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2003: Year of the Third Coming


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Well, this looks like the year.
Signs point to 2003 being the one that DOOM III is released in. Now to simply hang tight and wait until rumours of the Test start circulation...

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I'm looking forward to Thief 3 more than Doom 3, but it looks like the former will probably be a 2004 release anyway.

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Fredrik said:

Blah. There are at least three 2003 releases that I'm looking forward to more than Doom 3.

And what would those three games be? I'm just curious, to see what our little Swedish friend here considers better than the follow-up to a game that he has discussions about on an internet forum.

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quake IV could make it this year too and since it's done by raven (right?) it could be very decent. meat ala strogg-anoff.

"duality" looks nice too and it should come out soon (hopefully april).

anyone waiting for Unreal2? :-)

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dsm said:

And what would those three games be? I'm just curious, to see what our little Swedish friend here considers better than the follow-up to a game that he has discussions about on an internet forum.

Metroid Prime, Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, non-game: ROTK.

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uniQ said:

anyone waiting for Unreal2? :-)

I'll buy it when it comes out on budget, just like I did with Unreal and UT.

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dsm said:

And what would those three games be? I'm just curious, to see what our little Swedish friend here considers better than the follow-up to a game that he has discussions about on an internet forum.

STALKER - Oblivion Lost looks like to be one of the year's best games.
I think, dare I say this, this game might have more potential than Doom III.

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Arioch said:

Blah, Unreal.

Shit game(s) on (a) shit engine(s) with shit network code. :P

Unreal 2 is a totally different story comparing with the rest of the Unreal series, since it is only SP based as the word has been out so far and the graphics seem incredibly amazing coming close to Doom 3's

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999cop said:

Unreal 2 is a totally different story comparing with the rest of the Unreal series, since it is only SP based as the word has been out so far and the graphics seem incredibly amazing coming close to Doom 3's

uhmm no. Unreal 2 GFX comes closer to Quake 3 than Doom 3!

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Shaviro said:

uhmm no. Unreal 2 GFX comes closer to Quake 3 than Doom 3!

what? they have rounded surfaces built in? phew....think i'm gonna buy U2.

seriously I must say that U2 might be a good game because of its richer content that lacked in the original unreal (aka the green engine with the comic monsters and horrible gameplay).
If it's going to be a really immersive game then I can live without the high tech GFX that my gpu can't handle anyways.

let's wait and see what U2 brings to us.

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Come to think of it, I haven't been paying attention. This is the first time I found out about it. Not that one typically finds out about the same thing more than once.

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Shaviro said:

uhmm no. Unreal 2 GFX comes closer to Quake 3 than Doom 3!

Some of you may think Unreal 2 looks alike Quake 3's gfx that's because it will be as colorful as Quake 3's. However apparently Unreal 2's engine seems more suitable for creating outdoor environments and other nature scenario, that's exactly what Legend has been focusing on, as well at the same time contrasting with the elements such as real-time shadowing and lighting that Doom 3 will be featured on

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AndrewB said:

2003 - 666 = 1337
Why hasn't anyone else noticed this?

1337 ? WTF ?
Mhh, did I miss something ?
Am I going to be banned for this question ?

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Revenant! said:

Am I going to be banned for this question ?

Why would you be banned for a simple question?

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Why would you be banned for a simple question?

Hmm, I forgot the ":)". :)
Well, I just thought that this 1337 thing could be something that I should know after visiting those forums for nearly 2 years now....
;| oh I'm soooo excited .......

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hmm... are you serious? here's a fun hint:

n. A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status.

And my two cents: I'm definately looking forward to Doom3 more than any other game. I really would like another single player game like Tie-Fighter though. Man, I blew an entire summer on that game! 8)

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Crix said:

hmm... are you serious? here's a fun hint:

n. A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status.

And my two cents: I'm definately looking forward to Doom3 more than any other game. I really would like another single player game like Tie-Fighter though. Man, I blew an entire summer on that game! 8)

Tie-Fighter is one of the best games ever.

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