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Where are my 90s peeps at?

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And I’ve got the gray hairs to prove it.

I bought Doom 2 on its original retail run in the big box with 5 floppies and a copy of the Ultimate Doom 2 Survival Guide by Ed Dille.


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90's threads always remind me of this classic post from dril



But yes, I've been playing Doom (shareware) since early 1994, got Doom 2 in early 1995, and Ultimate Doom for my Birthday in November of 1995. The shareware was on 3.5" floppies, but Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 were the CD versions.


If you're talking about being around the forums in the late 90's, no, I didn't join until 2001. There's only a few people here that are still around from 98 or 99. Of course Linguica is one of them, and I know of at least one other that has a date of 99, but the name escapes me at the moment. Which is a source of great shame for me.


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23 minutes ago, Jello said:

There's only a few people here that are still around from 98 or 99. Of course Linguica is one of them, and I know of at least one other that has a date of 99, but the name escapes me at the moment. Which is a source of great shame for me.



Played Doom since 2000, so just out of the mark.

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I think I first rented and played SNES Doom around September 95.  Got a computer, Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, and an add-on CD in December 95.   Got on the internet in I think late 97, maybe November, and found Doom Legacy.   My oldest uploads seemed to have been 98.   Registered on this forum in 2000.

Edited by Gokuma

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I was 11 or 12 when Doom came out so yes I was around in the 90's.


I first played Doom on the 32x, admittedly not the best way to enjoy it but I was obsessed with Doom at the time (I collected Pc magazines, despite the fact I didn't own one) and that was the only way I could experience Doom.


Later I played the PSX version and then got a Pc and played it as it was originally designed. The first Wad I played was Memento Mori and it was pure luck that my first dive into Wads was one of the best around at the time.


Sadly, being a 90's kid means I also remember the bad stuff.


I'm not talking about wars or cults. I mean things like troll toys, the furby craze and of course who could forget fire hazard clothing (shell suits). If your style didn't include at least one item of clothing that was laced with highly flammable material then you were apparently ignorant of fashion.


After all, who cares about trivial things like being burned alive by the faintest spark? So long as you looked cool doing it.


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On 5/5/2021 at 10:12 PM, princetontiger said:

Was anyone around here in the late 1990s? 

As @Jello said, there are only a handful of members who joined in the late 90's and are still active. The only ones I can think of are:


Linguica: March 13, 1998

Afterglow: December 13, 1999

Megalyth: December 13, 1999

Capellan: December 15, 1999

NIGHTMARE: December 15, 1999

Zokum: December 16, 1999

Mordeth: December 18, 1999

Boris: December 24, 1999


Others that followed soon after [Currently, this list is limited to December 31, 2000 and earlier]:


Ty Halderman: January 1, 2000 [R.I.P.]

Lüt: January 9, 2000

Doomkid: March 15, 2000

Lutz: April 17, 2000

Gokuma: May 2, 2000

ReX: May 8, 2000

Hellbent: June 2, 2000

Tetzlaff: June 21, 2000

Chris: June 29, 2000

Vorpal: August 13, 2000

Bauul: August 23, 2000

Szymanski: August 23, 2000

Liberation: September 24, 2000

Use: October 12, 2000

Enjay: October 20, 2000

Doom_Dude: December 5, 2000


[Edited on May 10 to add more members that are active. I'll update as people send in more suggestions.]

Edited by ReX
Added information

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3 hours ago, ReX said:

As @Jello said, there are only a handful of members who joined in the late 90's and are still active. The only ones I can think of are:


Linguica: March 13, 1998

Mordeth: December 18, 1999


Others that followed soon after:


Ty Halderman: January 1, 2000 [R.I.P.]

Lüt: January 9, 2000

Lutz: April 17, 2000

Gokuma: May 2, 2000

ReX: May 8, 2000

Chris: June 29, 2000

Enjay: October 20, 2000

Doom_Dude: December 5, 2000


I'm pretty sure I was thinking of Mordeth as being the other 90's member, but I thought there was one more that was still around from time to time.


