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humiliating the spider master mind.

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a few months ago I made a form asking what is the best way to kill a cyberdemon with out using alot of ammo and it kinda blew up. now im asking the same question again but for the spider demon. so how do I kill the spider mastermind without using alot of ammo? 



Edited by battlescroll

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Infighting. The spider mastermind is so big that it will be easily trapped by other enemies and eventually killed if there are more than just a few enemies. Other than that I’d use the plasma gun or BFG to kill it depending on which you have at any point in time.

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The mastermind gets stuck very easily. This happens naturally a lot, but you can make it more reliable by firing a shot at the mastermind so that it targets you for a while. 



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1) Aim crosshair at Spider Mastermind

2) Drop down console

3) Type mdk

4) Press Enter

5) Close console

6) ???

7) Profit!








...Oh, wait, you're talking about legit ways.


Infighting is possible, but only against a Cyberdemon. It will generally kill anything less well before it dies.


Player arsenal-wise, BFG is obviously the go-to. Brain it three times and you're a hero. Twice if you're close and lucky.

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A large group of Cacodemons will annihilate a mastermind in no time.

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Use a lot of ammo on it. The only time you need to kill it in the main game (which according to your last thread was the only time you would kill the bosses, in the main games) is at the end of Episode 3 and 4, and maybe if I remember correctly, in a few maps of DOOM 2 (though they are often killed with infighting in that one). In the last levels of episodes 3 and 4, ammo shouldn't be a concern, since you won't have any when you start the next episode (and episode 4 is the last episode). So, just unload a bunch of bullets in the spider demon until it dies. I remember in E4M8, I just took out my BFG and shot that whole map up. 

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6 minutes ago, Chip said:

Use a lot of ammo on it.

An invalid tactic. 40-120 cells, and more imporantly, infighting has proven to be superior, as spiderdemons are a tough spot for mappers. Chaingunners fill most of their niches perfectly.

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Depends on the situation really. I like to think I've gotten a lot better with dealing with the SM than I have with other monsters. I generally rely on infighting to get rid of it or if that's not possible, I try and use infighting in combination with the SSG.


If I have cover though, I will peek-a-boo shoot it to death. I pop, out, shoot it with the Plasma Rifle or the SSG (If BFG is not something that I have at the moment or if I have an abundance of ammo and less health), I keep a very close eye on it to see when it goes into the sprite right before attacking and then I hop back behind cover. Rinse and repeat until it dies. 

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let them exist, the other demons will get sick of its shit and kill it for you


if there's no monsters around to do that then 2-shot it with a bfg

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Three options, all in order of preference:


A. Infight.  Let them kill things for you.  They die very easy to groups of pinkies.  Honestly, they die pretty easy to groups of anything.

B. Rush with BFG with 1-2 shots.  Use this if you need to take one out quickly and infighting is not an option.

C. Peekaboo with SSG.  Most time consuming option.  But also very safe if there is nearby cover and no other monsters to deal with.

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