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Settle this once and for all - Spider Mastermind's gender

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It was to my understanding that female spiders are typically the biggest of the species, now given that the Spider Mastermind is bigger than the Arachnotron I would therefore assume that it is indeed female.


Also the manual said so it be that.

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I've always thought of it as a she because of my first language, so its just an automatic grammatical gender assigning thing, but the actual gender of the demons was never really a thing i thought much about

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The Spider Mastermind is in my opinion a female. It is clearly referred to as a female in the manual. In nature female spiders are generally bigger and live longer than male spiders. Male spiders are sometimes eaten by female spiders when trying to mate or after mating. Female spiders just seem more evil and ruthless by human standards.

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The only spider part of the spider demon is its mechanical walker, and even then it only has four legs, not eight, so it's not even a good imitation of a spider. Also it doesn't have chelicera or eight eyes, and it entirely lacks a cephalothorax+abdomen body configuration.


Also if you start to think of demons as being male and female, then you end up considering them to be just animal creatures, who are born as babies, are nurtured by their parents so that they can grow up to adulthood, go through courtship rituals to form their own families, etc. and all that rot stops making them demons. They're just people from another planet. And once they're just people it sucks the originality of the setting.


It's also why I don't care for the NuDoom lore about how demons are really just the people of Planet Jerkwad that their leader Dave mutated in an attempt at making them immortal.

Edited by Gez

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  On 5/19/2021 at 7:05 AM, Chezza said:

I'm glad we're still asking the important questions in Doomworld.


Female for sure, cemented by the evidence presented by Doomkid. I also believe the classic Doom spider mastermind is an Alien so gender may not necessarily meet human expectations.


Compare to a Gonarch from Half Life, what gender is that? Facebook might have the right one.



A guy. No way you're not telling me that's not a ballbag.


I mean... gonad, Gonarch.


Its right fuckin' there, man!

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I saw a couple things I want to touch on.


"This topic is stupid". I know it's absolutely meaningless, and this isn't a problem, rather because it is has no significance was the reason I wanted to start a conversation about it.


"It has to be female as big spiders are female". Not all species of spiders have bigger female than male specimens and besides, as someone pointed out, they are probably not spiders. It is literally a brain on mechanical legs. Just because it's called a spider it does not make it one.


~something about their organs. I dunno man, I didn't see any, and even on Earth there are species with hermaprodites (like snails). Or there are jellyfish, which changes their appereance throughout its lifecycle... So this is not that clear cut.


"Do I believe Cyber daddy and Spider mommy could be a couple?" Well, yes. Obviously not at the time of the game as they fight to the death in Map20 like exes... But with enough imagination and we don't confine ourselves to the human world...

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  On 5/19/2021 at 10:51 AM, Dark Pulse said:

A guy. No way you're not telling me that's not a ballbag.


I mean... gonad, Gonarch.


Its right fuckin' there, man!


Is it obvious? That "ballsack" carries living babies like a womb. Its name is mixed between Gonads and Matriarch = Gonarch.

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  On 5/19/2021 at 9:32 AM, Mayomancer said:

I've always thought of it as a she because of my first language, so its just an automatic grammatical gender assigning thing, but the actual gender of the demons was never really a thing i thought much about


Funnily enough, spider is grammatically a male in my language, which is probably the reason I always call him a male.


If I went strictly by the rules of my language, then the only female in the roster would be the Spectre :P. And possibly the Lost Soul, although that is questionable because of the name being 2 words. Soul alone would be female but Lost Soul is a he to me.

Edited by idbeholdME

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  On 5/19/2021 at 7:58 AM, Doomkid said:

I noticed quite a number of people saying that demons don’t have reproductive organs, but I’m willing to bet not a single one of those people has done an autopsy on demon corpses, so take their opinions with a grain of salt! The fact is, we have no idea how many nor what kind of organs are being stowed in the Mastermind’s giant metal body.. Not to mention you can literally see imp cooter when they fall to the ground.


Hey, Doomguy does autopsies to demons the hard way...


@idbeholdMEIn my language (spanish), "spider" is grammatically referred as female.

Edited by leodoom85

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I always considered the Spider Mastermind to be female because it says as much in the old manuals.


  On 5/19/2021 at 1:09 PM, Dark Pulse said:

And yet it looks like Krang.



It  also looks like the overlord from Invaders From Mars (1986 version). 


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  On 5/19/2021 at 12:00 PM, Csucskos said:

"Do I believe Cyber daddy and Spider mommy could be a couple?" Well, yes. Obviously not at the time of the game as they fight to the death in Map20 like exes...


that's how divorce proceedings looks in hell.

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The Spider Mastermind is a genderless construct, but if asked will prefer the neopronouns evil/evis, because evil is very evil.

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  On 5/19/2021 at 1:29 PM, ketmar said:

that's how divorce proceedings looks in hell.


That's how they know who keeps the children though.

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