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RAMP - Rabbit's All-Comers Mapping project [DONE!!]

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3 hours ago, DavidN said:

Great :)


@CBM I think I've got pretty much all your textures included now. Does MAP98 Wet Dreams... work? I can't make head or tail of it

it should work.

after finding all the keys then the exit will be reached after the waterlevel is high enough to swim up to it. But I can test it out today and see if I can complete it. I have been experimenting with the exits on some of the levels but they have always worked when I tested the levels

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3 hours ago, DavidN said:

Great :)


@CBM I think I've got pretty much all your textures included now. Does MAP98 Wet Dreams... work? I can't make head or tail of it

Just tested out wet dreams and it seems the water level in the main chamber does no longer work with the latest version of GZDoom so I will need to fix that part of the level scripting so it can work in version 4.6.0. I will let you know when it is working again. Remember that I tested this level with an earlier version of GZDoom. I hope to find time to fix the levels scripting later today and then I will test again and make sure I can complete the level.

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@CBM Okay, thanks! If you could run through all your levels to verify them that would be great - I couldn’t get anywhere on Airships either and the apparent exit portal didn’t work…

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8 minutes ago, DavidN said:

@CBM Okay, thanks! If you could run through all your levels to verify them that would be great - I couldn’t get anywhere on Airships either and the apparent exit portal didn’t work…

on the airship level you need to kill enough monsters for the cyberdemon to appear and then HE must be lured to the exit... the player is unable to exit the level on his own (maybe I will add some messages to the player to make sure they know how to exit the levels)... this is part of my experimental exit solutions found on some of the maps but I will test out all my levels to verify that they can be completed in version 4.6.0.


Afterall there could be scripting that has been broken by v.4.6.0 in my other maps as well. I will let you know as level scripts are fixed and levels are verified.


You should have plenty of maps to test in the meantime... LOL :-)


I am amazed that my prediction of this ending as a 200 map project ended up becoming true. Congratulations :-)

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13 minutes ago, CBM said:

on the airship level you need to kill enough monsters for the cyberdemon to appear and then HE must be lured to the exit

Doesn't it kinda wreck the whole reward/acknowledgement of 100King maps if it's physically impossible to do so?

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1 hour ago, Dazel said:

Doesn't it kinda wreck the whole reward/acknowledgement of 100King maps if it's physically impossible to do so?

it shouldnt be impossible, but the player will need to dodge a few rockets before the cyberdemon can be lured in to crossing the exit line tag... I did manage to get the cyberdemon to cross myself each time when testing

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1 hour ago, DavidN said:

@CBM Okay, thanks! If you could run through all your levels to verify them that would be great - I couldn’t get anywhere on Airships either and the apparent exit portal didn’t work…

wet dreams is now working again (its mostly a puzzle/key hunt map with just a few monsters and it makes a point of testing patience as well... telefragging the spider mastermind can be tricky, but with the right timing then it can be done)


and I added a custom music track that can be found here...  https://www.midiworld.com/search/?q=waterfall


I will test the other maps as well and keep you updated

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6 minutes ago, CBM said:

it shouldnt be impossible, but the player will need to dodge a few rockets before the cyberdemon corssed the exit line tag... I did manage to get the cyberdemon to cross myself when testing

Well, even assuming that it was possible to kill the imps half a mile away, you'd be looking at spending half an hour to punch out the Cyberdemon, then lining him up right against the portal without going in before... maybe shotgunning him across to kill him? If the shotgun would even have enough knockback. 

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3 minutes ago, Dazel said:

Well, even assuming that it was possible to kill the imps half a mile away, you'd be looking at spending half an hour to punch out the Cyberdemon, then lining him up right against the portal without going in before... maybe shotgunning him across to kill him? If the shotgun would even have enough knockback. 

the exit line tag only responds to a monster crossing, you dont need to kill all the imps.. just 5 I think it is before the cyberdemon spawns... the cyberdemon should not be killed... only avoided long enough for him to cross the exit line tag... as mentioned earlier.. its an experimental way to exit the level

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2 minutes ago, CBM said:

the exit line tag only responds to a monster crossing, you dont need to kill all the imps.. just 5 I think it is before the cyberdemon spawns... the cyberdemon should not be killed... only avoided long enough for him to cross the exit line tag... as mentioned earlier.. its an experimental way to exit the level

