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The DWmegawad Club plays: Bourgeois Megawad

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8 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

 Honestly, I'm going to let my footage do the rest of the talking for me with this one lmao.


In summary


"Fucking cyber!!!!!!!!!!!"


Map15: Chaotic Zone


DBAB10: Chaotic Field


So, here I am presented with a big field, how the heck am I supposed to make a convincing SP map out of this?

Cue 3 platforms with 3 keys, a whole ton of monsters, and some simple gates. Nothing more complicated than that, just a "go wild have fun" type of map


The real trick here though, who else is going to collect everything at the start, grab the invuln sphere, and then do an archvile jump to the exit so they can carry over all their stuff to map16?

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MAP14: Joint Effort

UV, no saves

100% kills, 1/1 secrets


This one doesn't mess around. After picking off the shotgunners that greet you at the start, you turn the corner and immediately all hell breaks loose. The central area is filled with all sorts of baddies including a well placed archvile sitting atop a platform in the center of it all. The stairs ahead of you have some chaingunners and hell knights that await. Since there are several cacodemons and a pain elemental roaming around the place, and revenants tend to wander over to the ledge above the start to meet you there, you will be hard-pressed to find a moment of peace unless you start killing everything quickly.


There is a teleporter atop the stairs that takes you to the area with some revenants that you've already noticed as well as some spectres, so this is dangerous as well. However, it also has a rocket launcher, so the best method I found was to quickly dip into the teleporter, grab the rocket launcher, return back through the teleporter, and start thinning the herds. The pain elemental should be dealt with ASAP, as she tends to catch projectiles and start filling the area with lost souls real quick. Otherwise the archvile and the revenants tend to be the most annoying as well as the hardest to reach with other weapons, so they should be taken out swiftly afterward. Once you are out of rockets, the SSG and chaingun can do the rest of the work easily. The courtyard also contains a plasma as well if needed, and the teleporter has a berserk pack for you to have fun with too.


The level ends with a couple of barons, chaingunners, and cacos, followed by two archviles who will resurrect the cacos. Luckily, you just got a BFG, so they can be taken care of easily. Great level, very frantic and fast-paced.


MAP15: Chaotic Zone

UV, no saves

100% kills, 1/1 secrets


Both the title of this map and the opening room give you a good idea of what's going to happen. A full arsenal of weapons apart from the shotgun and the BFG, more ammo than you can carry, a megasphere, and an invulnerability sphere are with you at the start. Be sure you have what you want before leaving, because you can't come back and you won't have access to any health until you get the first two keys. The titular zone contains an army of hitscanners, 3 cyberdemons, 3 roaming archviles, two pain elementals to add even more chaos to the equation, and a host of other enemies.


The safest bet here is to camp and try to lower their numbers from the starting room, hopefully managing to take down the archviles and pain elementals in the process. Then take down the first cyberdemon from your perch, grab the invulnerability, and go to town on whatever is left. You don't have a BFG yet, so leaping in guns blazing without first killing a bunch of enemies, having a plan, or being better at this game than me is a surefire death. Alternatively though, you can often get a cyberdemon to give you a hand, as again their infinitely tall splash damage tends to result in some friendly fire on his end, but the level inundates you with ammo so it's not completely necessary. After you're done with that donnybrook, you can grab the yellow and red keys from two of the cyberdemons' posts and open the appropriate gates. You get a megasphere which you probably need by now as well as a BFG. Hit the switch to raise the exit stairs and grab the blue key. When you return to the main arena, you will find it repopulated with more enemies for you to use your BFG on. Obliterate them and get out.


Definitely the most slaughtery and chaotic (no duh) map of the wad so far. I'm always up for that sort of thing. I also have to imagine this level is a hell of a time to speedrun.

Edited by DisgruntledPorcupine

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MAP 15:CHAOTIC ZONE (Crispy, UV w/ Saves)

We made it to the halfway point, fellas. You see that name title? Yeah that's the best way to sum up this map. You begin with pretty much every weapon out in front of you, no scrounging around hunting them down this time. Grabbing all that loot and the invulnerability and- holy fuck look at all those enemies. Triple digits this time, huh. Go crazy and go stupid with the rocket launcher when you head out into that mosh pit of enemies, with that invulnerability you should be fine. The main concern is to use that time with the invulnerability wisely and take out those three pesky archviles. Afterwards, this map shouldn't be too rough. Hosing down the cyberdemons with the plasmagun wasn't the hard part for me, it's maneuvering around while there's a bunch of pain elementals spitting out lost souls, and with infinite height it doesn't make shit any easier. I had to switch up my tactics and let the pain elementals come to me so they can get out of the way first before dealing with those two twin cyberdemons outside. In hind sight, I should've collected and used the bfg waiting for me there once I unlocked it with the yellow key, but I managed just fine with the plasmagun. Tis a shame b/c I had so much plasma ammo afterwards, even when dealing with the revenants and leftover enemies that teleported in when riding the lift back out to the open area.

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MAP15- Chaotic Zone

UV | GZDoom

So I actually ran around in the original DBAB10: Chaotic Field and liked the look of the map. Then it was time to jump in and I knew I had to take out any Archviles I could find. I missed the one to the right the first go around, but I just went full plasma when starting again, grabbed the Invuln and went straight for every Archvile. I still missed one. But I took the Rocket Launcher and jumped into the middle, he was hurt, so it only took two shots and he was down. The next thing I concentrated on were the Pain Elementals then I went for each CyberDemon while hitting the enemies that were left. Grabbed the keys and went into the building and I heard Revenants outside but had the trusty BFG to finish them. Died one time in this map and then was able to complete it the second time around. This was a really fun level. Loved it!

Edited by TheGreenZap

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MAP16 - Brushed Off

UV | GZDoom


More liked Pissed Off because Raz brings the hammer down with this gauntlet of a map where you are utterly overwhelmed with nowhere to hide at all! Man oh man this one nailed my arse to the wall a good few times and pushed me to really think outside the box and gamble on an otherwise strategically lousy save and WIN hehe. The demon placement in this one is really nefarious and does a great job testing you on what you've really learned playing this WAD so far and does a good job getting you to remember your training.



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Map16: Brushed Off aka Aeon05: Swept Away


The spiritual sequel to map05: Almighty Sweep or dbab04: Mighty Sweep, for Aeon Deathmatch.  This one has something of an interesting history because it's actually first map in all the DM maps razgriz and I worked on together to have a SP component. If you load up AeonDM aeon05 in single player, it features an invasion style SP format. That's approximately where the similarities end.


