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Opinions on 70's rock bands

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what are your opinions on KISS and their hit songs like i was made for loving you and i wanna rock and roll all night?. personally their my favorite band but what about you?

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I like "Rock and Roll All Nite".


Their face paint is cool.


That's it, really, I've never really gone out of my way to listen to their other stuff. Oh and Simmons is a jackass.

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I really don't care for them. I think Marn summed it up pretty well, they are Rock 'N Roll lite, they are the Diet Coke of Rock music. They tried to put on this bad boy image, and even created the Kiss Army, but their music is so tame it really just doesn't fit with the image they tried to create around themselves. You look at their outfits and they way they present themselves, you think they would have some edge, but really they're just safety scissors. Now the (early) Misfits, they did it right. Hell, Motörhead was around at the same time as well. And GWAR took the whole shtick up to eleven.


My Mom really liked them when I was younger, so that's why I've listened to them. Had to in the car. But I don't think she's listened to them in over twenty years at least. Not to say she has bad taste in music, I love Pink Floyd, Creedence, and Tom Petty. Even Meatloaf has some good songs. But Kiss, I never quite understood that one.

Edited by Jello

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They're.... Okay, I guess, but there's just so many better Rock bands out there.



One thing I never got was that they put on this huge epic outfits, and put on these crazy live shows, but they make some of the most tame Rock music I've ever heard.



Oh, and Gene Simmons is the very definition of "asshole celebrity".

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KISS is fun! I like:


Rock and Roll All Nite

Detroit Rock City

God of Thunder


I Was Made for Lovin’ You


I also like their 1970s shows and style.


Never cared too much for the persons behind the makeup, so I haven't really noticed that Gene Simmons is unpopular.

Edited by Tetzlaff

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There's a few songs I like by them like God of Thunder, War Machine, I Love it Loud, etc. I'm merely a KISS greatest hits fan at best. I'm a KISS casual.

FWIW, I did actually see them live a couple years back, and had a good time.

They may be one of the most commercialized rock bands out there (I'll never get over those KISS air guitar strings), but I'll be damned if they don't put on good shows.

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  On 5/17/2021 at 8:30 PM, Revved said:

There's a few songs I like by them like God of Thunder, War Machine, I Love it Loud, etc. I'm merely a KISS greatest hits fan at best. I'm a KISS casual.

FWIW, I did actually see them live a couple years back, and had a good time.

They may be one of the most commercialized rock bands out there (I'll never get over those KISS air guitar strings), but I'll be damned if they don't put on good shows.


How was the show exactly?

Not a big fan of their music, but I've heard they put on amazing live shows, so that might be worth seeing.

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They came out when I was in my later years of high school. My sister was in elementary/junior high. She went apeshit over them. Me, I couldn't stand them, but then again I spent my time listening to Maynard Ferguson, Dave Brubeck, Gustav Mahler, Stravinsky, Hindemith, Tchaikovsky, Queen, Pink Floyd, and the list goes on and on. I was a teenage musical weirdo.

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So I was inspired by BMFG's "Opinions on the band KISS?" thread, and that made me wonder, what does Doomworld think of AC/DC?

Personally, I like them, they're not my favorite band but I like them, and their members don't seem like rich egotistic assholes. 



My only real complaint is that alot of their music kinda feels same-y, as in they all follow the structure of start with basic Rock riff, then Brian Johnson does his Donald Duck vocals, then Angus does a guitar solo, then the song fades out.



But what're your all's opinions?

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I think that probably they represent that quality of rock and roll that people typically associate with it. I liked their stuff and turn it up when I hear it on the radio sometimes. And its an a$$hole disc jockey selling you something you don't want, right?


I never got to play Psycho Circus yet, but I think it would be fun. The live show would have been pretty cool, but hey, let's be honest, them and Metallica are pretty old farts. So, essentially what I am saying is that I probably missed one of the best rock shows ever. Thanks for letting the wind out of my sails.



  On 5/17/2021 at 8:19 PM, Jello said:

.....they are the Diet Coke of Rock music.....

