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Doom Eternal Ray Tracing Showcase + Other Notes

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First look here at last. According to nvidia.com, the NVIDIA DLSS and ray tracing update for Doom Eternal "will be coming this June".





If June is the plan, then I suppose it's likely then we'll be receiving the Taras Nabad Master Level sometime this month as well since that has been discussed for quite some time. For those that haven't been keeping up, this Master Level will apparently feature "hidden Arch-Viles" at some point, lots of Super Heavies in one of the repeated sewers tunnels near the end, and a particular section that will feel like "a marathon" (all discussed in various Hugo Martin interviews in the past month or so). In the future after the Taras Nabad Master Level, they apparently plan on doing a DLC 2 Master Level.


The Commander Keen event is ending this Thursday (with apparently no new event info leaked still as of yet). Previously, the Commander Keen event had been extended by one week, so that might be significant. It's possible the ending of the event might coincide with a new update, but that's just speculation.


There will also be an Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase on June 13th. It's possible they might plan the content update / NVIDIA update to release before or after this.


As an aside, I noticed on SteamDB that Doom Eternal has a branch titled "int-horde-smoke" updated 6 days ago, another branch titled "id-qa-battlemode2-smoke" updated 21 days ago, and another branch titled "id-qa-content-drop-smoke" updated 13 days ago. This branch information has previously detailed the name of the DLC 2 weapon before it was officially revealed (branches "hammer-a" and "hammer-b"). I thought it would be interesting to share since nobody else seems to be talking about it.

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Thanks for sharing as always!


I wasted good money on a 3000 series card, I'm glad one of my most played games will get it enabled! Bring on the master level, they always kick my arse and make me beg for more.

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Even though I have an RTX card, I'm not sure if it is worth playing DE with raytracing.

It'll really depend on how many fps it'll cost, because playing DE with massive fps drops is not funny at all. So we'll see.

Edited by Martin-CAI

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So it's just barely noticeable reflections, not like people are going to be obsessing over details like that with such a fast paced game lol, I wonder how well my 2060 is going to handle it.

On 6/1/2021 at 2:12 PM, Martin-CAI said:

It'll really depend on how many fps it'll cost, because playing DE with massive fps drops is not funny at all. So we'll see.

a 3080 already runs the game at around 500 frames on 1080p, DLSS will likely bring it to somewhere around 1000 frames.

Edited by sluggard

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