This version is quite different than the PVP version - I did not like the way Razgriz put it together, it was a little confusing and felt very jarring. So I cut out some pathways and completely reworked the routing on the map, and mostly retained Raz's monster placement, somewhat to my chagrin because I hate the fat fuck council blocking the switch and the overabundance of lost souls which are an extreme hassle with infinite height. In my D2all attempts, this map can be a real pain in the ass, though I usually manage to carry over my stuff from map15 + 200/200 via the invuln archvile jump to the exit. Without that though... it is a solid contender for run ender.


If you haven't learned yet to adapt strategies or try different approaches in maps, this map will punish you. If something's not working, stop banging your head against the wall and try a new approach.

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Map15 - Chaotic Zone

This map name is very appropriate. This is one crazy spectacle of this map, I love the look of the little buildings with the giant courtyard in the middle. 3 Cyberdemons in this one, holy cow, luckily there’s a generous amount of cells as well. At the beginning it’s very ominous due to the plethora of weapons and the invulnerability given to you right off the bat. You have time to collect yourself before hopping into the fight. Right away I targeted the archvilles with the rocket launcher first, then turned my attention to the pain elementals before legging it to a the safe area behind the exit building by the waterfall after the invulnerability wore off. After that it was just getting through the cyberdemons that was the hard part. I like 2nd fight in the courtyard as well. A lot easier, especially if you can get the mancubi and revenants to infight.

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Map16: Brushed off

Brush off a rocket to the face, you mean.


Another map centred around a spider-demon, this time with the added benefit of being packed to the brim with spectres, revenants and hell knights. Sadism is the right term to use here. Seriously, not even a tactical retreat is the best option, since there are spectres that block the stairs that lead to a relatively safe area.


After you've passed a certain area, a cyber will spawn in and ruin your day. I attempted to get the spider-demon to infight with him, then realized the futility of this, since they couldn't actually hit each other. So I applied some elbow grease to this situation, elbow grease ( when I think of the word elbow grease, I associate with extremely sweaty armpits) in this case making use of the shitloads of plasma scattered around the map.


My stats:

Kills: 100%

Secrets: 100%

Deaths: 9

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I apologize for taking so long, I've been busy with other stuff (real life related stuff and other games/mods, including also participating at this month's map club for Duke4.net forums, which was inspired by the DWmegawad club and it was one of my ideas/suggestions for doing something similar for the Duke community, that helped start the thread by one of my friends) and reading the initial comments on the thread kinda put me off from playing the wad for a while because I expected to be really difficult.

I was wrong. It wasn't this difficult. Not at all! I thought I was going to die a lot but from what I played the first couple of maps, that wasn't the case at all! Still, I have to do a lot of catching up because I'm 10 maps behind but I will try my best to catch up this week because I don't like being left behind too much.

With all that said, let's get started!


Bourgeois Deathmatch - Chocolate Doom 3.0.1 - Ultra-Violence - Continuous (sort of) with saves and getting 100% in every level! Keyboard controls only! Blind run!


Before I begin talking about the levels themselves, I will say that I have noticed a few minor issues regarding the wad. I have played the version dated from early February, not the other version linked in the topic about quieter death exits, so these issues may or may not have been fixed in the meantime. I didn't read all the pages in this thread so far to avoid spoilers about the levels.

1. Upon loading the wad, there are three identical or similar demos of the first level and they are all ending in different ways, I'm gonna suspect it's a vanilla bug caused by Revenants' rockets or tracers that desync the demo when that happens. I remember first noticing this issue many years ago when I watched Requiem intro demos and the second & third demos just desync thanks to that bug.
2. When looking at automap, I noticed the levels just show the generic "Level 1", "Level 2", etc instead of their full name. On intermission the level names show up just fine. I wonder if this is a glitch caused by the deh patch?
3. At beginning of Level 6, there is some weird HOM effect when looking at the starting area.


Now let's begin:

Level 1 - MAP01: Darken

An interesting chaotic opener where you are attacked from multiple sides by many monsters, putting pressure on the player. Since this is pretty much a blind playthrough (other than reading some comments and the intro demos watched of first level), I expected to die somehow. But thankfully that wasn't the case so far!
I had some close calls (I was at 23% health at one point) but after clearing those monsters carefully while running from one place to another, I managed to get the much needed armor and that secret that contains soulsphere, BFG and yellow skull key, that I could only get there by just strafing into that sector.
After opening bars, I noticed there is an archvile far away and was thinking how to approach. I ended up running and then taking cover safely but the archie still managed to blast me once, though thankfully I survived and then the Spider Mastermind also spawned. I used a BFG blast and switched to SSG to kill the spider. Then the RL to kill the archvile and level complete!
Yeah, I figured out there's forced death exits at end of each level. A very interesting twist, especially for a vanilla megawad. I confess I didn't pistol start many levels before (I still plan sometime this summer to do Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 by pistol starting each level instead of another UV 100% playthrough) as I'm usually playing continuous and it feels refreshing to play it this intended way with death exits at end of each level!


Level 2 - MAP02: Keepsake

This time around, when you start, you have three pinkies that run towards you and can be easily avoided, I just grabbed chainsaw and I killed the zombies first with rifle, then I chainsawed the pinkies. And took care of some of stronger monsters.
I also chainsawed two hell knights but the second one managed to scratch me once, which did quite a bit of damage (good thing I managed to grab the armor) and I decided to stop using the chainsaw from that point on, except for a rare case against a single weaker target. Yeah I know weapons are now changed (so I won't repeat myself because it has been mentioned behavior and I think everyone already figured out how does each weapon function now) but I think the chainsaw in original game only worked well against certain monsters, mostly weaker ones and the ones with higher pain chance. You couldn't use the chainsaw on a hell knight or baron for example, because they have low pain chance and would scratch you and most likely kill you or heavily injure you, thus not recommended to use unless you are out of ammo or something.
So anyway, after clearing these parts, I went in next room and carefully killed the zombies and revenants, grabbed the rocket launcher and noticed there was a Cyberdemon waiting for me and firing at me.
I took out the zombies and revenants in last room and carefully used my ammo, then safely peek around corners and try to kill the cyber but then I run out of ammo (it was enough to fire the BFG once while getting closer and avoiding the shots and not have enough cells for the second shot) and go to find those cell packs by dropping down on window. But I also had enough shells to finish him off. Then realized that the plasma gun was right there, which would have been useful to take down the cyber faster. No, I didn't want to risk running up close to the cyber and try to shooting him with BFG and kill him in two shots, this tactic is far too risky that I rarely pulled it off before in other wads and I'd rather not risk unnecessary deaths, so I took the careful slower and safer approach. And it worked!


