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Doom Iceberg

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I know i made this earlier but I want to try again.

One thing i love watching and reading are iceberg charts. Iceberg charts are teirlist styled charts where the top is full of surface level information and the more lower you get the more obscure and creepy the facts get.
Almost all Doom Icebergs are either all modern doom or just surface level classic doom info. What I want to do is make a Classic Doom focused chart.


heres a template i have made



I hope this makes a cool and varied list.

Edited by Theperson

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I think the sky should the "In order to win the game you must kill me, John Romero" thing. 

Maybe have Mussolini's corpse be like the second or third tier. Eric Harris' doom maps should also probably be there also. 

Idk where the glitched O face should be.


Edit: I found a DOOM iceberg video on youtube HERE


But it doesn't explain much and is alllll over the place, and I don't think is listed properly.

Edited by ZeMystic

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this is my own taste, not trying to sum up everything the community's done




there are definitely maps by pcorf, valkiriforce, jimmy et al that I adore but they are part of huge megawads and I can't remember the slots they're in. when you make a list like this you realize how much stuff needs revisiting


edit: already noticed that I totally forgot heartland and trapped on titan. hundreds of doom touchstones important to me probably aren't here haha

Edited by yakfak

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This one from the Cursed Doom Images thread:




OG post:



Edit: I've been thinking on making a thread explaining everything most things on the iceberg. Should I?

Edited by Wavy

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4 minutes ago, Theperson said:

what i want is more of myths,facts,and other information.

The answer above you might be exactly what you are looking for. 

As a relatively experienced player I too understand some stuff being buried deep into the iceberg.

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Just now, TheNoob_Gamer said:

The answer above you might be exactly what you are looking for. 

As a relatively experienced player I too understand some stuff being buried deep into the iceberg.

I saw yours and  I like it
I forgot to quote the posts i was talking about

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Just now, Theperson said:

I saw yours and  I like it

Not mine at all lol, but I can elaborate on some stuff in the iceberg if you wanted to.

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- Doom guy was a demon all along.

-The second episode it's the limbo.


-The second episode it's the fading memory of Doomguy dying, and then resurrecting in hell.

-The 4 episode it's just a happy ending made in DoomGuy head to revenge Daisy.

-Wolfestein levels are cannon.

-Doom Marine does not have any family or friends. ( :( )

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5 hours ago, Wavy said:

This one from the Cursed Doom Images thread:




Erm, Akshully, those hanging corpses are not Mussolini (the most likely explanation I've seen is that they are grainy photos of a GI Joe who was used as a model) and Map21 is not a reference to Cobain's suicide, so sayeth Sandy himself :^)

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4 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Map21 is not a reference to Cobain's suicide, so sayeth Sandy himself :^)

I mean, should we trust his word? He did call Doom a "1 and a half D" game in his Doom 2  MAP16 house tour video ;)

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Here is another high tier DOOM iceberg I found for your extra resources.

doom iceberg.JPG

Edited by IrOn7HuB

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On 5/16/2021 at 2:09 AM, Gez said:

There's this old one, I don't remember who made it:




For what it's worth, I made this for doom_txt several years ago.

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10 hours ago, Linguica said:


For what it's worth, I made this for doom_txt several years ago.

damn, is urania really as hard as 20x6? i thought it was plutonia-esque


8 hours ago, TimeOfDeath666 said:

Very proud to be at the bottom of the iceberg.

congrats for making things accessible to only the deepest recesses of society!! (not sarcasm, srsly, your stuff is great)

Edited by roadworx

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  • 1 month later...

My first Doom iceberg (Don't be angry for Zalgo font, guys and don't kill me please...)



Edited by HavikVile

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20 hours ago, HavikVile said:

My first Doom iceberg (Don't be angry for Zalgo font, guys and don't kill me please...)

what's wrong with abyssal speedmapping ):

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On 5/16/2021 at 7:19 PM, Doomkid said:

Erm, Akshully, those hanging corpses are not Mussolini (the most likely explanation I've seen is that they are grainy photos of a GI Joe who was used as a model)

I don't think anything in that thread really proves this. In fact, "Mussolini legs + Petacci upper torso" seems more plausible to me.

