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Doom 3 models vs Dead or Alive 3 models


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Well, it depends. Doom3 is trying to do uniform shadowing and lighting for everything, so the polycount has to be kept low. DOA3 doesn't have that goal, so they can push the polycount up for rounder surfaces.

I like both games approach. Doom3 gets a lot of detail that you can't get with pure-geometry approaches on todays cards, such as viens and dimples and things. But DOA3 has much finer realized surfaces, so that what detail there is rendered with polish.

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How about a link so that I can see those models? I'm not in the mood to go out and search for a game just because someone thinks the game's models are as good/better than Doom 3's.

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BigBadGangsta said:

DOA is just a fighting game with tits.

not even a very good fighting game at that. Now stop starting these dumbassed comparison threads. Try comparing Doom3 models to another FIRST PERSON SHOOTER, not some other goddamned game entirely.
Like EsH said the models in a fighting game are going to be very high polycount cause the engine doesn't have to draw shit. Just disproportionate legs and floppy tits.

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Use3D said:

not even a very good fighting game at that. Now stop starting these dumbassed comparison threads. Try comparing Doom3 models to another FIRST PERSON SHOOTER, not some other goddamned game entirely.
Like EsH said the models in a fighting game are going to be very high polycount cause the engine doesn't have to draw shit. Just disproportionate legs and floppy tits.

I'm not talking about the gameplay moron, I'm talking about the models. In that case, YES comparing the two based on their technical qualities makes sense despite the different genres.

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Lengis said:

I'm not talking about the gameplay moron, I'm talking about the models. In that case, YES comparing the two based on their technical qualities makes sense despite the different genres.

Hey hey hey, calm down, no need to get with the name calling.

/me points to title

For those of you who cannot understand it, it says "I will punish you".

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Heh. IMO Dead or alive was the best fighting game every made, but I still only played it for a few days.

And they still don’t compare. And yes, Dead or alive being fighting game and doom 3 being a FPS dose make a difference even if your only comparing the graphics:
In fighting games you only need to render around 2 fighters (sometimes 4) on screen at once so you can go nuts with the detail on each model.
However in a FPS, you have lots of monsters on screen at once as well as an interactive environment (you cam move freely around it) so to keep performance up, the models need to be easy on the polygons (compared to a fighting games).

so fighting games will always look better.

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Lengis said:

I'm not talking about the gameplay moron, I'm talking about the models. In that case, YES comparing the two based on their technical qualities makes sense despite the different genres.

I'm not talking about gameplay either Einstien, I'm talking about the fact that a fighting game engine doesn't have to do nearly the amount of work a first person shooter engine has to deal with. So comparing the two in any sense is dumb, because the fighting games will always win in the model department. Now does DOA3 have better models than MKV? yes, sure it does.

EDIT: Soul Calibur ruins DOA3 as a fighting game btw.

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Ct_red_pants said:

so fighting games will always look better.

Correction. Fighting games will always have more polygons per character. DOA3 looks like shit compared to Doom3, IMO.

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Most fighting games are dull because they have little variation. Fighting game styles :

hand to hand only
hand to hand with weapons too
hand to hand with magic
hand to hand with magic and weapons

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God dammit, I'm like soo tempted to just lock this thread up with heavy chains and large steel seals.

Firstly, it's another stupid comparison thread (something I already dislike because basically all it serves to do is to show that "OMFG, THIS GAME LOOKS BETTER THAN DOOM 3!!! DOOM 3 IS NOT SO GREAT AFTER ALL!!" which in a way kinda spoils people's anticipation - at least mine).

Be that as it may, but this thread compares DOOM 3 to a wholly different genre, which is also pretty damn stupid, because if another genre has better graphics then it doesn't impress me at all, unless it's a game where having high detail model is very complicated and very demanding. I don't give a shit about the models themselves because Unreal 2 has already better models than Doom 3 polycount wise afaik, but Doom 3 just looks tons better because of the special technigue of using two models for one character.

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I fully agree with DSM.. i am getting pretty tired of these stupid n00b threads comparing 2 diffrent games @ graphix

in doom3 the goal is to put polygon amounth on second place.. because they can archieve a way more detailed look because of the carmack magic :) then would be possible for a fps now with poly's

In dod you dont have detailed levels.. just a boring arena that swallows almost no poly's at all, so they can cram thier fighting models full with poly's.. so they look great..

I think they should forbid comparison threads @ doomworld.. it only leads to stupid arguments between members.

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I think they should forbid comparison threads @ doomworld.. it only leads to stupid arguments between members.

/Me cries with joy and hugs HAMMER-STROKE

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dsm said:

Firstly, it's another stupid comparison thread (something I already dislike because basically all it serves to do is to show that "OMFG, THIS GAME LOOKS BETTER THAN DOOM 3!!! DOOM 3 IS NOT SO GREAT AFTER ALL!!" which in a way kinda spoils people's anticipation - at least mine).

Look again. NO ONE said anything like that. If anything, you're the one who is ranting.

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Oh and don’t get me started on dead or alive volley ball!!

Dead or alive Volley ball... is... is nothing but a shallow... shallow marketing ploy... honestly, do they think that we are so pathetic that we are going just buy it for CG women... err...

/me grabs a tissue box and disappears into the bathroom

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Lengis said:

Look again. NO ONE said anything like that. If anything, you're the one who is ranting.

Nobody said that, but that's the impression it gives on people, I can tell, judging by people's general reactins: Some people begin to viciously defend the game which is being compared, others begin to speak against it - tempers rise and people become increasingly hostile. Before you know it, you have a full-scale flamewar - that doesn't always happen, but I'd say that in 75% of these comparison threads, something like that happens. Maybe that's even an understatement. I just know that whenever I see such a thread, it often takes little more than a day before we have flamewar-like conditions.

These threads just start st00pid arguments, kinda like this one, that we're all better off without.

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Blasphemy! You are sentenced to sit in a Volkswagen bug for 10 hours with three bean eating sumo wrestlers.

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DOA3 wont have the awesome lighting system doom will have so the whole thing is moot even if the polycounts are higher imo.

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Thread closed on account of extreme stupidity (no, not you, Wobbo - your valiant attempt to get the thread back on track is appreciated but it just wasn't enough to save this thread from the incredible idiocy of itself).

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