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Cries Of Doom is a 5 Episode Doom II PK3 that I've been working on since 2016. In that time it has gone through quite a few changes. It is based on the PS1 Doom, Doom 64 and Doom 3 atmosphere but retaining the classic Doom and Doom II gameplay. Horror focused, but full of run and gun action still. 


The idea was to create a whole new side story. Originally it was called Doom 0, or Doom Zero but in that time another Doom Zero was released and Cries Of Doom did suit my project far better anyway. 


Remember this is a Doom PS1 style Doom mod. This means that despite running on GZDoom, it does still keep solid vanilla aspects in tact; ie, no jumping, crouching looking up or looking down. (I do realise this might be unpopular but I am trying to retain its traditional feel). 


I have some video previews of what to expect. Take a look. I'm currently working on E1M3 since many early levels were taken out. 





E1M2 sampler



Edited by Cacodoomonic
Added official logo

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A bit skeptical about the inclusion of custom monsters to the vanilla bestiary, as there is always the risk that they end up sticking out like a sore thumb (a la Knee Deep In ZDoom) or that they end up overlapping with existing monsters (a la Doom 3). That aside, those two maps look and sound great, so I am looking forward to giving this a shot!

Edited by Rudolph

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10 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

A bit skeptical about the inclusion of custom monsters to the vanilla bestiary, as there is always the risk that they end up sticking out like a sore thumb (a la Knee Deep In ZDoom) or that they end up overlapping with existing monsters (a la Doom 3). That aside, those two maps look and sound great, so I am looking forward to giving this a shot!

i really liked the doom 3 monsters and i wished they would come back especially the maggot and that weird baby thing they were the ones that added the most for me

i could go without the tentacle guy though

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this looks really cool gonna play it when i have a machine that actually runs gzdoom

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8 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

i really liked the doom 3 monsters and i wished they would come back especially the maggot and that weird baby thing they were the ones that added the most for me

i could go without the tentacle guy though

Well, individually, I like them too (except for the Trite and the Tick, fuck those), but a lot of them were indeed very redundant. For example, the Fast/Burning Zombie, the Maggot, the Wraith, the melee Commando, the Trite and the Tick, and the Cherub all essentially served the same gameplay function as the Pinky; the same goes with the ZSec Machinegunner and the Zombie Chaingun Commando.


And then Resurrection of Evil introduced the Forgotten One and the Vulgar, which were just the Lost Soul and the Imp all over again...

Edited by Rudolph

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3 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

Well, individually, I like them too (except for the Trite and the Tick, fuck those), but a lot of them were indeed very redundant. For example, the Fast/Burning Zombie, the Maggot, the Wraith, the melee Commando and the Cherub all essentially served the same function as the Pinky; the same goes with the ZSec Machinegunner and the Zombie Chaingun Commando.


And then Resurrection of Evil introduced the Vulgar, which was essentially the Imp all over again...

thats actually a good point that i never saw being brought up though i think the cherub has a different function since it is hard to hit since its small and it normally comes in groups so they serve more as a distraction then a meat shield like the pinky

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I suppose, but at the end of the day, they are all enemies that behave more or less the same, i.e. rush the player and hit it with a melee attack.


I do not think Doom 3 would have been a worse game for only keeping a couple of them.

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53 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

thats actually a good point that i never saw being brought up though i think the cherub has a different function since it is hard to hit since its small and it normally comes in groups so they serve more as a distraction then a meat shield like the pinky

Actually the main function of the cherub was to force you to change your pants.

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Man, this looks fantastic. I love the grungy, rusting base aesthetic, I'm going for something very close to this in a map I'm working on at the moment.


Lighting really stands out to me. Chiaroscuro! Bags of atmosphere, look forward to playing it.

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PSX + Doom 64. Something new, sounds interesting. Not sure about Doom 3 part here, perhaps it will not fit right, but, anyhow.


@VGCtm, you planning to build megawad, i.e. 32 levels or so? Any custom monsters will be? Using more of Doom 64 sprites might be a thing.

As a good example.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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Hi! Thanks for the awesome feedback! In regards to custom monsters, yes there are a few new ones taken from various places throughout the DOOM universe.


