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Favorite videogame soundtrack

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Dang, I was going to throw in for Katamari Damacy, but Maribo already covered that. There's way too much that I favor, but if I were to mention one just now that has yet to be mentioned... ah, yes, Killer Instinct 2013, the greatest fighting game soundtrack ever made, arguably. I do like a lot of fighting soundtracks, but of course, that one has Mick Gordon, so it edges out above all others.

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payday 2, yakuza 0, half-life 2 episode 2, blood 2, quake 2, jazz jackrabbit 2, castlevania curse of darkness and lament of innocence









cp2077 has a disgustingly good ost and radio tracks for a janky rpg, problem is that the spiral of hate has turned to such an extent that any talking well about the game is already taboo, btw, i visited my parents last week.







Edited by sluggard

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- Turok 2 on the Gameboy (really, go hear that awsome Soundtrack!)

- Warcraft 1-3 and World of Warcraft (but more Vanilla - Lich King)

- Starcraft

- Diablo 1 and 2

- Parodius

- Pokemon

- Mystic Quest

- Monkey Island 1-3

- Terranigma

- Morrowind and Skyrim

- Fallout 1-2

- Final Fantasy in General

- Breath of Fire IV

- Doom Series

- God of War 1-3

- Metal Gear Solid 1-3

- Zone of the Enders 2 (haven't played the first one :P )

- GTA 1 (since it is made for this Game from DMA)

- Pirates of Dark Water (Snes)

- Mystical Ninja

- Turtles in Time ! (SNES)

- Streets of Rage Series

- Castlevania Series (especially 8bit and 16 bit ones)

- Contra (same as above)

- Street Fighter 2
- Nearly every Nintendo Series (Zelda, Mario, F-Zero, Donkey Kong Country...)


I am pretty sure i am forgetting many Soundtracks.


It kicks in at ~ 30 Secs, reminds me of some good C64 Soundtrack




Many modern Soundtracks have the Problem to make the Tracks too "epic".
If everything is orchestral and epic, it is just boring because nothing stands out.
A Soundtrack has to be made up as a good Story, it needs its ups and downs, its slow parts and its fast parts.

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14 hours ago, Denim Destroyer said:

Michel Van Debois and Jerry Martin have to be my favorite game composers.

Not trying to bust your balls, but it's Michiel van den Bos.


And he did some damn good stuff even lately, his Age of Wonders III soundtrack is great shit.


Spoilertagged for those who want to skip past five songs I picked from it.










I actually got to talk to him on IRC a bunch of times about 15 years ago. Good times. :)

Edited by Dark Pulse

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I spent probably 10x as much time combining ROTT midis with different soundfonts as I did playing the game.


Runner-up for me is Warcraft 2.

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On 6/1/2021 at 10:38 PM, [McD]James said:

Final Fantasy 6, easily.


Holy crap, I forgot about that one. For nostalgia reason alone, this 140%.


If I had to go for one, throughout my entire lifetime, I'd go with Secret of Mana. I remember as a kid recording some of the tracks onto my shitty fisher price tape deck. Even to this day, the tracks have such depth and stay with me. Even the happy shit that my soul doesn't get along with. So, Secret of Mana all the way. If I was listing a list of the best, it would be such a long list.....


Final Fantasy, especially 5 through 9

Donkey Kong Country, all three of them, mother fucker

And some others. Before I got into "regular" music, game music was my thing.


Maybe a favourite: 


Edited by Chopkinsca

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Keiichi Suzuki and Hirokazu Tanaka had so much fun just dipping into so many different genres and that it all melds together as a wonderful whole is just a miracle unto itself. Huge serotonin injection.

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Every Killer Instinct game has great music. If I had to pick one game, I suppose it'd be the 2013 one, but it's hard for me not to cite the entire franchise's music.





A few honourable mentions:


DOOM Eternal

Guilty Gear XX

Jill of the Jungle

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match

Street Fighter Alpha 3

Super Street Fighter II Turbo

Tekken 3

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On 6/3/2021 at 8:44 AM, Denim Destroyer said:

Michel Van Debois and Jerry Martin have to be my favorite game composers.



That's hardly believable as you spelled Michiel's name completely wrong. His full name correctly spells Michiel van den Bos.

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I'll split this into several categories


Best soundtrack overall. FFVI.


Best fps on Nintendo 64: GoldenEye.


Best PC FPS. Quake


Best 3rd person shooter:MDK Tommy Tallarico made absolutely premium VGM in the 90s


Best PC/RPG soundtrack. Deus Ex. It's the only one that can compete with JRPGs.


Best racing game. I've never played F-Zero so Diddy Kong Racing takes this handily.


Best platformer. Super Castlevania IV. The original from 1986 is probably my second favorite.


Best early metroidvania. - I think Super Metroid and Wonder Boy 3: The Dragon's Curse can share this spot!


Best RTS. Warcraft II.


Best PC RPG. I'm not sure. Lands of Lore II and Planescape Torment were both quite good 














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Hands down, my favorite video game OST of all time has to go to my favorite video game of all time... Unreal! Ohhh the music was just so perfect, I... hnnng


Just... just listen to this masterpiece right here!



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1 hour ago, Kokoro Hane said:

Hands down, my favorite video game OST of all time has to go to my favorite video game of all time... Unreal! Ohhh the music was just so perfect, I... hnnng


Just... just listen to this masterpiece right here!



Personally, I'm more of a Terraniux man myself.



Though I've also always liked Hub 5's music (when you're in The Trench, just before boarding the ISV-Kran) because it's nicely tense before you begin fighting enemies, and then gets action-y in a hurry once you do.


And of course, Na Pali Haven.


And Outpost 3J.


And for final creepy effect, The Darkening. Especially when you get spotted and it kicks into a stinger, and then you get a much more intense song.

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My usual answers to this question typically looks like the flowing:


Doom/Doom II/Final Doom



Hexen/Hexen II

Unreal Tournament 99 and 2k4

Age of Empires II


Grim Fandango 

Quake 2

Jazz Jackrabbit 2 


Give or take whatever else I cant currently think of.

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You don't know what videogame music is capable of until you have experienced the Pictionary electronic adaptation for the NES.



This astonishing soundtrack was created by Tim Follin, the same brilliant mind behind Solstice's opening song, a phenomenal chiptune melody that eclipses the game itself. Seemed to be an ongoing thing for him.



Now, on more conventional songs, DoDonPachi's electric riffs always get me going and Espgaluda's soundtrack is beautiful and evocative and manages to blend electronic music with steampunk high fantasy perfectly. I will put them under the spoiler.







Edited by John Wheel

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10 minutes ago, John Wheel said:

You don't know what videogame music is capable of until you have experienced the Pictionary electronic adaptation for the NES.


What in God's name. WHY IS IT SO GOOD???

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