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Is good playing Classic Doom with mouselock

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Play how you want. Ultimately why worry about what others say?


Mouse look was a thing when Doom originally was released... for left and right directions. Remember that Doom effectively is not a true 3D game, so in vanilla there would have been no need to look up or down. Your bullets would hit anything above or below you, and most chasms & pitfalls were a game of chance anyways the first time you played through them.


Like Bauul said and what I agree with, as long as you're not utilizing any exploits by being able to freelook (and directly aim) up and down like in many source ports then there shouldn't be issues. Where looking up and down could be exploited is exactly as was said; being able to trigger shoot-able switches or walls by looking vertically and exploiting otherwise non-exploitable weaknesses of enemies such as the Icon of Sin.


When source ports started to allow full freelook I played quite a bit with it and where authors explicitly say they want it utilized in their levels I follow their intention, but when I play any classic levels or WADs meant to mimic vanilla or classic gameplay I revert back to level horizontal mouse movement.

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i think freelook is good, but aiming vertically with the mouse... no. you can cheat the IoS and shootable switches with that.

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@Teo Slayer Don't try to please the full purist games, the options are there to people enjoy.

If you enjoy mods (like me), texture filtrering, 3D models/voxels, Freelook, super autoaim, no autoaim, super HD Res, it's okay.

The point it's you enjoiment. 

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Apart from a couple sections you might encounter where the mapper forces you to take some damage because you have to jump down into a pit of (infinitely tall) monsters who you can't see until they're there, I think playing without mouselook actually makes the game easier - by eliminating the vertical axis, you're reducing the amount of aiming you have to do. 

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2 hours ago, Teo Slayer said:

But some people get pissed of on the way I play games

Good for them. That’s their problem not yours. Unless you are recording demos for mapsets that aren’t specifically designed for vertical mouse movement or use vertical movement to break the sequencing of a map you should be fine. Play how you want.

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4 hours ago, Teo Slayer said:

But some people get pissed of on the way I play games

Ah, doom boomers that hate people who play in GZDoom and with modern features, I remember a guy that started to say all that kind of shit in a video from Dwars. Just ignore them, if the game lets you play however you want (like Doom in this case) then play however you want.


Now, I don't play with freelook in ports that let me use it, but, that's how I play.

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3 hours ago, OldDoomer said:

Remember that Doom effectively is not a true 3D game

Yeeeeeah, no, it's 3-D


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Answering OP.

Teo, playing with freelook would put you further away from vanilla experience, but I think you are already miles away with that thing.

But you should play as you like anyway.

So, it's good if you like it that way.


18 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:
4 hours ago, OldDoomer said:

Remember that Doom effectively is not a true 3D game

Yeeeeeah, no, it's 3-D


He didn't say that doom is not 3-D.


He said that Doom "effectively is not a true 3D game"

Edited by roboticmehdi2

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3 minutes ago, roboticmehdi2 said:

He said that Doom "effectively is not a true 3D game"   (keywords: "effectively" and "true 3D")

Come on, he is calling doom "not a true 3-D game", so, effectively, he is saying that Doom isn't 3-D. But, oh, well, I don't want to start an argument about this.

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4 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:

Come on, he is calling doom "not a true 3-D game", so, effectively, he is saying that Doom isn't 3-D. But, oh, well, I don't want to start an argument about this.

Does it even matter? It matters to be a good and enjoyable game

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2 minutes ago, Teo Slayer said:

Does it even matter? It matters to be a good and enjoyable game

Yeah, you're right, like I said, I don't want to start an argument about it.

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2 minutes ago, Teo Slayer said:

Does it even matter? It matters to be a good and enjoyable game

That's not the point though, he was just pointing out that the other user said tat Doom isn't 3D he isn't saying if it's a good game if it's 3d and if it isn't it isn't good

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Just now, 1Destro3456 said:

That's not the point though, he was just pointing out that the other user said tat Doom isn't 3D he isn't saying if it's a good game if it's 3d and if it isn't it isn't good

Why so many "isn't"?


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3d is just the ilusion of depth on an otherwise 2d screen

doesnt matter how the engine works if there is  a ilusion of depth then its 3d on my book

yea that means that i consider even wolf3d as a 3d game based sorely on that now the engine has limitations compared to other 3d engines but you cant deny that it looks like it has depth

Edited by omalefico32x

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7 minutes ago, Teo Slayer said:

Does it even matter? It matters to be a good and enjoyable game

I also didn't want to continue with this one and divert your main topic, but since you asked  :)


Apparently it is important to some, this one is everywhere, I have seen this argument in multiple forums/topics/videos.


