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The DWmegawad Club plays: Bourgeois Megawad

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MAP21: Pretending To Be Original

UV, no saves

100% kills, 1/1 secrets


This map gets on my good side right away by containing Blood Jungle, my favourite midi in the IWADs. This map introduces a red sky, and takes place in a demonic fortress with a surrounding cliff in the starting area. Really enjoy this visual theme and excited to see how the rest of the episode looks as well.


As for the combat, it's a quick and easy introduction to the third episode.  The four revenants that guard the fortress' entrance might be a little pesky and catch you with a rocket or two, but it's not so bad. After this the level gives you a rocket launcher and 32 rockets total to have fun with for the next little while, followed by a BFG in the baron's room (although you only have enough cells for one shot at first). The area past the red bars is a fun time, just blast the hordes of enemies into gibs with the rocket launcher, and then move forward and be ambushed by more enemies to use rockets or cells on. After getting the blue key, you can kill a couple of hiding chaingunners and a hell knight, and then BFG an archvile and two more chaingunners to exit.


Nice and easy introduction to the 3rd episode. Excited to see what more the episode has in store!

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A kind-of breather map that is the ointment after the sting of the last map. Like what DisgruntledPorcupine said, Blood Jungle is a godly midi alongside Cold Subtleness of TNT. Anyhoo, the map reminds me of the formula of Monster Condo where the sections are filled with enemies that can be taken care of at whatever pace, but it sure isn't as easy as Monster Condo. The revenants at the beginning gave me some trouble, but like I always say, if one method doesn't work, try another. I noticed how there's a monster-blocking linedef for them that I can use to my advantage by peekaboo shooting them with the SSG and later just grabbing the rocket launcher and trading a few rockets with the few revenants left. Christ, it's kinda interesting how a fight is immediately changed in perspective when you notice the more subtle details like the monster blocking line-def. From there the map gets less intense, I ignored the chainsaw and instead knuckled down on the specters and lone caco, I can't get enough of the fisticuffs barrage. The last section was mostly cheesed by me tricking the demons into infighting and using the BFG that was guarded by the mancubus, baron, and the few chaingunners. Unfortunately, after going crazy and stupid with it I had no cells left to deal with the archvile, which got me once and I barely scraped away w/ 14% health whilst exploding his sorry ass with the Rocket launcher.

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MAP20- Wrong Format

UV | GZDoom

I'm not usually that wild about city maps but I really liked this one. I think this map really looped around nicely and it was fun. I think this would be a blast to play in DM. I just felt that way running around in it. It was another good map in my opinion and I liked the city design within. Thumbs up!


MAP21: Pretending To Be Original

UV | GZDoom

Loved the design on this one. It reminded me of the first map, Darken. It's a run and gun type of level and as I've said before, I love that style of play.


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12 minutes ago, TheGreenZap said:

Do you guys have the separate midi's available somewhere for this wad?


What do you mean? Any original midi in bourgdm.wad or bourgfix.wad was made by doomkid and you can extract them via slade.


Other music (as seen in Biodegradable's videos) comes from the music packs you can find in the /idgames link, but I don't think they are compatible with anything less than old zdoom (ie the multiplayer source ports)

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On 6/17/2021 at 10:38 AM, Decay said:

What do you mean? Any original midi in bourgdm.wad or bourgfix.wad was made by doomkid and you can extract them via slade.


Other music (as seen in Biodegradable's videos) comes from the music packs you can find in the /idgames link, but I don't think they are compatible with anything less than old zdoom (ie the multiplayer source ports)


Ohhhh ok, I never tried using Slade to extract music. Ok, I'll do that.

I just wanted each song that goes with each map to play separately when I'm not in Doom.

Edited by TheGreenZap

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Map22 - Wango Tango

So this is the alleged worst level in the wad according to Decay. I see where he’s coming from, there’s not much detail in the actual levelwork and the layout is pretty simple. A 3 pronged area with a key at each end, no real overlapping intertwined level structure like we've seen previously. The beginning area is pretty intense, but if you run and gun into the areas that hold the keys you'll probably be killed off quick with the monster ambushes that are waiting for you. The blue key area is especially devious with the multiple caco closets and chaingunner nests. The red key area is probably my favorite. The fights here are fun and I like the teleporting monster surprise, also the detail here is the best in the level. One drawback with the dead end level design approach is that your options for areas to run to are very limited. The yellow key area is a bit of a let down, you can get the bosses to infight or try to BFG spam to win.