And Doomkid has been around for quite awhile. March of 2000 apparently.


Then of course there's John Romero, who "joined" on December 10th, 1993.

Edited by Jello

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I'm sorry, I wasn't on this forum back then. When Internet was became a thing and my english was goond enough (1996) I was more into Quake than Doom. I even had an own Quake-homepage :D

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I was just a kid in the 90s but my Doom obsession was in full swing from the first time I ever played.. The early Doom community practically raised me. By 1999 I had built up a decent collection of pwads and by 2001 I was making my own maps and rudimentary graphic modifications.


I was slightly too young to catch that initial Doom wave, but I’m actually glad because the community really started going crazy with the source ports and god-tier mapping quality from 2000 onward, by which time my fate as a lifelong Doomer had already been sealed.. plus being a kid during that early Doom and internet era in general was just so fun and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Being a kid on the modern internet would be overwhelming..


1 hour ago, Murdoch said:

Oops, looks like my original profile is from 2002.




I was definitely lurking since the day the site was created though.

If you ask Linguica nicely, he might be willing to merge your old account’s posts or something. He’s been nice enough to do that for several others including me!

Edited by Doomkid

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I was born 4th December, 1992. I knew about Doom when I was around 6-7 years old cause of my mother and aunt. They used to meet to play Doom on the Sega Saturn, even sometimes my mom (this is what she has told me) went to my aunt's house when she wasn't there only to play Doom until very late.  I loved watching them play it and it got stuck in my head. I didn't get to actually play the game until I was 11 years old on PlayStation and dude, so proud of it. For me it's the best version of DOOM. When I got a little bit of money from what my family gave me for birthday's and stuff I bought my own DOOM game which was DOOM II for GBA since then I've been playing it non stop til I got a PC (very late) and started with sourceport, wads, etc... such an experience! ♡♡


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22 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

If you ask Linguica nicely, he might be willing to merge your old account’s posts or something. He’s been nice enough to do that for several others including me!


Eh, nothing of value was lost.

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9 hours ago, ReX said:

Lüt: January 9, 2000

Lutz: April 17, 2000

Gokuma: May 2, 2000

ReX: May 8, 2000

Chris: June 29, 2000

Enjay: October 20, 2000

Doom_Dude: December 5, 2000 


Pfff, those younglings.

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Off the top of my head some notable people from the late 90s community that are still active (to varying degrees):


Ola Björling (ukiro)
Derek MacDonald (Afterglow)
Nick Baker (NiGHTMARE)
Sverre Kvernmo (Soundblock)
Travers Dunne (traversd)
Graham Burgess (Grazza)
Ed Cripps (Ed)
Boris Iwanski (boris)

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8 hours ago, Jello said:

Doomkid has been around for quite awhile. March of 2000 apparently.

Thanks for the reminder. Added to my list.


2 hours ago, boris said:

Pfff, those younglings.

Thanks for the reminder, Boris. Added to my list.


2 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Don’t forget Zokum and Capellan!

Thanks for the reminder, Doomkid. Added to my list.


1 hour ago, Aurelius said:

Off the top of my head some notable people from the late 90s community that are still active.

Thanks for the recommendations, Aurelius. For now, I'm sticking with active members who registered on or before December 31, 2000. Afterglow, NIGHTMARE, and Boris are all on the list now.

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4 hours ago, Doomkid said:

If you ask Linguica nicely, he might be willing to merge your old account’s posts or something. He’s been nice enough to do that for several others including me!


Yeah Ling did this for me too. I had a long gap between posts (nearly 14 years, which AFAIK might be among the longest on DW) and Ling was kind enough to merge me back into my original profile.


5 minutes ago, Liberation said:

I joined September 24, 2000 and @Bauuljoined before me.


Can confirm Lib and I are old fucks. Still sexy though. 

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Yep... also got the grey hairs. 


Got Ultimate Doom and Doom2 CD ROMs from Late 90s though my original shareware 720k floppies are long gone.

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