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2003: Year of the Third Coming


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Crix said:

hmm... are you serious? here's a fun hint:
n. A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status.

Ah, I think got it..its a little bit confusing because English isn't my first language and it made no sense when I was reading it...but wth a little bit fantasy :O

Oh...and...well, I can't wait for DooM3, DeusEx2, MOO3 and I would give a lot to see System Shock 3 some day...maybe with an enhanced DooM3 engine :)
IMO SS2 ist one of the most descent and athmospheric games ever...

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Revenant! said:

;| oh I'm soooo excited .......

Ever hear about 1337 speak, aka leet speak?
And yes, it's forbidden to write posts excessively in leet speak (using a single word in leet speak is ok as long as you're sure most Members know what it means).

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Like I have told over a 1000 times, I tilled over from playing games to reading about games. There are not many games I l'm looking forward too. But off course doom3, deusX 2, kreed, breed, Unreal 2 and on-line I think RTCW enemy territory. And deusX a bit more after seing these http://www.gamers.nl/nieuws/15946 screens.

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There is another game I'm looking forward to other than Doom3 (for the Xbox):

Halo 2

I think there's going to be a new Metal Gear Solid game coming out in '03. If not, then dammit! I'll probably have to wait till 2005. :p Another thing about this is that it's going to be Xbox exclusive...

Another game I hope will come out is a new Metal Slug game! Damn it, I wish I worked for the company responsible for such a great game series! I have so many ideas from Lizard Squad(C) I can put into Metal Slug, but I'm getting offtopic right now so I'll stop.

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I quite looking forward to Doom3. In fact I'm waiting to see exactly what kind of machine will run it perfectly with all the bells and whistles before I buy my next computer.

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Unless doom3 actually turns out to have fun gameplay I will have to consider it worse than doom2, I ended up being disapointed with the graphics after all, and those were the only thing going for it other than the name "doom". I'll look into Unreal2 and Deus EX2 now I guess. Better yet, maybe halo2.

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Well, I think it's time somebody explains 1337! And since no-1 else will, I guess I will have to do it!


"1337" looks like "leet" which can be written as "L-eet" which sounds like "elite".

1337 = elite

It took me a long time before I knew what it meant and I won't have any-1 else go though this misery any longer! >:-(

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