Hell, Motörhead was around at the same time as well. 


My friend once said something to me about Motörhead that was pretty true, and that is "Motörhead is for people who know they are going to die". I was "ferociously stoned" at the time (and favor Motörhead) and concur: Don't forget to mix barbituates with your beer and snort a big fat coke line, pal. Sober up, druggy.



Thumbs Up.




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I wouldn't go as far as to say that I dislike them as much as I do KISS, but I've never enjoyed them at all. Hard rock music for squares. Sorry. 

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man i love their stuff especially highway to hell


maybe its because i watched so much supernatural growing up one of my favorite series


yea i may be square but squares can be cool too dont you guys like pixel art?

Edited by omalefico32x

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Edit: Well, since the threads were merged, I should clarify that I'm talking about AC/DC in this post:


They're okay. My Dad loves them, and I can certainly listen to them. But they're just more stadium/anthem rock, but they seem far more down to Earth than Kiss, and they can make some pretty decent music. It's not complex, but I would say it rocks.


I've always had kind of a weird taste in music, so I may not be the best judge. Back in high school my friends would ask me "Don't you listen to anything normal?".


"No... because normal music is boring."


And I've noticed that around Doomworld at least, there are plenty of people with far more eclectic musical tastes than myself. Which is nice to see.

Edited by Jello

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AC/DC are the very definition of a one trick pony. But it's a pretty good trick. Don't hate them, don't love them. I have a couple of their songs on my various playlists here and there but would not go out of the way to listen to an album.


But if I hear "Highway to Hell" one more time and there's some kind of sharp and/or heavy tool nearby, it may end badly for the equipment doing the playing.


EDIT: Apparently we are talking about KISS now. I personally find them repetitive and generally very overrated though they do come up with the occasional good groove or riff. "Rock and Roll All Night" or whatever it is for example, I like the rhythm guitar in the verse but it's quickly spoiled by a bland repetitive chorus that just keeps going. And going. And going some more. And now it's just the drums but dear sweet Lord it's still going... and going... Simmons is an asshat, and yeah the look I just find silly. The idea of anyone finding these guys threatening is deeply funny to me. 

Edited by Murdoch

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They're okay, they're also before my time in a lot of ways, so I'm more used to garbage hair metal that was popular throughout the eighties, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that thunderstruck doesn't get me hyped.

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  On 5/17/2021 at 8:55 PM, Billy Baron said:

I think that probably they represent that quality of rock and roll that people typically associate with it. I liked their stuff and turn it up when I hear it on the radio sometimes. And its an a$$hole disc jockey selling you something you don't want, right?


I never got to play Psycho Circus yet, but I think it would be fun. The live show would have been pretty cool, but hey, let's be honest, them and Metallica are pretty old farts. So, essentially what I am saying is that I probably missed one of the best rock shows ever. Thanks for letting the wind out of my sails.



My friend once said something to me about Motörhead that was pretty true, and that is "Motörhead is for people who know they are going to die". I was "ferociously stoned" at the time (and favor Motörhead) and concur: Don't forget to mix barbituates with your beer and snort a big fat coke line, pal. Sober up, druggy.



Thumbs Up.





I'm really amazed that Lemmy made it to 70 with the way he lived. I like Motörhead, I enjoy their music. It's especially good when you're on a long drive and you need something to keep you awake. But yeah, the meth/coke lifestyle isn't for me. I've seen too many people that I've cared about go down that road, never even tried them, because I saw what it turns people in to. In one case, meth literally turned a close friend in to a corpse. Meth psychosis plus a handgun never turns out well. Still miss her, 15 years later. So yeah kids, never do meth.


Oh, and Psycho Circus is actually pretty crap. I've tried playing it multiple times over the years, and it's just... terrible. Maybe there's something salvageable in it at some point, but I've never been able to find it. It's the quintessential bad 3D game that should've been released in 1997 or 1998, and then overshadowed by Quake 2 and Half-Life and forgotten about. But it might've stood a chance. Instead it was released in 2000, and it was horrible. 

Edited by Jello

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