Level 3 - MAP03: Solitary Refinement

This map seemed much easier and I also got even more lucky than usual. Why you might ask? Because I avoided pretty much nearly every attack and all I took was an imp fireball to face later in map (when you teleport and you are surrounded by imps and demons, luckily I had the plasma selected at that time) and finished with 188% health and armor. Wow, I didn't expect to do that well and avoid all those enemies attacks, even those hitscanners that were firing at me at some points, meaning I was close to do an UV reality run, though since I didn't record myself playing, no one would have believed me. Now let's talk about the map.
You start in a safe place for once and grab the goodies ahead of you (armor, chaingun, bullets), then blast those shotgun guys and run to the other side. I was lucky to make the "jump" to the other side and not fall down there.
I managed to make some enemies infight in some areas but I didn't have much luck in getting most revenants and mancubi infight in that more trickier area, I think only one got infight and some hell knights with an arachnotron. Rest I took them by myself and taking cover. Then I realized I got locked in that room for a bit and was glad I cleared out most of the monsters from outside, so I didn't have any trouble with whatever was left in the room (only left was an arachnotron and two hell knights). I don't think I would have made it alive if I got locked in the room with all those monsters inside that were initially present, assuming I entered this room first before the other one.
Oh and yeah there is a megasphere you can pick it up after clearing those rooms and some more ambushes happening every now and then (which are easily dealt with, thankfully), plus THREE chaingunners that await you near exit, which are easily dispatched! There was no boss this time around thankfully, so it was a bit of a needed break because so far it was the only level without a boss. Not that the level becomes automatically harder if a boss is present, is just it depends how they are used and most of the time the bosses are put in a position that can be taken from safety. If you don't mind my slower approach of having to peek around corners to avoid the damage...


Level 4 - MAP04: Tutorials Work

Time to get back to the "hot" starts! It wasn't too bad and had to quickly take the pain elemental before it spawned too many lost souls while also dodging revenant missiles, etc. And got lucky I didn't get stuck between monsters while I was running at the starting area, especially with the infinite height. Plus I even managed to run out of ammo and then was running and in circles and went to grab any leftover ammo I could find. Also good thing I didn't open that door yet. After clearing the starting area, I proceed further, make some monsters infight (including the arachnotrons with some revenants) and then get the BFG and try to get the red key but then I noticed in front of me, the trap revealed with many monsters (and an archvile in the mix), so I step back and quickly try to think what weapon should I use in this situation, as the BFG uses 80 cells this time around and I don't feel like wasting my ammo, though I think I may have used a BFG shot and then use Rockets on the remaining monsters. And then I also discover the soulsphere secret/Easter Egg with the zombieman inside!
Also like in previous map, there was no boss, thankfully! Don't worry, bosses will return in following levels...


Level 5 - MAP05: Almighty Sweep

Another hot start! Plenty of zombies, revenants on ledges and other nasties await you! After cleaning the starting area, there is a hidden archvile that I initially didn't see where it was, only the flames when I was approaching the room, so I ran back, then while killing the baron that was waiting for me, I was thinking where was the Archie, until I noticed it, then took it out with rockets and also taking out the shotgun guys, grab health and armor, since it was quite tense with 52% health.
After clearing the imps and shotgunners and various other enemies standing in my way, there was a room with those black carpets or whatever was supposed to represent. Then I tried walking carefully, thinking that those are empty holes you can fall into. No seriously that's what I thought it was. So I walked along the "ledge". Then I killed the Mancubi with plasma rifle, I ignored the teleporter for now, grabbed the blue armor and noticed monsters started teleporting in and even a Cyberdemon! I think this trap was supposed to happen when collecting the yellow key? I must have been lucky I didn't get to fight them in that room and getting surrounded at start (after watching an YouTube video right now while writing this message) but that meant those supplies were kinda useless because I got them after I killed everyone. And my supplies were starting to run out too while I was fighting up there. I managed to make the Cybie infight with some monsters thanks to the rocket blast radius reaching enemies down, I noticed how they were trying to take the cyber while I was just camping in that room and trying to kill the cyber and also waiting for some monsters to kill each other, though the Archie was resurrecting some of them continuously until it eventually got killed by the cyber's rocket, hehe. So I avoided most shots and only suffered minimal splash damage. I forgot to mention the rockets are slightly faster too, at least that's what I noticed, I may be wrong about that. So eventually I was done and only had some leftovers to clean, then grab yellow card and finish this map!


Level 6 - MAP06: Fade

The hot start on this map wasn't as bad as the other hot starts so far, it was just a couple of imps and in next room two arachnotrons and lots of zombiemen on ledges. I concentrated on killing those arachnotrons with the shotgun and then using my rifle to kill those zombiemen. There was a cyberdemon waiting on a pillar in next room but I decided once again to carefully take my time and kill him while taking cover. After taking the cyber out, I still had plenty of bullets and shells for the next couple of rooms. I even managed to kill that revenant behind bars and chaingun snipe that archvile from far away by positioning myself in front of those bars, as you can see in one of the screenshots.
Doing this way, it saved myself some trouble. I also killed some imps and hell knights that initially followed me in starting room, as I probably peaked in the corner and when I saw the archvile (the same one I sniped later), I just went back and waited for them to come and kill them.
There was an interesting trap with a bunch of pinky demons and the berserk was put in the sector where they got unleashed, so I just used the shotgun and chaingun to take them out and then grabbed the berserk.
So anyway, after that, the only enemies left I had to take down were the revenants (I don't know if there was anyone else). And that was it! Another level nicely done without any deaths!


Deaths (so far): 0 (other than the death exits, obviously)


I didn't actually know I would do this well, I was almost certain I'd die 5-10 times so far but I must have been very lucky as of lately. Even with the shitty laptop controls and playing keyboard only (which is a challenge I only take in DOS executables and Chocolate/Crispy Doom, otherwise in rest ports, I use Mouse + Keyboard controls), I still managed to finish the levels without any problems! I hope to catch up soon enough because so far the megawad has been really promising and the levels aren't too long either, which is very appreciated for someone who takes his time in exploring the levels and getting 100% everything. While also catching up (I hope next month I won't fall behind again)


This time I have a lot of screenshots to show and I will just zip them up and attach to the post directly, instead of clogging up the thread. In case anyone is interested. The screenshots will be nicely uploaded later on Doomwiki.org when the megawad page will get created, unless I will be the one who creates the page, as I contributed to Doomwiki over the past few months and will continue doing so.