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MAP22: Wango Tango

UV, no saves

100% kills, 1/1 secrets 


Here we have the map much maligned by Decay, MAP22. I was actually pretty excited to reach this one to see if it was truly as bad as claimed. Right of the bat it is visually a cut below the rest. It doesn't look terrible or anything, but the texturing feels pretty bland and arbitrary, almost as if it's a rough draft of what the level is going to look like in the future. The layout has you starting in a central hub area with 3 paths to go down holding each of the 3 keys. I'd be surprised if anybody didn't take the middle path last due to the plainly visible 2 cyberdemons and 2 spiderdemons standing there. 


In the central area, you start with the chaingun and SSG, and clumps of zombiemen are below you that see you immediately. I liked to start this one off without firing a shot and running straight to the rocket launcher and use that on the two pain elementals. The room can predictably get a little crazy if you don't start off by killing them.


After clearing this room of immediate threats I first took the blue key path, containing a hall of hell knights and imps with some chaingunners in raised cubbies on the sides. There is also an arachnotron at the end and some cacodemon closets open up when you reach partway down the hall. Grabbing the blue key opens a door with an arachnotron and hell knights as well as more caco closets. Nothing too threatening down this path.


The red key path was my favourite one to clear. The room is at first crawling with hitscanners and pinkies, with some annoying lost souls roaming the place and two arachnotrons holding the center. Entering in will also alert some barons on the side. I always ended up a bit low on SSG and chaingun ammo when I arrived here (I'm a little bit skittish of meleeing sometimes even with the OP options here) so I would empty those guns out and use the rocket launcher to get rid of the rest of the enemies. When you go to grab the key the room repopulates with more enemies including an archvile, so use the plasma you get from the arachnotron area to kill the archie fast, and then take care of the rest. I thought this part was really fun, the archvile can put you in a sticky situation depending on what he chooses to do.


The yellow key path, in my experience, kinda sucked. As mentioned before, it contains 2 cyberdemons and 2 spiderdemons, the cyberdemons sitting on two separate pedestals on the sides with the spiderdemons roaming around below and between them. I wasn't able to find a way to handle the room that wasn't either risky or awkward to pull off. You can probably get them to infight but the layout makes it unintuitive to pull off to say the least. What I did: hastily grab the BFG and backpack on the right side and then go to the left side to get the megaarmour and a good hiding spot. To whittle down the spiderdemons I fired the BFG so that it quickly hit the wall, sprint out from behind the wall to try and get good tracer damage on them, and then sprint back behind it before I take too much damage. I did this until one of them died and then just peekabooed with the plasma to get the other. After this I grabbed the yellow key, which actually lowers the cyberdemons and teleports one of them back to the stairs that you start from, which I didn't expect. He has clear view of you from back there if you aren't behind cover so be wary of him while killing the cyberdemon in this area. Then go back and plasma the teleported one to death (he's really awkward to try and get good BFG shots on, so plasma-ing feels more efficient). I... did not like this fight at all. It felt a little clunky and amateur-ish in its execution, just wasn't really fun or rewarding to beat.


So yeah, I didn't hate this one, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't see where Decay was coming from. It's a pretty uneven level, possessing a fun red key path, an okay blue key path, and a pretty bad yellow key path, and visually it's below the standard the wad has set. In a sentence, it's a below average level overall.

Edited by DisgruntledPorcupine

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MAP22: Wango Tango

UV | GZDoom

I do agree with most of the points Disgruntled Porcupine mentioned and I did have fun with the same area. This one just didn't seem to flow like many of the others, but that's ok. Toward the end I was able to get in and take out one of the Cybers first, then I used Plasma on the two Masterminds. Then I took out the last Cyber using the BFG, plus rockets, and the SSG.


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MAP 22: WANGO TANGO (Crispy Doom, UV w/ saves)

A pretty simplistic looking map, but my god is it an unforgiving one. For starters, health pickups are incredibly tight this time around, you would not believe how happy I was to see medkits that I so desperately needed. Traps sprung out are pretty nasty in this part, and the fact that there are 2 spider masterminds and 2 cyberdemons that'll pick you off easily if you're not wary is pretty damn cruel. I scraped by with 3% at the very end. Had to plasmagun down the cyberdemons that teleported at the spawn area, especially from afar b/c I wasn't risking going down from splash damage.