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Nope, that's why I said it was the "most likely explanation" rather than "proof"


On 2/16/2019 at 9:11 AM, Gez said:

Here's one thing to support this idea, but it's a bit weak:

; Bloody, twitching G.I.Joe

This is from multigen.txt, included in the Doom utilities released by id Software.


GOR1A - GOR1C are the sprites seen on the far right of this screenshot:





I have to wonder why multigen.txt refers to them as G.I.Joes, and why they have the exact grainy/messy quality that you'd get from taking a photo of a G.I.Joe and scaling it way down using 90s software. Seems like too many pieces of evidence lining up to not be the explanation to me personally.


G.I.Joe figures from 30+ years ago often have brownish-greenish-whitish camoflauge and came with jackets that you could put on them. I think it's no stretch what we're seeing in those sprites is grainy, downscaled camouflage pants:





It's definitely not out of the question that the G.I.Joes were laid out in poses inspired by the Mussolini hangings, but as for the sprite work specifically, my money is on G.I.Joes, all evidence considered.


Just for the sake of expanding on this, I want to clarify that I disagree with Marphy's initial assertion here:

On 2/15/2019 at 3:36 PM, Revenant100 said:

It is more likely that these hanging corpses in Doom were hand drawn by either Adrian or Kevin. This is supported by the fact that we actually have the early version of one of these sprites courtesy of the Jaguar port, among several other less refined patches.




I'm not convinced that these are early versions of the sprites. Everything about them suggests the grainy photo-like sprite is the original, and the one that made its way into Jag Doom was a not-quite-finished attempt to bring it in line with all of the other gore sprites found in Doom. Gez's post demonstrates the differences really well:


On 2/16/2019 at 12:50 AM, Gez said:

The similarities in the legs can be better explained if the Jaguar version was a half-finished attempt at drawing an actual sprite while the PC version is just the digitized photo edit.


It's important to keep in mind that these graphics look nothing at all like the rest of the gore in the game. Notably, they don't look like  the impaled guy (which is clearly based on a player/zombie sprite), like the tortured baron in the SP_ series, like the skulls on pikes, or like the added Doom II gore. Here's a montage.




There are things that fit together graphically quite well. And others that don't. You'll notice that Jaguar does have a few unchanged PC textures/sprites, like the leg or the guy hung by the neck on the marble wall.


and fraggle seems to agree with the specific point that the grainy sprites with messier pixels and orangish color resemble those that went through the NeXT camera:

On 2/16/2019 at 3:07 AM, fraggle said:

They definitely seem to come from a photographic source - Gez's montage is good for showing them in context. The coloring and the sharpness of contrast are characteristic of other stuff that went through the NeXT camera.


With all this in mind, I think the G.I.Joe photos were just meant to be placeholders and get cleaned up afterward, but they were just considered "good enough" and shipped out that way. Just wanted to expand a bit on this, since it's a point of contention. As for the Mussolini inspiration, It would be cool if Romero could check this out and give a definitive answer, if he hasn't already at some point

Edited by Doomkid

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no cap, someone going through one of these iceburgs in a video would be interesting. Since I'm currently unable to work on the In Spain Only Video, I could do this since it's easier, all I gotta do is start scrounging the Doom Wiki and record my voice, which is much easier than recording w/ OBS for me atm

Edited by forgettablepyromaniac

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  • 2 months later...

Little bump here, but it’s part of the hypothetical Doom Iceberg! The Mussolini rumour prompted me to make this little vid:



I think the case is pretty darn strong.. but if someone can prove me wrong I welcome it!

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

The Mussolini rumour

yay, it is still circulating around? i thought that it is well-known and established fact that hanging "corpses" are G.I.Joe figures. at least i knew that for… dunno know for how long, and always thought that trying to refer to some "real photos" as the sources is just a pathetic clickbait attempt.

Edited by ketmar

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