Edited by FistMarine

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MAP 16:BRUSHED OFF (Crispy, UV w/ saves)

No where to hide in this map, in every place where you'll go there will be monsters waiting for you. This map kicked my ass a good handful of times, it's a test of what you've learned so far, and what a test it is. I'm grateful that the room where the mancubi blocking a switch to advance to the teleporter has a monster blocking linedef, as taking them out would've been harder should they move from that spot, and also b/c that room felt somewhat of a place I can camp out for a bit and plan on the fly what my next move would be. The spider-mastermind was placed in a wicked spot, you don't wanna hang out for too long outside, even if she's infighting with the other demons. Once the teleporter has been lowered and will transport you to the plasmarifle, that thing felt like a godsend. Maybe I could've somehow pitted the spider-mastermind and cyberdemon against each other, but that would've been kinda boring. Besides, I had the ammo to expend for both of them.

Edited by VoanHead

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MAP16: Brushed Off

UV, no saves

100% kills, 1/1 secrets


Despite containing both a cyberdemon and a spider mastermind and having some pretty overwhelming monster placement, I actually found this to be the easiest map of the past few (although still more difficult than any of the first 10 or so maps). As Decay mentioned earlier, your success in this map weighs heavily on finding the right strategy. The spiderdemon is the most intimidating threat, as the central area leaves you with not a whole lot of cover from her chaingun fire. That said, there are demons raining fire from pretty much all directions out here, so she tends to catch a shot or two pretty often and get caught up infighting. This is a great mercy when it happens, as the outside area gets a whole lot safer when she isn't on the lookout for you and you can simply worry about about the other threats rather than avoiding being turned to swiss cheese. 


I start this level picking off the zombie men with the chaingun as well as the chaingunners in the area behind the start, then make a mad dash for the rocket launcher, and blast your way through the spectres and imps into the eastern building and over to the super shotgun. This building is actually deceptively safe, as if you stick in the corner that had the super shotgun, the mancubi won't reach you because they are unable to leave their alcove, so you can easily mow down the zombiemen and shotgunners without paying them too much mind, as well as kill whatever else comes your way (such as the spectres and flying enemies from outside). Once all is quiet there you can take care of the mancubi, but approaching the switch will result in a teleport ambush of revenants, shotgunners, and hell knights. Take care of them in whichever manner you see fit. Now typically at some point the pain elemental had wandered into the building at some point and I promptly killed her, but often times this doesn't happen so you might have some chaos when you go back outside, but it was never too much trouble.


What I like to do next is go back to where you start the level and poke your head out so that the revenants on top of the waterfall cliff can just see you through the spiderdemon, and get them to hit her with a missile to distract her. This makes dealing with the rather annoyingly placed arachnotron quite a bit easier so you can get to the teleporter. Through here, wipe out the enemies inside and gorge yourself on health and ammo, then destroy the spiderdemon with your new plasma rifle. There is also now a cyberdemon roaming the lower area. It might be possible to get him to infight with the spiderdemon, but I never tried it. Either way, he's not much of a threat. You can typically even get him to infight the revenants too if you're feeling cheeky, and spray him in plasma while he's distracted. Now just finish off whatever the spiderdemon and cyberdemon didn't kill and leave.


Very well done level, I had a lot of fun.

Edited by DisgruntledPorcupine

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Map16 - Brushed Off

Despite its relatively small size, this is one of the maps that took me a while to beat (compared to the other maps). I only died once (from a Cyberdemon rocket), but I found there were so many instances where I was cowered into a corner trying to fight off the enemies that were sniping at me, while trying to avoid the spider mastermind. I ended up fighting the enemies in small clusters then darting across the map to progress through the level. My favorite area was probably the switch room  with the mancubi and the hitscanners inside the cages. After pulling off some slick moves with the super shotgun there’s a whole bunch more enemies that spawn in. I took things slow and steady compared to what I’ve been accustomed to in the rest of the wad (but maybe that’s just my playstyle being hard to shake). I imagine it would be difficult to speedrun, especially the initial rush to the switch room past the imps and specters while being bombarded with projectiles. I also loved it when you reach the red key and if you haven’t taken out the spider mastermind yet, an elevator comes up so she can ambush you, very diabolical. Also I really liked the look of the cliff with the revenants with the waterfall and the soulsphere, very picturesque.


Reading through the other posts/videos it's pretty interesting how different the strategies were, pretty neat how there are so many ways to tackle the map.

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MAP17 - Demon Base

UV | GZDoom


Doomkid's back with another relaxed techbase map that's unfortunately a bigger pushover than MAP09 was hehe. Even though I came very close to dying thanks to my own ineptitude for dodging Caco projectiles, infighting did most of the work for me with this one. Definitely overtakes MAP09 as the easiest map of the WAD so far. Got nothing else to say about this one, honestly. It's a bit of a doddle, but also a nice breather I suppose.



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MAP16- Brushed Off

UV | GZDoom

Phew, this one was tough. So starting out I died several times just trying to figure out where I needed to go. I then killed the Hitscanners with my rifle and then killed the Machinegunners behind me. Ran immediately to the rocket launcher and then by the red key door. Used the shotgun to kill the Spectres and Imps  blocking the way to the stairs and also killed the Hell Knight on the right. Ran up the stairs to the Mancubus council blocking the switch, but they weren't the largest problem. Killed the Hitscanners and Shotgunners around the room, then used the SSG to kill the Mancubi. Then I knew the stupid Lost Souls were a problem, so I ran out and killed the Pain Elemental and ran back up. Killed more Lost Souls. Luckily by the time I went back out, the Mastermind was already dead. So I killed what was left and went to the switch and fought the Revenants and Hell Knights that teleported in. Then went to the teleport and was finally able to get the Plasma Gun, then killed the Cyber.

I actually liked the way this small map was laid out. I was seeing things up high and on different levels and wondering how I was going to get there while playing. It was cool how everything was all placed and I think it added some adventure to the map.

The Lost Souls were the biggest pain in the ass. You have a lot to deal with and they get out of control quickly. The beginning was rough, but I enjoyed the map.

Edited by TheGreenZap

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Map17: Demon Base

 A very 90's map name


A pleasant breather map, with a lot of restraint in terms of monster usage. No cybers or spider-demons here. Just a relatively straightforward approach to combat encounters. The most resistance you'll see is a arch-vile or two, but by then you should have a plasma rifle and rocket launcher. Feels like a The Way Id map02 or map03.

I'm pretty sure Doomkid would probably say he made this map too easy, and I won't disagree with him there. Maybe giving the player free access to a megarmor pickup wasn't the best idea, though I do see that this map was probably meant to be somewhat easy, not entirely devoid of challenge considering the enemy placement and monsters used.

I do like the layout though. There's a nice sense of flow in how the map progresses and the layout is easy to familiarize yourself with.