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MAP23 - Hell's Decent

UV | GZDoom


Ah, much better. After that rather dreadful MAP22 (the only map I've honestly downright disliked so far) Doomkid brings us the beginning of the final episode with a fun one that also has some teeth to it compared to his previous offerings. I quite liked the use of Cyberdemons in this one, egging you on to use them to help clear out some of the demons at the beginning and thin the herd a bit. I'd say the courtyard area and the proceeding inside bit behind the blue door is where things got at their hairiest as you don't have a lot of room to maneuver and it's a real challenge trying to prioritise your targets. But at the same time, it doesn't feel like your slamming your head against a wall so much as just trying to finesse your way around with your crowd-control and remember your Bourgeois training. It's a welcome addition that helps the WAD get back on track.



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Map23: Hell's Decent


Simple speed map by Doomkid, monster placement by me. It is a decent map, looks good for iwad hell, a little on the wide and flat side but I made do and I think it turned out pretty alright. Nothing incredible but nothing too bad. Regarding the name, it was actually supposed to be Hell's Descent but I made a typo and when Doomkid pointed this out, we thought it was hilarious and kept it. After all, this map shows Hell is in fact decent.

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Map21: Pretending to be original

I feel personally attacked by this map name. Pretending to be original is kind of my whole schtick. 


Another one of the longer maps, at least by the standards of this wad . We're presented with a very plutonia episode 3 style temple(?) with a smattering of marble here and there. Inside is where you'll encounter the most resistance, with a few Barons and some revenants here and there. The most notable part of this map would be the  that nasty trap with wall opening behind you, revealing a few revenants and some hell knights to deal with. Again, traps aren't used often, but when they are used, the consequences are often...lethal.


My stats:
Kills: 100%




Map22: Wango Tango

Now with double the spider-demons!


It seems Razgriz has made a few changes to the formula, since this map is both non-linear and is, similar to the previous map, longer than the other maps in the set. I especially despise the final fight in this map, mainly due to being low on health and having to take down two spiders and two cybies. Not fun.


My stats:



Deaths: 5

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MAP 23:HELL'S DECENT (Crispy, UV w/saves)

A pretty solid map for these last stretch of levels. 3 cyberdemons stuck in a room, use them to your advantage on taking out those pesky demons that might be blocking your path. The middle area with all those demons is a joy to blast through with the rocket launcher and your chaingun, I'd just mind the pain elemental spitting out those lost souls. Make your careful trek back to get the blue key all while not getting blown up by the cyberdemons' rockets. Dropping down and opening up the blue door will reveal some revenants and imps. Unfortunately, a Spider-mastermind will spawn behind you and ready to mow you down if you're not aware, which is what granted me another death right there. It's better to just run in rockets blazing at the revenants and later taking care of the imps with the chaingun instead of hanging outside door fighting them. Getting your hands on that BFG should allow you to bum rush the S-M and clear out the incoming pinkies and lurking chaingunners that opened up behind a door. The cybie triple-threat is no big problem if you make the right maneuvers and grab yourself that invulnerability and go crazy with the bfg, plenty of ammo to pick up for it, too.

Edited by VoanHead
I can't count lol, repeated the same map no.

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Map23: Hell's Decent

UV | GZDoom

I kind of screwed up on how I handled this one. The Cyber's got me several times through the bars. I don't think I was playing aggressive enough. Then I used the BFG on the Mastermind, and in hindsight I should have used rockets. After that, I did not even see the Invuln Sphere and once again if I would have ran in guns blazing on those Cybers and played more aggressive, I would have. Pretty good map overall that I may revisit in the future.

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MAP23: Hell's Decent

UV, no saves

100% kills, 1/1 secrets


We're back in the right direction with this one. First of all, love the appearance of the opening stretch. The green marble brick texture has always been a favourite of mine and the red accents of the hellish rock textures in the cages as well as the visible sky really mesh well with it. The lighting is also really nice. You won't have much time to admire everything though, as upon taking a few steps forward a whopping 3 cyberdemons are alerted to your presence, and they're right in the cage next to you with a perfect view.


Here you will need to find a blind spot from the cybies and stick to it while rocketing the imps, mancubi, and cacos that try to stop you. Then you can run into the room to the left and take the lift up to the blue key. This whole time though you have to be careful that the cybies don't catch sight of you, so it can be a little bit nervewracking. Next what I do is empty the area below of the pit monsters and also kill the pain elemental, then fire a couple of rockets to get rid of the shotgunners that are in the group of other enemies above. I then quickly open the blue door and use the other rockets to quickly kill all of the revenants inside. As soon as you go through the blue door a spider mastermind pops in behind you, so cheesing this section by ducking back outside the door is not an option. I kinda loved this decision to just keep pushing the player forward in this situation. Once the revenants are gone, the room becomes a lot less threatening and you can start cleaning up the remaining stragglers. The BFG and the switch revealing the way forward is your prize. There is also a soulsphere and megaarmour as well.


