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What is the best advice for someone (me) who is inexperienced with Doom 2?

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I made a poll a while back, as some people were a part of, and Doom/Doom 2 came in first place. I recently just completed Doom for the second time (this time, I avoided using any console commands), and though I do know Doom 2 combat is similar to the previous entry, the new enemies and locations change things up a bit. I have considerably more experience with Doom than Doom 2, so I figured it would be beneficial to ask for advice here. The most I've played is roughly 2-3 levels of the game, in comparison to knowing most levels in Episodes 1-3 of the first game. 


So, any advice would help, and I'd greatly appreciate it!

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The biggest challenge you'll face is the new enemies. Specifically the Revenant and Arch Vile. They are totally unique and require a different approach to dealing with them. It's all about knowing their attacks. Look up a video called PRO DOOM MONSTER STRATS if you need help. General combat is largely the same. It's still Doom. Now you'll have the Super Shotgun. It's very useful for groups of weak enemies and a great solution for mid tier enemies. Level design is hit or miss for most people. I prefer Ultimate Doom levels but Doom 2 has some nice levels.

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Just get in and play. As @Nevander said it is ultimately still Doom. Watch the new monsters, learn their patterns, and you will soon develop your own strategies. There is a bit more verticality and wide openess to the combat in some places. Use cover to your advantage and close the distance and to let the autoaim kick in. Monster specific ideas...


Chaingunner: Bastard. A well placed pump action blast at short to medium range will generally be enough. Falls nicely to the super shotgun over the same distance. Can also be stun locked with the chaingun. Obviously any weapon above that will turn them into ketchup and bits quite nicely.

Hell Knight: the Baron's adorable baby brother. Barely a blip on the bastard scale. A few super shotgun blasts and some footwork should see them off. Regular shotty is also possible with some patience.

Pain Elemental: Also a bastard. Cacodemon's annoying cousin that spits Lost Souls. Can also be stun locked with the chaingun or plasma gun. Shotgun not advisable as it gives them plenty of time to spawn Lost Souls, nor is the rocket launcher due to the odds of your rocket colliding with a Lost Soul right in your face.

Revenant: Also a bastard. Shoots rockets that sometimes home in on you (look for the smoke). Also punches you up close. You can get up close and trick them into punching you, dodge back, then give them a super shotgun blast but that can easily go wrong if you are not dead on. Stun lock them with the chaingun or plasma gun, snipe them with shotgun from a distance with cover, or rocket them.

Archvile: Another bastard. Correct technique is to shriek like a little girl and hide and hope he gets bored looking for you *. Alternatively, BFG to the face or if you have plenty of cover to deal with him the super shotgun works best. Duck out of cover, shoot, hide from fire attack, repeat. Resurrects fallen demons so is a priority target.

Mancubus: probably the least bastardly after the Hell Knight. Shoots dual fireballs in groups of three. Generally not much of a threat unless you get pinned in close quarters out of cover. Can be stun locked with the chaingun or plasma gun. Also can be rocketed or sniped from a suitable distance.

Arachnatron: Baby Spidermasterminds that shoot plasma. Can easily cook you good if you are not careful. Use cover appropriately. Stun lock with chaingun or plasma gun, or rocket them. You can shotgun them if you are feeling brave as their pain can make them break their attack. Not really a bastard unless you are unlucky or the mapmaker is a devious bastard.

Edited by Murdoch
* Not really. You get used to them but they are pretty scary first time you encounter them.

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As others have said, it mostly comes down to the new demons you'll be facing. You can learn everything you need to know about them through gameplay alone, but I'll add to the general tips:

Chaingunner & Arachnotron: Once they start attacking you, they will continue laying down automatic weapons fire until you successfully break line-of-sight. These are the kind of baddies that demand attention: you're either actively attacking them, or you're getting the hell out of dodge.


Arch-Vile: Just like the two monsters above, the key is to break line-of-sight. Once they start casting their spell, they're locked into the attack, and if you're in cover when they finish casting, the explosion doesn't happen and no damage is dealt.


Revenant: These glass cannons require more active mobility than most. Their attacks can sometimes do extreme damage, and the way those homing missiles seek you out requires a different evasive pattern than all the projectile dodging you did before this point. If you haven't already toggled "Always Run" on, consider doing it now.


Pain Elemental: They spit out Lost Souls, which means that things can get out of hand if they're left alive (similarly to the Arch-Vile's resurrection power). But if you can hug them and stay in melee range, there won't be any space to create a new monster, and their attempt to spit out a new Lost Soul will automatically fail.

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Doom II is ultimately the same game as Doom. You don't have any new abilities, just a new weapon, which functions the same as before except it has more power. Some of the levels are bigger but the game plays much the same as the original. There's really nothing new to learn other than a couple of new demons to deal with but you'll soon learn their strengths and weaknesses and you'll be ripping and tearing like before in no time at all.



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