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Display settings.

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I don't know if I am in the right forum but I recently screwed around with display settings because a mod i was using was rather dark. Now I have completely ruined the look of my game. What are the optimal settings for Gamma, Brightness, Contrast and Saturation? I am looking for "Beauty and Color" here, I have a pretty beefy laptop. Any help would be appreciated.

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Well, I'm not sure what to do with that, but I do have some kind of an answer.

Go to display settings, OpenGL Renderer, and then change the lighting from "Dark" to "Legacy". And if you want, you can disable lighting with "Vanilla".

Also from my experience those Brightness, Contrast, etc.. don't really change much.

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5 hours ago, entrywayy said:

I can upload my settings in case you want your game to look like that. Let me know.



That would be awesome and much appreciated.


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