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Welcome to Doomworld! For a community about games where you play as a perpetually angry demon-slayer, Doomworld is one of the calmest places I've been on the Internet honestly. Just a bunch of cool people sharing the joy of Doom.

Edited by northivanastan

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9 minutes ago, northivanastan said:

Welcome to Doomworld! For a community about games where you play as a perpetually angry demon-slayer, Doomworld is one of the calmest places I've been on the Internet honestly. Just a bunch of cool people sharing the joy of Doom.

Definitely! It's like bible camp haha


Also, I should say, DOOM's never felt more amazing with modern source ports and the steady flow of excellent megawads :)

Edited by nobleflame

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9 minutes ago, Chris Hansen said:

It’s because many of us are old farts that’s been online since before there were trolls and stupid memes and we were raised by an Internet that actually just wanted to bring people closer to share their mutual interests. Sure we can be idiots sometimes but for me personally.... well, like they said in that old movie “I’m too old for this shit”.

Yep, completely agree. 


Do you reckon I'd be a good idea to do a collective tiktok? We could post it on Reddit?

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1 hour ago, Chris Hansen said:

(talking about being an old fart from the old internet)

1 hour ago, nobleflame said:

tiktok? Reddit?


10/10 humor right here!

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1 hour ago, nobleflame said:

Do you reckon I'd be a good idea to do a collective tiktok? We could post it on Reddit?


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2 hours ago, nobleflame said:

tikt*** bzzzzt... Reddi*** bzzzt

You're breaking up. Would you fine tune the signal on your CB Radio, please? Use the big dial that says: "Tune".



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2 hours ago, nobleflame said:

Do you reckon I'd be a good idea to do a collective tiktok? We could post it on Reddit?

For a more serious answer, at least in my point of view:

  • Tiktok wouldn't pair well for a gaming forum. It focuses too much on trendy things and is generally unsuitable for old games (and to an extent older human generations), especially Doom. 
  • Many people around here have an anti-Reddit mentality. It's usually not a good place to discuss Doom stuff, due to the nature of the site (the Doom subreddit specifically) focusing too much on memes and imagery, lacking room for discussions.
Edited by TheNoob_Gamer

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10 minutes ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:


  • Many people around here have an anti-Reddit mentality. It's usually not a good place to discuss Doom stuff, due to the nature of the site (the Doom subreddit specifically) focusing too much on memes and imagery, lacking room for discussions.

R/Doom is a graveyard of stupidity and horrible memes.

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26 minutes ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:
  • Many people around here have an anti-Reddit mentality. It's usually not a good place to discuss Doom stuff, due to the nature of the site (the Doom subreddit specifically) focusing too much on memes and imagery, lacking room for discussions.


Yep. And a lot of folks over there get way into the lore of modern DOOM. Don't get me wrong, I love the new games unashamedly, but I can't be arsed with the slayer, mystic space angels or any attempt to connect the series to the silly (and utterly terrible) comics of the 1990s.


I'm just here to shoot things.

Edited by nobleflame

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Just now, nobleflame said:

Hey, one quick question - what's the difference between the power up likes on these forums? 


They all literally mean the same thing. "Like"


It just makes it so there has to be an extra click to like someone's post.


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5 minutes ago, nobleflame said:

what's the difference between the power up likes on these forums?

they are differently colored.

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hi!! welcome to the doomworld forums :))


this is one of the more welcoming gaming communities out there, and one of the most diverse as well. we range from little babbos who came into the scene decades after it was first released to old geezers who'll tell you about the time jfk personally beat them up and stole their lunch money in high school



Edited by roadworx

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16 minutes ago, Diabolución said:

No difference at all, as far as I am concerned.

You mean you don't get all those powerup orbs I shower on your (much deserving) posts?! :c

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Happy Sunday everyone! 


Now, once finished with Eviternity Map30, I'm off to watch some Decino while I cook dinner for the wife :)

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3 minutes ago, nobleflame said:

Happy Sunday everyone! 


Now, once finished with Eviternity Map30, I'm off to watch some Decino while I cook dinner for the wife :)

Cook some ripped and torn baron meat while you're at it. ;)

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3 hours ago, nobleflame said:

Hey, one quick question - what's the difference between the power up likes on these forums? 

They have no intrinsic difference, only what you make of them. I have my own little system in my head for which one I use, but beyond that, there's no difference.


And welcome to Doomworld. I will agree that it's extremely laid back in general. We're all here because we love Doom, so unlike other, less focused forums, we all share a common interest; and the mod staff are pretty good at keeping things civil as well. I think having a more focused forum really helps. Sometimes issues arise, but they get sorted out.


And has been pointed out, there are a lot of old farts here who just don't like dealing with drama. There's a lot of younger members as well, but they pretty much act like adults who don't care for BS. Whether they've learned by example, or like myself when I was younger, they just don't care for drama.


Number one rule of Doomworld: Don't be a dick.


Rule number two: See rule number one.


And yeah, don't spam, don't post links to warez. Should be fine.


Again, welcome aboard!

Edited by Jello

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14 minutes ago, Jello said:

They have no intrinsic difference, only what you make of them.

Thanks, mate. I’ve given you a soul sphere :)

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4 hours ago, nobleflame said:

Hey, one quick question - what's the difference between the power up likes on these forums? 


No difference unless you make one up like others have mentioned.


My system is simply based on a like/humour rating. Soul Sphere, Invulnerability and Mega Sphere in that order. Mega Sphere is reserved for something I really like or find hilarious. A 10/10 rating. You could just use the Soul Sphere if you like, completely up to you as there is no rule here. They're just different icons after all.


Anyway, welcome to the club. Have fun and enjoy the banter.


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Yup, Soulsphere if I just genuinely like your post. Invulnerability sphere if what you posted is the absolute truth and cannot be disputed. Megasphere if I absolutely love your post and/or it made me laugh my ass off, or it was a really adorable animal picture.


Hardly ever use the invisibility sphere. I hate that power up and I think it's more of an insult to give it to someone as opposed to being a compliment.


But again, that's just my thought process. It doesn't technically matter.

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4 minutes ago, Jello said:

Hardly ever use the invisibility sphere. I hate that power up and I think it's more of an insult to give it to someone as opposed to being a compliment. 

I use it to mean "I've seen this post but don't really have anything to reply to it" in conversations that involve me.

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