My stats

Kills: 100%

Secrets: 100%

Deaths: 0  

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Map17: demon base


Its a base. With demons


So this actually belongs in e1 but the colour and necessity of the blue sky suggested to us we put it in e2. It also serves as a nice break up DM flow wise, and for so it's a nice breather before the harder maps to come.


It actually was the first map to have monsters, and as such the placement was actually right in the pvp section, as I hadn't yet decided to form fully fledged sp sections for each map.


Sure it's breezy but not a bad map. That's the beauty of pistol starting every map; they can be judged on individual fun factors.

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Map17 - Demon Base

This map starts off with what I would call a lukewarm start with the cacos in the distance seeing you but the hits scanners with their back to you. I like how if you wait for the imps and cacos to come in closer you can get them to infiight the hit scanners, but you’ll also be risking them hitting you as well. This map seems to be a lot less intense than the previous ones with the lack of boss monsters, but I’d say with the sneaky chaingunner placement it can be very deadly if you aren’t careful enough. After clearing out the courtyard and going inside, I was thinking “oh that wasn’t too bad” and then rounded the corner to get spooked by the archville guarding the BFG. Despite the limited number of monsters I’d say this one was a decent challenge.

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MAP07: Tech Simple
Another interesting hot start where various monsters are surrounding you from all sides. I just ran from one place to another and created infighting while also trying to kill some monsters on my way. I got lucky here because it could have been a lot worse. I can't say the same about the next level, however.
I also noticed a tutti frutti error or whatever that texture glitch is on those stairs, as you can see on one of the screenshots I took.
I initially finished the level with an item missed (only 98% items) but then I loaded my saved game right before exit and realized I missed an armor bonus! Good thing I've been saving and using multiple save slots, so I could go back and recollect whatever item I missed.


MAP08: Dwango'd Decay
Wow, I must have had massive bad luck in this map. The first map where I died not once, not twice but THREE times! The first two times from chaingunners near beginning, got unlucky with RNG, as one time I may have stopped firing right before killing him and then I was getting surrounded or something, other time I picked up the super shotgun while I was firing and during weapon switching I got killed. I must say that the beginning was quite chaotic because I wasn't sure how to exactly quickly deal with the zombies (one chaingunner in the mix) and couple of revenants on the ledges firing behind me and putting pressure, so my strategy was killing a few zombies, grab shotgun while running away and I had to keep running while killing the chaingunners but then I took cover and realized I didn't have to rush in, I could take it a bit slower as well. Don't worry I will get to the third death soon...
Well after that, I was able to clear most of the parts just fine. At yellow key part, yeah there were two yellow doors I had to choose and of course I happened to pick the wrong door and got blasted by an archvile twice, that spawned behind me along with other monsters and I didn't notice until it was too late as I was already busy dealing with the monsters from inside the corridor, I got completely surprised by that. Loading my saved game (good thing I've been playing with saves, a map like this wouldn't have needed more random deaths) and clear the rooms without any damage, thankfully. Level complete!


MAP09: It's Not A Donut
Probably one of the easiest levels in the megawad so far. That and I may have been lucky, to make up for the previous map where I failed miserably, at least when compared to the rest levels which I handled nicely.
Anyway, I still tried killing those revenants on windows at beginning with the single shotgun (to save myself some trouble for later) and I chainsawed those pinkies to save ammo. Oh and I noticed there was a small space where I could shoot some monsters that were inside a trap that would get revealed later, so I took advantage of that and used shotgun/chaingun to kill them earlier, though I was running a bit short on ammo, so I had to be careful a bit.
I managed to make the mancubi infight down there with imps/demons and whatever else was, I grabbed plasma, tried to kill revenants from far away, then got red key (also a chaingunner trap which I just ran away so I wouldn't get hit too much), then continued clearing my way until the exit.


MAP10: Broken Format
Another easy level, at least it didn't feel too difficult to me. It was just a bunch of zombies/imps and some demons at start and I managed to kill them in time before I get surrounded. I also realized how powerful are the fists even without berserk, I was able to kill some lost souls and pinkies just with bare hands. Man, it really makes the FistMarine gif (heh) become a reality! And I forgot to mention before how much I love some of the weapon changes, I think these fists are not only much better than original Doom punches but also far better than those "Fist Redux" weapon found at Realm667. I think the chainsaw might even be inspired by the "Double Bladed Chainsaw" entry also available from Realm667, though this one from the wad seems more powerful but it also has the drawback of sometimes bouncing me around while using it, it was hard to control it sometimes (at least that was the impression I got when I chainsawed the knights in second map), so I only used on pinkies. Maybe I should have talked about the weapon changes and the fact when you take damage, the screen doesn't get as red as before, probably custom palette used, which is very useful because I wouldn't like getting blinded by those damaging attacks.
Back to the map, I tried making the barons and mancubi infight but gave up and just used my rockets and SSG to kill them. I only got the arachnotron to infight with them as it was positioned close to a mancubus. I couldn't find a good and safe position to try getting them infight without taking any damage, so I preferred to save my health and armor for something more threatening. I expected a boss since there hasn't been one in a while but thankfully there wasn't one. Well there are bosses in next few maps...


MAP11: Operation Vanilla Extract
Great start! I managed to die once to the archvile as I didn't notice there was one in the crowd until it started flaming me, I already took some damage from hitscanners and I didn't think to use rocket launcher yet, just the chaingun and SSG and then fail miserably while I try to take cover from the archie that came to starting area but the blast still manages to reach me even when I had like half of my body exposed. I was a bit surprised since in past, when playing other wads, I remember taking similar shorter cover from archvile blasts with only like half or less body exposed and in those cases I didn't take any damage. Oh well.
Trying again, I grab the stuff and RL again, start firing immediately at the crowd of zombies and the archvile gets hit perfectly with 3 or so rockets while it was running towards me and managed to get rid of it and preserve most of my health this time! And of course I save after that, as I admit I've been saving a lot, though not reloading unless I come back to game after a break or I die and hopefully the latter won't happen often anyway.
Oh and noticed there was a Cyberdemon there too! It started getting infight with various monsters as I noticed, so I waited for a while until he was done infighting and I started firing with my plasma and I only took a bit of splash damage, then I try maintaining my health because until end, I noticed there wasn't much available. Also one time I may have accidentally grabbed a medkit while at 80-90 health which costed me a bit, though wasn't anything fatal as besides that archie death at beginning, there wasn't another one, thankfully.
Later, there is the part with many imps, knights and mancubi in acid, while you grab the blue key. I simply tried "luring them" close to ledge and tried making them infight, which worked for the most part and saved myself precious ammo and health. I also found BFG, backpack and cell packs, so I had a lot of ammo, even more than I needed. And dropped down to take on knights and remaining monsters, though I did take some damage at times and noticed some hitscanners appeared later. I could have used a bit more health, though but since I made it to the end with 45% health, I think it was fine overall. It could have been much worse.


