2) Difficulty Settings: No Build Time: 10 Hours (Heavily spent on voodoo dolls). Comments: Part 4 of the Planet Chasers Saga. More AAliens Ep2 vibes. Compact-ish map with large fights, some timed. UFO to MAP15 will be added retroactively. Tested in GZDoom and PRBoom+. Enjoy. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
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