Well you kinda need to... Kill the imps and cyberdemon to get 100K

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8 minutes ago, Dazel said:

Well you kinda need to... Kill the imps and cyberdemon to get 100K

true...so yes, getting 100 percent kills is not possible, unless I edit the map to make the cyberdemon not count in the kill percent


but I am going to revisit all my maps anyway to make sure the scripts are still working and while I am at it then I can make sure that all my maps supports killing every single monster on the map

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Aztek verified and updated with music and additional detailing


...I may or may not update it further but I want to run through all my maps first and make sure they all work and that I am satisfied with all of them

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I can set certain maps as automatically awarding a star and not needing 100% kills, so that’s not a problem.


That method of ending the level is definitely… obscure, some prompts would be very welcome!

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1 hour ago, DavidN said:

I can set certain maps as automatically awarding a star and not needing 100% kills, so that’s not a problem.


That method of ending the level is definitely… obscure, some prompts would be very welcome!

I will take that as praise. I think that a level should aspire to be different from run-of-the-mill maps so experimentation will provide that :-D


But I will make some more prompts and perhaps hints plus provide an invulnerability sphere at the cyberdemon for the first 2 difficulty settings in the air ship map :-)




music (duck tales midi) for the aztek map can be found here... https://www.midiworld.com/files/1132/

and wet dreams uses a midi of the TLC song waterfalls


started fixing the air ship level... I would prefer to set the no completion count special for the cyberdemon... just need help to find out what number it has....





the ? represents the flags so I need to figure out what number that "No completion count" equals


I might also try to set his health astronomically high, so he won't be killed


it seems I need to figure out how to clear the count kill flag on the cyberdemon actor:






figured it out... its...


SetActorFlag(666, "COUNTKILL", FALSE);




AIR SHIP wad fixed and ready... added messages that explains what needs to happen... it uses the peter pan theme song in midi version as music, you CAN hit all monsters in the level, but it requires some very precise timing and precise aiming with the rocket launcher.. however you MAY need to find the secret to get 100% kills... unless you are very good at aiming the rocket launcher... the cyberdemon no longer counts as something that needs to be killed


music (you can fly) link : https://www.midiworld.com/files/1132/


let me know if I need to add more rocket ammo to this map


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NAVY formerly known as CBM Shipping is now fixed and ready... fixed some bugs and added pirates of the carabbian midi as music...

music (pirates of the caribbian) link : https://www.midiworld.com/files/1132/


MAKE SURE you search all ships and ship wrecks to find all keys


if you swim in the surface then you wont be detected by the monsters on the sea bed, remember to go up for air regularly to avoid drowning and when diving, don't get to close to the surface unless you want monsters both above and below water to shoot at you


Antivirus CrispyDOOM & Memory of E4M4 CrispyDOOM have no scripting and have been tested when they were made so they shouldnt have any issues either




disabled debug messages in wet dreams... ooops




just made myself an excel sheet to keep track of the status of each of the 12 levels I submitted to this mammoth project


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12 hours ago, Fort Escapades said:

What a fun idea.  Wish I would have seen this sooner.  Can't wait to try this out.

You and me both. The sheer variety of maps alone is gonna be off the charts, :o)

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prison camp (in hell) updated with a new optional experimental secret, added music (creed - my own prison in midi format - get it here: https://www.midiworld.com/search/?q=prison)... map is now verified and ready


status... 5 maps left to verify


going to verify monster camp next... and add an experimental exit to it... I have an ideer I need to try

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monster camp updated and verified.. using air force one midi as music ... find it here... https://www.midiworld.com/search/4/?q=tv themes


4 maps left to verify (castle of secrets, dog map, hell castle and quake world)


adding the danish national anthem as music for my memory of e4m4 map & adding the matrix theme song to my antivirus map



matrix https://www.midiworld.com/search/2/?q=movie themes

anthem: https://www.midiworld.com/search/2/?q=national anthems

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what if you grouped maps made by the same author in the hub?̀ those of us that submitted large amounts of maps could have our own sections and it would make it easier to navigate the hub when looking for a specific map author...