The door opened by the switch unleashes a few trivial spectres to get rid of, and then there are some chaingunners up the stairs. Finally, time to take care of the 3 cybies. So I had an issue similar to TheGreenZap here where I did not even see the invulnerability sphere at first and used a couple attempts on trying to rush in and circle strafe. Once I noticed the invuln I just grabbed that and less pain was had. Also, I like the decision to raise that switch wall in front of the exit only if the invulnerability is grabbed. I'm guessing the reason it doesn't raise if you don't grab it is to make speedrunning more tolerable, so I thought that was a cute detail.


Had fun with this one. I particularly like the way it uses boss monsters to pressure you and keep you on your toes, but isn't unfair about it in the slightest. I'm a sucker for that kind of thing.

Edited by DisgruntledPorcupine

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MAP24 - Midnight Sacrifice

UV | GZDoom


More like Midnight Snackrifice because this map is delicious. A big, nasty challenge but with just enough wiggle room for you to gallivant around boldly, using that Bourgeois training. Mind you, I did find a decent blindspot to hide in a bit once I cleared the area a tad. Honestly surprised I didn't die the second time once I started running around. I even got hit on the back by a surprise Rev missile at one point but it barely scratched. I guess the RNG Goddess decided to bless me this day. The layout and demon placement is good fun and it's the first map in a while that stood out to me and makes my list of favourites.



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Map23: Hell's descent

We're back with a banger of a map!


I knew that I would like this map the second I saw the three cyber-demons through the cage, whose rockets you'll spend a majority of your time dodging throughout the map. The layout and progression is a lot more straightforward than the last map, though the combat generally feels a lot better. I'm especially fond of the spider-demon teleporting in and blocking your way, forcing you to deal with the revenants on the one platform quickly.


I don't really understand why there's a chainsaw in the exit room, since you get teleported out anyway.


My stats:
Kills: 100%




Map24: Midnight Sacrifice

Give me room to breath!


If I had to describe my experience with this map, it would be putting out a hundred little fires at once( low hanging fruit for a "just like real life "joke). You're running from one area to the next, desperately trying to find both health items and ammo amidst the carnage of hitscanners and Cacos, as well as a spider-demon guarding your greatest ally in the map: a BFG. Conserve those cells for the Archvile that appears later. You'll want to eliminate him quickly.


My stats:


Deaths: 4

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MAP 24:MIDNIGHT SACRIFICE (Crispy, UV w/ saves)

Very short, straightforward map that has you scrounging around for ammunition and arms whilst evading foes left and right. I'm not sure if it's b/c the RNG gods were in my favor, but I found the invisibility to be extremely helpful, it partially helped in making foes miss their shots and hit someone else instead, leading to infighting. Hitscanners became a joke in this map, and the route to the BFG made me break a lil sweat since I nearly died from mastermind hitscan, since I had to get up close and personal to hit all my tracers on her. Again RNG was immensely in my favor holy fuck. I know we're in the last stretch of levels but I can already feel things are just building up from here.

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Map24: Midnight Sacrifice

UV | GZDoom

Good action packed level and I reiterate what others have said, you are looking for health and hoping for ammo throughout. I had a little bit of a rough start, but it didn't last long. I agree with VoanHead also about the Invisibility, it seemed to help a little bit here. I didn't have any trouble with the Archvile in the end. I fired rockets until I saw flames and then teleported back out, then came back in to finish him off. Nice level, I enjoyed it.

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MAP25 - 'Mazing

UV | GZDoom


Ohoho this was a spicy one that kind of felt like a spiritual brother to MAP01 as it presents you with a situation where you're pretty much surrounded on all fronts with plenty of open space (and windows) to be seen, shot and flamed from with just about every corner preoccupied, which pushes you to not really stick to one area for too long... until you clear out that Manc at the back hehehe ;^P For real though, this one proved a good challenge and nailed me a fair few times as I tried to work out the rhythm and prioritise my targets a bit. It's a big square, but it's a very fun square. I really liked it a lot.



Sadly, no real-time commentary for this one. I forgot to unmute my microphone.

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