There are DOOM64 demons, which act as King Pinkies. There's the Darkness Imp, which is inspired by Doom 3's imp. There's the Unwilling, which are zombies that are inspired by Doom 3, Doom 4 and Doom Eternal. There's a few new zombiemen. We have a Super Shotgunner, A Blasterguy, and 2 extra chaingunners (one based on Doom 3 with the tentacle arm and one based on the Enforcer from Quake II.) There's a bunch of other new ideas floating about too, so there's lots to look forward too! And in regards to the awesome Cherub, the Cherub IS going to be in thegame. In fact, the Cherub is already made. The code needs a bit of a fix up but it works, and they attack in batches when you get a little further in. It's true, custom doom monsters do tend to clash for the most part which is why I've designed the game as chapters. By doing this, each monster type has its own location - so basically, you will find DoomImps in the techbases.... but you will find Darkness Imps in Hell. And so on. I am trying to balance it the best I can so it doensn't look messy. Another new addition is the Bruiser from Doom 3. It acts like a Mancubus but worse.


Here is a video of me testing out the Cherub.


Edited by VGCtm

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  • 1 year later...



I do realise I haven't updated this thread in a long time, but I have had a lot on my plate this year... worst year ever, in fact. But I wanted to share something to show the project is not dead. 


I'm working on a new E1M2 as of today, since there were a few maps I replaced. I'm a little critical and I'm never happy with my own work, and I changed the engine a bit so the lighting has lost some atmosphere but I'm working on fixing that. Here is a little brief run of a few bits (some of which you may have seen but it's all been changed to some extent).


To balance, tech base themed levels now only contain tech based versions of monsters. IE; If you're in a tech base and you meet a pinky, it will be a DOOM3 pinky. If in a Hell level, it will be a classic pinky. If it's a mixed level, it could be either. And so on. 




Edited by Cacodoomonic
Added vidio and details.

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10 hours ago, Cacodoomonic said:



I do realise I haven't updated this thread in a long time, but I have had a lot on my plate this year... worst year ever, in fact. But I wanted to share something to show the project is not dead. 


I'm working on a new E1M2 as of today, since there were a few maps I replaced. I'm a little critical and I'm never happy with my own work, and I changed the engine a bit so the lighting has lost some atmosphere but I'm working on fixing that. Here is a little brief run of a few bits (some of which you may have seen but it's all been changed to some extent).


To balance, tech base themed levels now only contain tech based versions of monsters. IE; If you're in a tech base and you meet a pinky, it will be a DOOM3 pinky. If in a Hell level, it will be a classic pinky. If it's a mixed level, it could be either. And so on. 





I understand that this is not a comercial project and all the doom modding is derivative of the works of other people anyway, but I'm not a fan of the AI generated "cover". 

Its just a minor complain, dont worry, but I had to say it.

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15 minutes ago, RataUnderground said:

I understand that this is not a comercial project and all the doom modding is derivative of the works of other people anyway, but I'm not a fan of the AI generated "cover". 

Oh, is it? My only issue with it is that Doomguy's helmet makes him look like a Quarian from Mass Effect.

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This project looks very interesting to me, I'm gonna watch how exactly this mod dev story unfolds :)

It gives me impression of Doom 64 and Chasm: The Rift colliding (minus super narrow corridors of the latter). The atmosphere looks great, it gives the proper spook. Music is also reminiscent of Chasm, which also contributes to the atmosphere, and I really appreciate it.

Very excited to see the final release!

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Thanks for all the awesome responses! Don't worry too much about that AI cover art. It's only a placeholder until the final game is complete. The game project now also has an official website which has only just been made so it's still very much under construction, but it might interest people for when it comes to downloading the game and other demos etc. I release for it. 




I've planned on taking elements from all DOOM games to create something that fits well in universe but without causing too much harm to the classic PS1/D64 style. Generally, as someone pointed out, custom monsters and weapons can be a risk as they usually stick out poorly but I've worked on only incorporating the correct sort of look to keep everything looking "right" so to speak. I am looking for ways to make stuff from the newer 3D dooms work in the classic style too, but ... it's a bit of work. Let's see what I can do. 

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