some numbers... oh man... so close to being the top contributer regarding quantity


a single 13 mao submission (13 maps)


mxbobbie49 - 13 maps


a single 12 map submission (12 maps)


CBM - 12 maps


a single 11 map submission (11 maps)


epicyolomaster420 - 11 maps


a single 7 map submission (7 maps)


Engired - 7 maps


a single 6 map submission (6 maps)


Lazlo Panaflex - 6 maps


3 five map submissions (15 maps)


Bruno Levi Constancio - 5 maps

Ifgamesthenfun - 5 maps

Worriedidiot - 5 maps


a single 4 map submission (4 maps)


Handsome Fridge - 4 maps


5 three map submissions (15 maps)


Chookum - 3 maps

DDM - 3 maps

Death Bear - 3 maps

Impboy4 - 3 maps

Trashcan69 - 3 maps


11 two map submissions (22 maps)


Albrassine - 2 maps

AnstheRam - 2 maps

Deadmeat Z - 2 maps

Emperor S P O O N - 2 maps

Hermit Crab - 2 maps

micuu - 2 maps

Mike Everson - 2 maps

MikeTheMike2014 - 2 maps

Pixelfox - 2 maps

Roebloz - 2 maps

QuotePilgrim - 2 maps


44 one map submissions (44 maps)


A-Motobug - 1 map

AmarWho - 1 map

Anthony Tankersley - 1 map

Blue Phoenix - 1 map

c0rbn - 1 map

C3ntralPr0cessing - 1 map


Caiuz - 1 map

Cardboxneko - 1 map

ChippiHeppu - 1 map

Clippy Clippington - 1 map

Crazy Toni - 1 map

DatMoonGuy - 1 map

Dazel - 1 map

DidyzZ - 1 map

dodex1000 - 1 map

Doomcat and Death Bear - 1 map

DrJordo - 1 map

Fiendish - 1 map

Gilboron - 1 map

INfront95 - 1 map

Inkie the Insekure - 1 map

Kuato - 1 map

lokbustam257 - 1 map

LordEntr0py - 1 map

LunarLaurus - 1 map

MangaSky - 1 map

metaregress - 1 map

Milo - 1 map

MrRattlebones - 1 map

Phobos Labs - 1 map

Redmage333 - 1 map

Rexen - 1 map

Sgt Pepper - 1 map

Shallow - 1 map

Shambles - 1 map

Silent Wolf - 1 map

slayer's complex - 1 map

SNeicer - 1 map

TheGamingFox - 1 map

Ultima - 1 map

Vicious - 1 map

WiseFree - 1 map

xxWeNxx - 1 map


69 authors, 200 maps


13+12+11+7+6+15+4+15+22+44 = 36 + 13 + 34 + 66 = 149?


must be forgetting some maps, because the total should be 200 maps

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updated and verified dog map, uses elvis presley hound dog midi from here: https://www.midiworld.com/search/?q=dog as music


for some reason you can no longer swim under water in this map??????

...but you are still underwater?!,


however, I added stuff so the player can still go where he needs to by jumping while below the water level and the lift still works and can take the player back up when needed


3 maps left to verify

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1 hour ago, CBM said:

what if you grouped maps made by the same author in the hub?̀

I'd imagine it'd likely be better to group maps either by length/difficulty, or general theme/aesthetics.

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4 minutes ago, Dazel said:

I'd imagine it'd likely be better to group maps either by length/difficulty, or general theme/aesthetics.

also good options.. atm the maps seems randomly dispersed throughout the hub


the hub itself has gotten many emergency expansions and can feel disconnected in places, thus grouping maps would help remove this feeling of disconnect IMO

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7 minutes ago, CBM said:

also a good option.. atm the maps seems randomly dispersed throghout the hub

Yeah, but David's not gonna remake the whole hub considering how much work has already been put in it.

Maybe for RAMP 2...

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1 hour ago, Worriedidiot said:

Yeah, but David's not gonna remake the whole hub considering how much work has already been put in it.

Maybe for RAMP 2...