MAP12: Deactivation
Wow, another chaotic start, well sort of. The revenants tried to kill me with their homing missiles (some of which started to run in circles around the pillar, so I had to dodge their missiles at least 2-3 times) but somehow I escaped with only one 30 dmg missile that I took. And then I notice the spider mastermind spawned, while I'm trying to kill the archvile (with single shotgun and chaingun) to get rid of it, which is great because I wasn't sure how to handle all this mess without dying and had to camp at starting room for a while and try to think. I went and grabbed quickly the rocket launcher and rockets but took damage on my way back from the spider, so now I had 21% health and I was almost screwed. Somehow I got through all of this fine. I go to right and take cover, find the much needed green armor and try to carefully handle the next rooms until I get enough ammo to get rid of the spider.
I run and pick off the zombies and imps with chaingun, then I use RL against those barons/knights in corner, then quickly grab medkit and yellow key and oh shit, a trap! Time to run away to safety! Then I try to think how I can do this safely. I noticed the cacodemons, pain elemental and lost souls can't cross the line to starting room, so I manage to make them infight and not worry about the lost souls that spawn, I try to take the pain elemental with two rockets and wait for a while to make lost souls infight with themselves and cacodemon. It is a bit slow process because I noticed in vanilla ports, they only attack once before going back to player, so they must continuously hit one another. Once I was done, I went back, cleared some monsters that were left, also killed a revenant and chaingunner, grabbed much needed health and then got enough ammo to take down the Spider Mastermind with my SSG!
After killing the spider, I noticed I can grab BFG and cells from the corner and then the plasma gun too on my way back that was in next room. I hear some zombies and revenants, I expect another trap happening, so I have my weapons ready. I went halfway through that corridor and somehow the zombies already started spawning, so I ran back (thinking the whole trap got activated) and picked them off from far away, then realized only the first half of trap activated, which worked to my advantage. Then I grabbed the red key, quickly run back and pick off revenants from far away with rockets/plasma. And that's it, another level nicely completed!


Deaths (so far): 4 (MAP08 and MAP11)


At the beginning of level 13, I noticed there is a cyberdemon already at start and I decided to just leave the rest for tomorrow, leaving me with the option to think until tomorrow how I can handle the starting room with that cyber that should be avoided for a while. I hope I can handle all of this fine, I can already expect some of things may not go as planned. We will see tomorrow...


So far the megawad is still very good and very action packed! I don't really have anything to nitpick about other than those errors I noticed and reported, with the HOM in MAP06 and that tutti frutti in MAP07 and maybe the minor issues with demo and dehacked patch showing just "Level 1" on automap instead of full level name.


I will attach the second pack of screenshots right now.


Edited by FistMarine

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fda, uv, pistol starts with saves maybe (?)


map11 love this start which is just loads of dudes hanging out and then the vile tries to spoil the party. deceptively awkward cyber.

map12 i like that mastermind placement; good area control until you get the bfg. i do not like that vile placement, awkward to kill, and he doesnt really pose any threat

map13 that vile behind the imps is really annoying. that aside, this map is very cool. lots of nooks and crannies that force you to be alert.

map14 playing on cl-1 you can knock sentry-vile off his perch. he can still cause trouble (be reviving everything in the courtyard...) but hes overall less dangerous.

map15 big group, invuln and rocket launchers always make me smile. the cyber at the yk seems a bit pointless though. i would have preferred a whole bunch of skellingtons or viles.

map16 the fact that its difficult to get the cyber to infight with the spider is upsetting to me

map17 that last vile is such a troll


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MAP17: Demon Base

UV, no saves

100% kills, 1/1 secrets


There is something about the vibe this one gives off visually that I  like quite a bit, with the night sky being visible through the skylights in the first buildings. It does fit the visual stylings of the second episode more than the first, so I can respect the decision. As others have mentioned about the combat, compared to the maps we've been playing lately and even most of the first episode, this level feels downright peaceful. There is a megaarmour located on a lift to your left and if you grab that and the chaingun + SSG and just start running and gunning, there isn't a whole lot that can stop you.


As for the monsters themselves, your first enemies are some oblivious hitscanners you see at the start while cacos converge on you. In the central courtyard, you do have some more threatening enemies like mancubi and a revenant sitting atop a pedestal, but the mancubi tend to catch shots from the roaming hitscanners, so quite often they won't even be focused on you. There is an immediately accessible rocket launcher in the caco hallway, so the revenant ends up being no match for that. If you kill the arachnotrons and shotgunners guarding the blue key you also get a soulsphere, just in case you do end up taking some unfortunate damage. When you do go through the blue key door, the plasma gun awaits, and turning the corner faces you a few enemies including a baron and a surprise archvile. Beyond them is the exit, which houses a chaingunner and another archvile, but you do get a BFG right beforehand and can easily dispatch them in an instant.


Definitely a big-time breather map, but I get the impression that we are just in the eye of the storm on this one.


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MAP 17:DEMON BASE (Crispy, UV w/Saves)

A breather map that can be tackled at your leisure. Beginning off behind some oblivious hitscanners, you fight your way past some cacos, a mancubi, a hell knight, and a lone revenant perched at the top with some green armor. You'll encounter some arachnotrons, and a big group of chaingunners when you collect the blue key. This map was so peaceful I didn't even get to see the blue armor that was there behind me the whole time, and the BFG was basically kinda there if you wish to use it, but I stuck to just using the plasma rifle. I can't say much about this map, other than it's pretty much a moment of peace and tranquility. Could use some more of my favorite homing-rocket-launching boneheads, I can't get enough of them. Let's see what else is cooking up in these later maps.

Edited by VoanHead

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MAP17- Demon Base

UV | GZDoom

I think this would make a great first map in a lot of wads. I enjoyed the calmer map after having all of those Lost Souls in my face. I thought the map was really designed well and I think the midi was great! Who did the midi on this one?

I also agree with @DisgruntledPorcupine about the vibe. I was feeling the same vibe. Good map that fits the Megawad very well. Thumbs up from me!



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MAP18 - Skies the Limit

UV | GZDoom

Not sure if that title is a supposed to be a pun of some kind of just a grammar error... hmm... hehehe. :^P


Ah, now this map's got some teeth to it. Starts of a little coy with some Revs on a ledge and some spicy encounters before dropping the hammer on you once you grab the SSG. First map in a while that I feel was pretty well balanced. The only thing I wasn't sure off was putting block lines around the original Revenant group and the first trio of Cacos the player encounters. I feel like that made things a bit easier than it should be. I'm sure Decay has his reasons though.



