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I just applied to be an extra in HBO's The Last of Us

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HBO is going to be filming a TV adaptation of Naughty Dog's acclaimed game series in my area soon. I thought it might be fun so hopefully whoever looks at my application sees my face and likes what they see. My brother told me that he thinks I'd make a good Clicker. I'm hoping for a bandit. If I'm lucky and get cast, maybe a scene I'm in will make it into the final cut. If I'm really lucky, maybe I'll get to die on camera. I'll let you know if I hear back from them.


I assume some of you people on here must have had roles as extras in some major productions. What were your experiences like?


And, if you're interested in applying for TLOU and live in Alberta, here's the necessary info.

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A movie that came out called "Lazarus" had pretty much half of the town I live in as one of its scenes if memory serves right.

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16 hours ago, Skeletonpatch said:

 I'll let you know if I hear back from them...

Please do, this is quite the cool opportunity. I also live in Alberta, cool to hear that stuff like this is happening. Good luck!

Edited by Arrowhead

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