I wonder if RAMP counts as a GZDoom megawad with the sheer number of GZDoom UDMF maps it has?  It does have maps in other formats aswell though I guess.




updated e4m4 and antivirus maps with versions that have custom music




gonna use this mp3 for music in hell castle (castle master theme song) : http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-st-castle-master_8877.html


gonna use this goldeneye midi for quake world, can be found here... https://www.midiworld.com/search/?q=video game themes


quake world updated, verified and uploaded...


now all my maps have been verified.. BUT.. I can't find 2 of my pins for hell castle and castle of secrets, so I can't update those in RAMP with the new versions just yet


the updated version of hell castle now has 6 teleporters at the start area to allow doomguy to have alternative ways to start out on the map... he can either use one of the teleporters and end up at one of the 6 destination spots OR he can try to walk in through the front door as before... the front door should be a more possible route now since the amount of hitscanners have been greatly reduced




found my pin for castle of secrets and it is now updated, verified and uploadet


now I just need to find the hellcastle pin

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@CBM as a matter of curiosity, what kind of performance do you get in Castle of Secrets? I can't really speak to anyone else but it absolutely tanks my framerate, goes between 10-15 frames with frequent dips into an unplayable single digit range, and while my setup isn't the top of the top of the line, it's no slouch, so I have doubts I'd be the only one hitting this issue.

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24 minutes ago, Dazel said:

@CBM as a matter of curiosity, what kind of performance do you get in Castle of Secrets? I can't really speak to anyone else but it absolutely tanks my framerate, goes between 10-15 frames with frequent dips into an unplayable single digit range, and while my setup isn't the top of the top of the line, it's no slouch, so I have doubts I'd be the only one hitting this issue.

I am getting around 25 fps on this 2016 gaming laptop while my dedicated gaming rigs have no problems at all (i7-6700k + GTX 1080 + 16 GB DDR4 2666 & Ryzen 5 2600 + RX5700XT + 32 GB DDR4 3200), but yes... the sheer amount of 3d floors going on in that level is taking its toll... I had to remove a lot of reflective surfaces to avoid it being even worse... only the CBM metal plate has reflections in the version that I eventually uploaded... the script actually details reflections for all shiny metal and marble but that line is disabled


the funny thing is that I have even spend time making the 3D floors as effective as possible, ie. trying to reduce the amount of 3D floors needed to the absolute minimum to make the gameplay work


the level is about experimenting with 3d floors through and about how feasible a full 3D floors level would be (however, tweaking settings in GZDoom and reducing quality, resolution etc WILL help get the FPS back up on older systems)

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It's certainly rather odd then that my performance is as low as it is with a 10th gen i7 and RTX2070, and should someone try to run this Doom 2 map on a graphics card made more than 5 years ago, or god forbid on integrated graphics (Which if the powerpointing resulting from using the software render is any indication, is an outright non-starter) they're going to have an even worse time than myself. 
I don't know what the average Doom player's specs are, but I'd be willing to wager that if not a majority, at the very least a sizeable portion of people are going to have either severe difficulties running this map, or won't be able to at all. There are some minor fixes that could squeeze out a few extra frames, such as cutting back on the dynamic lighting, merging unnecessarily fragmented sectors, but if the overuse of 3D floors is the main culprit here, changes in function may be needed over basic form improvements. Considering the architecture and layout of the map, stacked sectors are going to be a much better and more resource efficient way of achieving the desired effect than 3D floors.

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1 hour ago, Dazel said:

It's certainly rather odd then that my performance is as low as it is with a 10th gen i7 and RTX2070, and should someone try to run this Doom 2 map on a graphics card made more than 5 years ago, or god forbid on integrated graphics (Which if the powerpointing resulting from using the software render is any indication, is an outright non-starter) they're going to have an even worse time than myself. 
I don't know what the average Doom player's specs are, but I'd be willing to wager that if not a majority, at the very least a sizeable portion of people are going to have either severe difficulties running this map, or won't be able to at all. There are some minor fixes that could squeeze out a few extra frames, such as cutting back on the dynamic lighting, merging unnecessarily fragmented sectors, but if the overuse of 3D floors is the main culprit here, changes in function may be needed over basic form improvements. Considering the architecture and layout of the map, stacked sectors are going to be a much better and more resource efficient way of achieving the desired effect than 3D floors.

I guess I could consider using stacked sectors instead, however... then I might as well do another map to replace it entirely where I practice using stacked sectors together with 3d floors to achieve a similar effect... I would need to practice that though as I am still quite new to using portals

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