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Map 18: Skies the limit

A map longer than three minutes!? Such BLASPHEMY!


When I heard the telltale roar/screech of  a spider-demon... I know this was going to be a tough one. But what surprised me the most is that this map is considerably longer than it's predecessors. Took me a good five minutes to beat. Or maybe it was just me.


The walk-in-the-park and admire the scenery nature of the proceeding map is gone, replaced by that spicy gameplay we've come to know and love. We've got caco hordes and at least one spider demon to deal with, as well as some arch-viles that are more than willing to make your acquaintance. Encounters are fast, frantic and generally a constant state of running back and forward between rooms, usually depending on whether the occupants can murder you in one attack or not.


I took a moment to look at the automap, and I just now noticed how small the space is that the map actually takes up, and how well the encounters actually fit in such a small space. Can't believe I only noticed now.

My stats:




Edited by Silent Wolf
Typo... sigh...

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Been a bit busy because of school, but here I am once again


Bourgeois Megawad\Chocolate Doom\Hurt Me Plenty\SAVES when needed


Map 14: Joint Efford

Deaths: 6

Results: 100% of kills & secrets, 66% items

Time: 5:20 min


I like this map, the music, the layout, it's very good, the combat is like Map 12, very hard, but I liked the challenge, thankfully there's some health here, but you must be careful since the health pickups are very separated. After getting the plasma gun, it's not that hard


Map 15: Chaotic zone

Deaths: 3

Results: 100% of everything

Time: 6:39 min


Very fun map, I loved it, and yes, it is very chaotic. PRIORITIZE Arch-viles and Pain Elementals, once the enemy count is lowered, it's not that hard, the cyberdemons are a little annoying . One thing I have to point out is that I found a HOM (That's how it's called?), the same happened in Map 01, but @Doomkid told me it only happens in Chocolate-doom and vanilla due to the limits of the game. (Check the cyberdemon hoofs and the blue skull key)


Map 16: Brushed Off

Deaths: 2

Results: 100% of everything

Time: 8:21 min


This one was tough too, in one of my attempts I ended with 1% health, you can guess what happened next. There's just enough resources at the beginning to kill the spider mastermind with some help of the revenants. After that, the map is not that bad, the hell knights and revenant trap can be dangerous. Then comes the cyberdemon, but with some circle strafing he's not a threat, besides you get a megasphere. There's lots of plasma, maybe a little too much, but considering you don't get a plasma gun until later in the map, it's not that useful (It is once you got the loud ass rifle) But, overall, this map isn't bad, it could have been better though


Map 17: Demon Base

Results: 100% kills & secrets, 95% items (I have no idea what I missed)

This one is another of my favorites, a breeze map after the though maps we've played is always welcome. I like the tech-base look, I see the beginning as the entrance to a mine. To grab the BFG I made the Archie and the arachnotron infight. Other than that, maybe the most dangerous parts are the start and the chaingunners that appear once you grab the blueberry and the key. Very relaxing for me. No deaths in this one


Map 18: Skies the limit

Deaths: 1

Results: 100% of everything


This tech-base wasn't that hard, the map is very generous with the health and armor, the most dangerous part is when you grab the red key, since a lot of enemies including an arch-vile spawn in. If you're wondering I died due to the spooky scary skeletons. I was lucky with the spider mastermind, killed her with two BFG shots.


Deaths= 14+6+3+2+1= 26





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Map18: Skies the limits


aka aeon04: Techno Junky


So the map name. This was actually supposed to be a potential map31 that used a lot of sky for flooring but at this point I was kind of tired of putting maps together and Doomkid and I wanted a release asap so alas it was not to be. This was 2nd last map completed. The name is also something of an in-joke, as Doomkid and I were discussing my cousin one night, who is proud to be a stereotypical redneck hick, and has several tatoos along the lines of the infamous "no Ragerts" tattoo meme. One of said tattoos is actually "skies the limits" and when it was pointed out to him that this was wrong, he just shrugged. Doomkid and I decided this was so dumb that it would make a perfect map name so here it is.

Anyway, it is also a rather large departure from it's original map





























Gameplay wise, this is probably one of the most "developed" in the wad. It's pretty balanced overall and has a pretty decent sense of progression. Being one of the longest maps, it's also probably more or less one of the most "SP-ish" proper feeling maps in the set. It kind of sets the tone for the next 2 maps as well, which is nice. Overall I think I'm pretty happy with how this one came out.

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MAP13: Grey Noise
I'm surprised I barely managed to survive the beginning, I rushed to the room with the zombies and tried to kill them with the rifle, survived with around 20% health, got the precious blue armor and carefully progressed through the level with my low health. The Cyberdemon started infighting with the revenants on ledges, which was nice as it saved me a lot of trouble. I regret not picking up the chaingun when I started due to being desperate to not get killed by the cyberdemon, so I was trying to find a safe spot and had to be forced to use my rifle. I managed to recover my health slowly until I reached the soulsphere and after that the map went smooth. I even managed to telefrag the cyber at the end, saving me tons of resources. I got spoiled a bit by reading a comment on previous page that the cyber can be telefragged but otherwise, I didn't watch any videos in advance, every map has been played blind, with except of first map where I watched the opening demos.
And I'm happy that I am able to react quickly in most situations, mostly also because of the careful approach that I employ most of the time, like advancing slowly (unless I'm forced to move from camping spot) and taking cover from enemy attacks when I have the chance.
Oh and noticed another tutti frutti error or Medusa effect or whatever the hell that is. The texture error is in one of the screens.


MAP14: Joint Effort
This map was quite tricky at times. At beginning I grabbed the green armor quickly, so when I get shot, I absorb a bit of damage instead of taking full damage (there are people who underestimate how useful the armor is and sometimes they ignore the armor or don't pick up immediately) and cleared the shotgunners. Then I was getting surrounded, so I was camping in second room and even managed to kill the archvile by sniping it, after a while. I did manage to get many monsters infight at times (though some cacos and lost souls were trying to reach me) but there were still revenants on ledges and I was running short on ammo, so I rushed into teleporter hoping for the best, grabbed some stuff such as the rocket launcher, while avoiding spectres or shooting them with SSG, took a revenant rocket to face that did full 80 damage (ouch! though at least I have gotten the blue armor before), jumped out of window and then after I found the plasma right there in front of blue door, I was able to clear the rest rooms without any damage. At end there was an interesting trap with two archviles in front and a revenant behind. Good thing I had the BFG ready. And after that, kill the shotgunner and exit.


