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Some actual speedrunning tips:


1. You can buffer your fire weapon input after switching weapon (including seemingly non auto BFG). You can just hold down your fire button when switching and you'll fire your shot at the first possible frame, so you don't need to click repeatedly.


2. To minimize the problem of switching weapons, you can pre-switch a few frames. For example, if you're going to pick up your new Chaingun, you can switch to your fist a few frames before picking up, and you'll actually pull out the newly acquired Chaingun. Another example, a fight is forcing you to pick up a Berserk, but you're planning to use Plasma Gun for the fight. You can hold something other than Plasma Gun, and press 6 (or whatever you use for PG) while picking up the Berserk. Then, you'll pull out your PG instead of the fist.

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19 hours ago, GarrettChan said:

Some actual speedrunning tips:


1. You can buffer your fire weapon input after switching weapon (including seemingly non auto BFG). You can just hold down your fire button when switching and you'll fire your shot at the first possible frame, so you don't need to click repeatedly.


2. To minimize the problem of switching weapons, you can pre-switch a few frames. For example, if you're going to pick up your new Chaingun, you can switch to your fist a few frames before picking up, and you'll actually pull out the newly acquired Chaingun. Another example, a fight is forcing you to pick up a Berserk, but you're planning to use Plasma Gun for the fight. You can hold something other than Plasma Gun, and press 6 (or whatever you use for PG) while picking up the Berserk. Then, you'll pull out your PG instead of the fist.

thank you for sharing your knowledge, @GarrettChan. really appreciate it :)

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On 5/19/2021 at 3:46 AM, terminator said:

saving it here as reference. double-shooting a cyberdemon with only 1 shot.



Do tom19 map11 and when you've beaten it on normal uv saveless try it again uv fast saveless and when you beat that beat wad attached on normal uv saveless and then on uv fast saveless aswell

Will make you a better bfg user very quickly since you will get a strong connection with your bfg and the tracers

Also helps to use prboom+ healthbars when practicing (don't use this in demos that's TAS) to see what is a good or bad shot by how much health they lose

I have some other ones I've made involving harder two shot scenarios that I practice but these two maps should be enough to make you far better than most at cyber two shots

2 shot 2.zip

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4 hours ago, Outrageous Videos said:

Do tom19 map11 and when you've beaten it on normal uv saveless try it again uv fast saveless and when you beat that beat wad attached on normal uv saveless and then on uv fast saveless aswell

Will make you a better bfg user very quickly since you will get a strong connection with your bfg and the tracers

Also helps to use prboom+ healthbars when practicing (don't use this in demos that's TAS) to see what is a good or bad shot by how much health they lose

I have some other ones I've made involving harder two shot scenarios that I practice but these two maps should be enough to make you far better than most at cyber two shots

2 shot 2.zip

thanks for the awesome suggestion :)

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14 minutes ago, battlescroll said:

never stop running

Never stop dodging*

Use prboom+ colored health and ammo to quickly be able to see how much health, armor, and ammo you have left by just glancing at the colors instead of having to look away and read the numbers.

Make sure you have a route unless it's an easier slaughtermap.

You can kill hordes of 5-10 archviles without taking damage by rushing with the bfg so sometimes it's not about hiding from them and it's just about building up 3-4 bfg shots and running towards them so 4-5 bfg shot tracers hit and instakill all of them, sunlust map32 is great to practice this.

Learn enemy attack patterns and practice dodging them while looking the opposite direction by just using the sounds of their attacks.

Practice harder dodges like going between arachnotron plasma.

It also doesnt hurt to practice platforming as that will improve your movement overall and get you used to using sr50. Sometimes in slaughtermaps when I am getting surrounded say by a horde of 400+ hell nobles I've charged a bfg shot to the edge and done a sr50 there and managed to get out without taking damage before I could get pinned and surely killed. Stuff like sunder and okuplok has mandatory platforming so you will need to get pretty good at it. I recommend frog and toad with saves to practice.

Sunlust is a great introduction for slaughter style movement and weapon usage while still being pretty easy.

I recommend skipping map17 and map23 :)

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