The way I see it, and video shared by Lol 6 says, it is not a true3D, it is limited3D, but 3D nevertheless.


Why not true3D: no real looking-up down, no roor-over-rooms can be, sprites instead of 3D models (use your freelook to look at monsters from above: papers). etc...


But of course enjoyability is way more important.

Edited by roboticmehdi2

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D00M with keyboard is hell, it was okay back then because full keyboard gaming was the standard, now the FPS standard is mouse and keyboard, it just works, playing an FPS with a keyboard is like controlling a tank in a simulator game, you should focus on the game, not the controls.

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On 5/26/2021 at 1:30 AM, roadworx said:

o, that's perfectly fine if you play that way. just don't do stuff that breaks progression (like shooting shootable switches that'd be beyond your reach normally) and nobody will care. unless they're an annoying purist, but nobody likes those people anyways

That's a horrible way of segregating people from the community. Mappers who doesn't create levels with freelook in mind may consider it some form of cheating. While it's totally ok to use freelook (it's just a game after all), you cannot complain if you are not playing the map the way it's intended.


(also, the idea that freelook only affects switches is a myth that should be wrecked once and for all)


Edited by Noiser

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6 hours ago, OldDoomer said:

Your bullets would hit anything above or below you

Not true at all... monsters that are too far away, or too high or low for you to see them, will not be aimed at. Freelook gives you a distinct advantage in these situations.

That said, there's almost no reason not to use it if that's your preference, unless you just want to practice your vanilla skillz

Edited by magicsofa

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43 minutes ago, magicsofa said:

monsters that are too far away, or too high or low for you to see them, will not be aimed at. Freelook gives you a distinct advantage in these situations.

also, autoaim usually prefers the closest monster, so mapper can use roaming monsters as "meat shields" for turrets (and as monsters are using the same autoaim code, you can do this too ;-).

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16 hours ago, roadworx said:

o, that's perfectly fine if you play that way. just don't do stuff that breaks progression (like shooting shootable switches that'd be beyond your reach normally) and nobody will care. unless they're an annoying purist, but nobody likes those people anyways

I like all Doom players...except doom mappers who plagarize other people's maps, those people can burn in the 9th circle of hell.

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On 5/27/2021 at 12:14 AM, VanaheimRanger said:

those people can burn in the 9th circle of hell.

don't be so cruel, give them at least a shotgun! Tyson runs are hard!

Edited by ketmar
typo, lol: "shougun" ;-)

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Play however you wish! Go hog wild. Break level progression nobody really cares. Iddqd and idkfa at the same time and you’ll be an unstoppable force of nature. Get telefragged? Open console and resurrect. The sky is the limit.

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Play however you want mate! I personally play Doom maps with Mouselook, jumping, and a buncha other things, and if someone gives you crap because you're using mouselook, jus ignore them, don't pay any attention to them, and keep on DOOMing :)

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6 hours ago, roboticmehdi2 said:

I also didn't want to continue with this one and divert your main topic, but since you asked  :)


Apparently it is important to some, this one is everywhere, I have seen this argument in multiple forums/topics/videos.


The way I see it, and video shared by Lol 6 says, it is not a true3D, it is limited3D, but 3D nevertheless.


Why not true3D: no real looking-up down, no roor-over-rooms can be, sprites instead of 3D models (use your freelook to look at monsters from above: papers). etc...


But of course enjoyability is way more important.

"true 3d" and "limited 3d" imply two different things and i feel that that's why @Lol 6 was arguing with you. saying something isn't "true 3d" tends to imply that it's simply giving the illusion of 3d, and the computer isn't really emulating a 3d space; that's not the case with doom, as it absolutely is emulating a 3d space (i.e. it has a z-axis and is thus 3d). saying that it's limited 3d implies that it is 3d but simply has limitations as to what it can do (no z-axis enemy collisions as to help the game run faster on shitty dos computers)

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Vertical mouselook is not available in the vanilla game.  Naughty, naughty.


I jest.  Whatever settings you enjoy using are fine for your personal single-player experience.  I like to use a crosshair which is also not something available in vanilla Doom.


If a player uses an unintended feature (mouselook, jumping, etc...) and breaks the intended progression of a map, that's on them but there is nothing inherently good or bad about doing so.

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