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TNT MIDI Pack - Now on idgames!

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On 5/4/2021 at 9:32 PM, Cammy said:




woohoo! thank you all talented doomers

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Big-time congratulations on this release, @Cammy and team!


My first act upon downloading was to check out Wretched Harangue to see what @Lippeth and @Dragonfly did with the God-tier midi Agony Rhapsody. I love my creepy, suspenseful midis, and I put Agony Rhapsody right up there with Suspense in my Top 5 IWAD Midis of All Time! I'm pretty sure both tracks use a technique called the Perpetual Fugue, where a strong theme runs through an entire composition, creating an aura of suspense which never releases its energy, because a Perpetual Fugue has no natural end-point. Correct me if I'm wrong, but IMO that's why each of these midis can easily carry a map over 40 minutes long.


All that said, I'm very pleased with what you two have done. It was closing in on the 2:50 mark when I said to myself, "Maybe it's time for them to add another variation and go a little bigger," and of course, you did. :) I think your new variations will work fantastic during gameplay, adding some action vibe and switching things up for folks who don't respond as well to the perpetual fugue as I do. Great work!

Edited by Steve D

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Awesome to hear, Steve D! It was really fun to work on and Dragonfly knocked it out of the park with the changes and variations!


Map 07 - Hot Pressure by @Deadwing is blowing my mind, this song is such a vibe! I've got it on loop now and can't get over it.


Hell, I keep forgetting to skip to the next song after every song, these songs loop great and aren't getting old!

Edited by Lippeth

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2 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

Is it OK to start nabbing the MIDIs for my own maps?

My three contributions are all free to use, with no restrictions whatsoever as far as I am concerned. (D_DM2TTL is a remix though so it's not entirely mine to say what you can do with it.)


Not entirely sure about the others, but I think so! Edit: see Dragonfly's response, however; many of them need improvements to mastering.

Edited by northivanastan

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On 5/4/2021 at 9:45 PM, Peter said:

You're in for some bangers, folks.




just saw that caco. it's so fitting.

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2 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

Is it OK to start nabbing the MIDIs for my own maps?


While I believe it's okay; I would request on everyone's behalf that you please wait for the final release so that we can respond to any feedback and also finish mixing / mastering, as this pack is a little rough in that department as previously stated.

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I can say with certainty that the MIDI Jimmy and I made is about 90% done, so don't use it yet (or tbh I wouldn't mind and I doubt Jimmy would either so long as you credit us, but if you want a slightly extended/revised version of the song, it's coming)

Edited by Doomkid

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@JDoyle Just played map 23 (Lunar Mining Project) with your MIDI and I have to say that it complete reinvigorates the level for me, unfortunately it's still feels very misplaced on map order, but considering the conditions is a spectacular win. Great job.

P.S: I would love to see you come back to work on more Doom Projects, even if they aren't affiliated with Team TNT or prior works.

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First thing I did was load up the midis of @Eris and @Viscra Maelstrom, the composers I fondly remember from Revilution. Just wish Bucket was also contributing :p Eris' midi sounded like it was channeling BTSX and Stewboy, Viscra's tracks sounded like they would have been right at home with Revilution's if we hadnt have filled up all 35 tracks so fast back then. Good stuff you two :p


The Map 1 track is also the kind of stuff I would have loved back then for Episode 1, good stuff Dragonfly :p


Gonna be listening to the rest of these all night.

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Doing a replay of TNT with this enabled. Gotta shout out Hey There, Moonbeam by @Lippeth and @Cammy for being one of the best midis I've ever heard. It both fits and elevates the map that features it so much. Love it.

Edited by sicatrix66
added credit for the track plus added more reasoning on why i liked it so much

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Hearing some of the midis this noon and they are all pretty cool remixes of the original! Best tracks so far are: 

the one by Gustavo and decino, Presenting Mrs Tier F, D_COUNTD and D_DEAD

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I did indeed play the rest of them for most of the night, generally setting them to repeat quite a few times (15 minutesish for many of them) and the vast majority are real damn good. None of them were 'bad' but one or two were more passive in my mind. I had to laugh at Carribean's midi, silly as it was, as it might actually make the place feel a bit more...whatever theme they were trying to evoke. I've always seen Carribean as 'a Plutonia map on vacation in TNT', like a preview of the second chapter of Final Doom, instead of the vacation thing.


Sadly I already finished TNT again this year, so it'll be difficult to find a good wad to play the soundtrack with that isn't super fresh in my memory. If only TNT Renacence(?) had the second and third episodes finished :p


Looking forward to hearing the final midi for this.

Edited by Devalaous

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TNT might be the inferior part of the Final Doom twins, but paired with this mod, I am willing to give it another shot. Too many talents have gathered here to skip this opportunity.

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Thank you, everyone - I'm so glad to hear the MIDI pack is being enjoyed! :)


I'll keep you all posted on when to expect the final version - with luck, it won't be a long wait at all!

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I didn't grow up with Evilution, and I've never had any attachment to it. You can certainly do a lot worse as Doom WADs go - I had no real problems doing my pilgrimage through it just to say I'd played every IWAD - but it didn't inspire me in the same way that id software's levels and the Casalis' levels did.


Which is ironic, since everything we expect in a polished & professional release is present here. Nowadays we expect some new textures and new songs to make a mapset stand out and feel like its own distinct, unique thing. So while Evilution deserves praise for doing so many things which would be canonized as ideal, I don't actually like any of the art & music they added. So many of the songs had such a loud volume - flatly sustained and causing ear fatigue - that several times I had to IDMUS away in order to save my sanity. On adventure maps as interminably long as these ones, it's important to be able to settle in and get comfy.


I've arrived in the final episode on my current replay with this new soundtrack, and I've enjoyed every second of the new music I've heard. The original midis of course have historical value, but I would recommend this midi pack to anyone who's taking their first journey through TNT's most well-known mapset.


My congratulations to all the members of this project for getting a full 32-map soundtrack replacement completed and released in time for the quarter-century anniversary. It's of uniformly-high quality and really does enhance the WAD it was built for.

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7 hours ago, caikelm said:

Holy shit there's Lee Jackson music in this??? Downloading ASAP

Yeah, he's been fairly active in the community lately. Read these:




This totally isn't trying to get you to download a certain other MIDI pack that I'm leading and Lee Jackson contributed to.

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2 hours ago, northivanastan said:

This totally isn't trying to get you to download a certain other MIDI pack that I'm leading and Lee Jackson contributed to.


The Ultimate MIDI pack is just amazing! Is there anything like that for Doom II? That just replaces the duplicate tracks?

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1 minute ago, caikelm said:

The Ultimate MIDI pack is just amazing! Is there anything like that for Doom II? That just replaces the duplicate tracks?

No. There's Doomkid's .MID the Way id Did, which is a full replacement.

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3 minutes ago, caikelm said:


The Ultimate MIDI pack is just amazing! Is there anything like that for Doom II? That just replaces the duplicate tracks?

There is .MID the Way id Did but that is a full replacement

(Ninja'd, damn)

Edited by northivanastan

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I'll check it out anyway. Thanks!

Btw, is there any chance you could make these tracks available in mp3 format? I would love listening to them on my phone :v

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