MAP15: Chaotic Zone
Very interesting map but also very chaotic! Unfortunately the HOM errors and crashes kinda ruined the enjoyment of the map. Because I wasn't sure if using Chocolate Doom was the best idea to play the wad and if the wad should have been limit-removing at least, to avoid the vanilla limitations. This is what kinda bothers me about modern vanilla community projects, that they aren't fully vanilla compatible, there always has to be a map containing glitches or crashes. Not really the fault of mapper but I wish testing was done more with the target port (or the minimum required port) instead of mostly ZDoom family ports. Just my two cents.
About the map, at first I dropped down after I grabbed everything, tried my best to kill the cyberdemons and some archviles with my plasma rifle, then when my invulnerability expired, the game crashed with error: R_subsector: solidsegs overflow (vanilla may crash here)
After starting Chocolate Doom again, I decided to load my save from the beginning of the level and do what someone suggested earlier, to camp in the starting room and let the monsters infight, thanks to cyber's rockets creating lots of chaos. That way I was able to get rid of most of the stuff by just letting the monsters kill each other, with occasionally some lost souls managing to sneak in the starting room. One of archviles was even targetting the cyber that guarded the red key but it was a slow process and eventually the last archvile died from one of cyber's rockets. The cyberdemons survived anyway and I killed the closest one with the plasma rifle in the starting room. That same cyberdemon kept becoming invisible due to the vanilla sprite limit. So, like I said, this map wasn't really designed for vanilla, it was more limit-removing. At least I had the save game limit turned off since I set up chocolate doom last year, as I really hate this vanilla limitation so much. :P
Sorry if I sounded angry already, maybe I should keep my frustrations for the next map and you will see why. As for the rest map, after I was done, I cleaned the remaining monsters and others seemed to spawn in the courtyard, I only regret I used a bit of my rocket launcher to kill a few revenants at that point, should have stuck with the plasma because there were so many cell packs. I could have finished the map fully maxed out but oh well, it didn't matter anyway due to death exits...


MAP16: Brushed Off
This map was quite frustrating and unforgiving at times. Not even the blue armor from beginning managed to save me this time. The awkward spider mastermind placement and lots of chaos going on (plus the tricky enemy placement), a bit thanks to that pain elemental that took a while to die, I managed to get myself in a corner and save with around 20% or so health and what followed were a few deaths because of my low health state and I couldn't figure out where to safely go next, plus I can't imagine if retrying from beginning of map would have fared me better on next attempts considering I did manage to clear some annoying monsters in starting area.
I got killed first time by something off-camera (I couldn't see what was since was way above me), then by spectres that blocked my way when I found where I was supposed to go next, then hitscanned to death by either spider or zombies and then when I entered into the room with zombies and a switch guarded by mancubi, I died there too. Not to mention the trap that came after with enemies teleporting, I think I may have died in the "cave" with the lift requiring red key. In other words, I died 5 times until I managed to get on my foot and barely get through all this mess.
And as if that wasn't enough, when I teleported and grabbed the soulsphere (since I was nearly dead) and finally killed the spider, there was even a cyberdemon that teleported outside! So I grabbed the megasphere, I camp and try to take him with plasma and SSG. I still get some splash damage like when rocket hits the corner of the wall but eventually I got rid of it and cleaned the rest mess, got the second soulsphere and exited the map! I don't think this map had any archviles, if that's the case then I'm glad because I can't imagine how it would have been...
I didn't really enjoyed this map to be honest, it was very punishing compared to the rest and if MAP08 and this map gave me the most trouble, then I can already imagine, judging by map numbers, that MAP24 is going to be even worse!


MAP17: Demon Base
Finally, another easy level! Especially after that hellish previous level! I killed the zombies at beginning with my rifle, killed the approaching cacos with single shotgun before I noticed the super shotgun, then grabbed the blue armor and rocket launcher and took care of some monsters outside, like that revenant on top of pillar (guarding green armor). At some points monsters got infight (mancubus with hell knights outside, while inside the room that requires blue key, some fights were happening while I took care of some sniping chaingunners). Interestingly, you are given the blue armor almost immediately (right behind you at start and much needed) but the green armor is immediately found after. I wonder what's with different armor types found one after another in some maps? So that if I pick up green armor first, I often immediately replace it with blue armor but if I get blue armor first, then most likely will last until the entire level, so the green armor goes unused.
There's some archviles at the end of level but they are no match against the supplies I gathered at that point. I didn't even get the BFG until I killed the last archvile in front of exit, I just went with the plasma, since I didn't find BFG usage necessary and thought grabbing it may spawn some monsters, so I grabbed it before exiting, when everything was clear. I initially had 65% items collected but reloading my saved game before exiting, found that I missed some armor bonuses near beginning. Gotta have the full 100% completion!


MAP18: Skies The Limits
Another interesting level and mostly on the easy side, thankfully. I immediately grabbed the green armor and weapons when the level started as there were revenants on ledges (even some mancubi, which must have gotten infight with one or two of revenants) but thankfully I was able to dodge all the missiles. There was an arachnotron that blocked way to stairs (in front of two shell packs and the shotgun or SSG, I forgot exactly which shotgun was) and that's what made me take care first of those revenants at beginning, don't want to get caught between two difficult situations, I prefer to just focus on one side. So after that I went slowly and with my careful approach.
There is an interesting red key trap that wasn't bad at all. I was expecting an archvile to spawn in the mix of teleporting monsters, instead it spawned in front of those teleporters and was easy to take out from safe place.
After clearing the next area that required red key to enter, I grabbed the blue key, saw nothing happens (though I was expecting a boss any time), on my way back something big teleported in front of me and scared me! The spider mastermind is back! I quickly ran back (thankfully she didn't attack yet) to safe place and then after a while, I moved closer to place with the teleporter and picked off from there because it was too boring to fight from farther away but I didn't want either to risk using the BFG, so I settled with plasma. After that, saved and went to the blue bars. Didn't expect the map to be over so quickly, already.
Other than that, it was enjoyable, as was the case with nearly every map so far.


Deaths (so far): 9 (MAP08, MAP11, MAP16)


Forgot to mention that apparently there are no secret levels this time around, so it's just a normal 30 level megawad. I haven't tried warping to maps 31 and 32 yet to see if there's any secret maps, I will do that after I finish the last level. Also screenshots pack 3! Probably the last pack I will attach for a while, as I'm a bit burned off from the megawad, I will probably return in a week or so to continue playing, around time voting begins for the next month. Then I will finish the rest maps.


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