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Favorite videogame soundtrack

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Let's see... probably the Final Fantasy series as a whole even if the games themselves aren't my favorite. Nobuo Uematsu is an amazing composer. "Final Fantasy" (recurring), "Dancing Mad" (FF6), and "JENOVA" (FF7) are particular favorites of mine.


I also have a soft spot for the music in the NES Megaman games, and Minecraft's soundtrack comes from one of my favorite artists, C418.

Edited by northivanastan

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God, too fucking many to name. Way too many.


But the first one that came to my mind was Unreal Tournament '99, followed closely by Chrono Trigger.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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Oh man, where do I even start? I listen to a lot of game soundtracks. Time to make a dot point list.

  • BioShock
  • Fallout
  • Gears of War
  • Doom (of course hehe)
  • Quake
  • Thunderforce (Never played the games, but the music is INSANE)
  • Mass Effect
  • Rise of the Triad
  • The Neverhood (Never played this one either, but the soundtrack is so goofy and fun)
  • Banjo Kazooie
  • Half-Life 2
  • Black Mesa
  • Halo (Marty O'Donnell era)
  • Metro
  • Team Fortress 2 (another one I've never played, but I love the music)
  • Undertale
  • Hotline Miami (Yet another I've never played, but I'm a huge Synthwave fan so you best believe I fucking love the soundtrack)
  • The Stanley Parable

Okay, that'll do. I could name more, but this post would get HUGE if I kept going.

Edited by Biodegradable

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Ahhh, so it's that time again.

  • Quake
  • Quake 2
  • Guild Wars
  • Guild Wars 2
  • Morrowind
  • Oblivion
  • Skyrim
  • Firestarter
  • Red Faction Guerrilla
  •  Doom
  • Unreal Tournament
  • Half-Life 2
  • Conan Exiles
  • Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
  • No Man's Sky

That's it for now.

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This is a hard one. So if we're going "Favorite videogame soundtrack" as the one which has the highest number of music I like, I'll have to say Raptor: Call of the Shadows, followed closely by Doom 2 because I like almost the entire soundtrack for those games. However, none of the themes themselves are even my top favorites. Those would have to be like one or two themes from a completely different game.


As for favorite singular video game theme? That's also a hard one as it keeps changing. Right now I like the Speed of Doom MAP30 music but not sure if that counts as Speed of Doom is technically not a video game. If it doesn't count, I'll go with this one:



Edited by Zulk RS

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I thought Blood Dragon had a pretty neat soundtrack
It's probably the first thing that comes to mind when I think of a video game soundtrack. It mostly has to do with how pivotal this game's aesthetic was in informing my tastes in music and pop culture.
I wanted to point out Hotline Miami's soundtrack as well, but I'm not sure if we're talking about Original Soundtracks or just Soundtracks in general, because HM's soundtrack kinda falls between both of those.


Edited by Agent Slacker
I should probably explain instead of just posting a link.

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  • The usual suspects you'd expect from someone posting here (viz. Doom Ultimate/Final/II, Heretic, Hexen, Duke 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood, ROTT, Descent, and so on)
  • A bunch of indie titles. I hopped on the Humble Indie Bundle train when it first appeared (and drifted off when it started to become a shop instead of an occasional thing), and part of the deal was getting the soundtracks. Binding of Isaac, Cave Story, Dungeons of Dredmore, Frozen Synapse, Machinarium, Samorost, Shadowgrounds, Spacechem, Super Meat Boy, Trine, VVVVVV...
  • Some classic games or game series I've been fond of since the 90s: Elder Scrolls (Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim), Ultima (especially VII and Underworld II), the Dune games (Dune: Spice Opera, Dune II, Dune 2000, Emperor: Battle for Dune), the Command & Conquer series (both Tiberian and Red Alert branches), the first two Warcrafts, the flight sims TFX (by Barry Leitch) and Inferno (by Alien Sex Fiend), and the classic Star Wars games (X-Wing series and Dark Forces, especially TIE Fighter), Megarace (and anything else by Stéphane Picq), Monkey Island series, One Must Fall 2097, Shadowcaster, Frontier: First Encounter, Jazz Jackrabbit, Unreal Tournament...
  • I'm sure I forgot some, as always.
Edited by Gez

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I've grown really attached to the OSTs of:

Katamari Damacy + We Love Katamari
Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere
Nier: Automata

Kingdom Hearts II

Hotline Miami 1 & 2

Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0

Halo 3: ODST

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The early Warcraft games had fantastic music, and Warcraft II's music in particular is not only incredible, but is also a source of plenty of nostalgia for me personally. (also, that harpsichord is sexy af) 

Civilization VI has a pretty wide variety of music, due to it drawing from so many different cultures, but all of it is amazing.  The Atomic-Era Cree track is a particular favourite of mine.


And the Fallout series has a great soundtrack, too; particularly Mark Morgan's work in the first two games.  New Reno is one of my favourite locations in the Fallout series, and it's partly due to this music 




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I listen to an immense amount of music from games that not many have heard of, so let's go.

(this game isnt even out yet, but eh) Side Street Step: Knuckle Sandwich OST. can i really say anything? the song is just good.

FNaS Maniac Mania: Maniac Melee. Yup, a fnaf fangame's on here. This song is REALLY good for where it comes from. Next!

Please Don't Touch Anything - Screen OFF. I could jam to it all day and still not get enough, it's that good.

(and yes, my music taste is weird)

Edited by Castr_Tricks2
Needed to change

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20 hours ago, Gez said:

I'm sure I forgot some, as always.


5 hours ago, Orcsbreath said:


And yep. Forgot the 4X games. I have a particular fondness for Call to Power II, Civilization V, and Master of Orion CTS.



And some of the classical tunes from Europa Universalis III. The silly tunes from Sim City 2000 are also very nostalgic.



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I have many obvious choices, like Rise of the Triad, but here are some that you might not know:


Skyroads (1991) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPYMwtjTC0c 

Tyrian 2000 (1995) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRBs6nqsYic&t=600s&ab_channel=JisengSoJisengSo

Prince of Persia SNES (1992) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGYsqVU3Hjc&ab_channel=VGMArchiveVGMArchive



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Gez said it all... :(


I wanted to say Dune 2, Doom 1-2, BTSX 1 and Cave Story...


But I have a few he missed: The Battle for Wesnoth and Project Zomboid... for some laid back gaming.

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I suppose this would be my Top 5, in no particular order:

  • Crash Bandicoot 2
  • DOOM '16
  • Ori and the Blind Forest
  • Unreal
  • Ys Origin

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