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How do you organize your save slots?

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Do you just save in one slot or do you use multiple slots? If so, how do you organize them? (doesn't matter which source port)


Here's my example (taken from Chocolate Doom/Crispy Doom):


save_1 - random save (usually if I pick up the first key or predict a tough encounter)

save_2 - random save (usually if I pick up the second key or predict a tough encounter)

save_3 - random save (usually if I pick up the third key or predict a tough encounter)

[empty slot]

[empty slot]

radsuit_save - if I need/want to explore the pain sectors without fear of losing all of the radsuits.

next_time - whenever I don't feel like continuing/gotta quit the game due to urgent stuff/when I enter the next level & leave it for the next time, obviously.

new_level - when I enter a new map.


This style can change from time to time, of course. It's not always the same but it's the standard that I use for the most part of my Doomin'.


One of the slots that I don't use much unless I play a hard megawad, I call it megasphere_save. So whenever I pick up a megasphere, I save under the mentioned slot, just to prevent myself from accidentally overwriting the save with very low health & armor, if that makes any sense. 


The empty slots are either reserved or left empty.

Edited by The_SloVinator

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I bounce between a lot of WADs at once so each slot is titled after the WAD it corresponds to. I typically play saveless except for humongous maps and take it one level at a time so I don't need more than a single slot.

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When I play through a wad continuously, I usually save at the beginning of each level in the first save slot, with a name like "WADNAME-UV", and for mid-level saves I use the name "WADNAME-TMP", cycling through the remaining slots. I might be changing this scheme since dsda-doom now has a feature that organizes saves for different wads into different directories and only displays the saves for that wad, making it redundant to include the wad name in the save name.

Edited by Shepardus

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Name of the WAD/Skill level - Name of the gameplay mod (in case I'm using one.)


I just have 1 normal save and some 2 autosaves. Once I fish a WAD, I just delete the save.

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Every slot is called (SAVEX) where X is a number, and I add 1 to the number every time I save. I rarely save on the same slot twice, instead saving on the next slot each time, and if I run out of slots, the lowest numbered slot is overwritten. Makes it easy to keep track of the number of times I've saved on a particular map (often reaches double digits of the map is even remotely long or hard) and allows me to backtrack to an old save if I've saved while the situation is unwinnable or otherwise unfavorable. I don't need to name a save after the wad I'm playing because I pretty much always pistol start and generally have no need for old saves after finishing a map, though I might keep them for a while if I plan on using them for practice for a saveless run. DSDA-Doom's recent updates should be helpful for that purpose, I'll be trying out the new version soon.

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Name of the WAD and number. Usually about 4 or 5, cycling through them one by one, always overwriting the oldest one. Also autosave at level start, using the GZDoom autosave feature.

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1. Find free slot or slot i know longer need.

2. Type in name of WAD or if i just had my ass handed to me and want to save but dont want to overwrite my main save, some form of expletive.

3. Press enter.

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Currently, on Crispy Doom, it's five slots for one WAD I am playing and five slots for another WAD I am playing. All named after the WAD and map, which is the default.


The only feature from Doomsday that I miss is the ability to manage different PWADs as "profiles" with their own sets of saves. That would be so convenient because that way I could play more than two WADs at a time while still having multiple alternate saves.

Edited by northivanastan

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Something like this:


"XX" or "map XX (Y.wad)": the usual save at the start of a map in a multiple-map set, where XX is the current or last slot number (crispy's default save titles are more specific, Y is the filename).

"XXXXXXXXXX": midsaves wherever they please me. X is a random letter but it's never "X" because the key is broken. 

"ok": occasionally any extra midsave in particular when I need to redo a section that killed me or left me bemused, or revisit something I wasn't satisfied enough with. Variants can be "wtf", "sure", "a", "no", "yas", "aww", "aaaaaaaa", etc.

Edited by galileo31dos01

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For Prboom-plus UM and dsda-doom, I have like two or three saves for each level, especially in dsda-doom, since it allows you to have a lot of saves


For example:


TNT mapa 27

TNT mapa 27 pruebas

TNT mapa 27 pruebas 2

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Using the new incredible features of the DSDA source port!


Naming convention wise just wad-level-#number, the last only if i'm using more than one save for the same level

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i either use a rotating series of "Temp X", or for megawads, I save at the end of a map with the name of the wad, and the number for the next map.

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I have zdl configs with the -save command parameter used so that I have different save directories for different mapsets. Helps prevent me from potentially overwriting saves for other wads, and allows me to use a lot more slots for a single wad.

typically I like to have a startsave, and then a few midsave slots (how many depending on length and difficulty) per map. With DSDA-Doom now allowing for 16 pages of saves, I'm even potentially able to do this for an entire megawad without having to overwrite saves.

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asd. asdf. asdff. asdffj. asdffjj. asdffjjk. asdffjjkk.


You get the picture. If it's a .wad that I'm really trying to complete, I'll just name the save the same as the .wads name. But if I'm just dinking around, it's the asd save system.

Edited by Jello

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...and so on.


I rotate out saves as I go. I do this for every WAD I play. I usually only play one WAD at a time so I don't get confused.

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