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Dread Moon - MAP02 released

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Hi, I just beat the 1st level with 100% everything on UV.


I enjoyed it a lot - it felt like an early zdoom map from the 2000s with tasteful use of advanced features. The texturing was vibrant and diverse but I think this suited the appearance of E2 maps.


I think that as soon as you get the plasma gun it plays very well which makes me wonder why you have the pistol section at the start - I would lean more heavily into giving the player firepower even earlier - maybe straight away!


The custom enemy fit right in and didn't feel silly or overpowered - you could probably get more mileage out of it though by giving the more advantageous positioning over the player.


The crusher secret was also really funny - I enjoyed that!


Check your pegging on your lifts, some are unpegged and look odd. I would also reccomend visual consistency across all of your lifts and platforms as it was unclear at times what was and was not a lift/ something important. (pic related this was very hard to notice)




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Hi thanks for playing. I found an unpegged lift after looking again (good catch), edited the OP.


I thought I would sneak some pistol work in to the very start of the episode - killing the pinky is a bit of a chore but he's only there on UV and there are a couple of barrels to work with. Rest assured you won't have to kill anything with a pistol in our other maps (unless you want to). The plasma rifle is also bait.. you can see it about when you see that you're going to need it.


The lift in the screenshot was intended to be less than obvious, but now that you bring it up I'm not sure that it should be.. but I didn't want it to look like a lift you can get back down from. I'll give it some thought. The plasma zombies were adjusted a bit during development, I think they are about right now so glad to hear it worked out.

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Glad to hear you enjoyed it Cheesewheel :)


We are having a lot of fun passing the maps back and forth, discussing and making plans etc.

Map 2 has been giving us some hard times with a couple of weird bugs, but i feel its really going places. It's warehouse themed crossing over into marble and tech like the original, but a bit spicier of-course. 


Then we will release doomguy into the outside world to travel a bit. See places, meet some new old faces and kill them.


Couple of shots of map 2:













Edited by Hawns Braks

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Fun map, fast-paced but not overly difficult.  Texturing is good for a episode 2 remake.  Look forward to the rest of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Map 02 has turned out very nicely, there is still some fixing and testing to do but we're hoping to release it next weekend. In the meantime here are some screenshots



You can take a ride in this but it isn't safe651049304_Screenshotfrom2021-06-1918-08-20.png.3931c73e813142267d2f6944ffed981c.png1237970209_Screenshotfrom2021-06-1918-11-36.png.7acbe5ed48df5d1a0f39245e34aadd5b.png

This is a moving platform and it definitely isn't safe

Screenshot from 2021-06-19 18-19-36.png



Edited by Gwarl

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Map 02 is available! Download it from the OP


It's bigger, badder, and better looking than the first one, a huge amount of effort and care has gone into making it all work. If you're playing in GZDoom you may find yourself in situations you haven't met before in that engine.


Ultra Violence comes with a developer warning, no there do not need to be quite that many monsters, but it's Ultra Violent so there are. Hurt me Plenty has plenty of monsters.


Feedback is greatly appreciated. Have fun, good luck.

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Thanks for playing and making a video :-) Greatly appreciated!


No need to hump walls really, we try to make secrets a little less wolfensteiny in general. Things will operate via switches and stuff like that. 

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Played through MAP02 in full today (w/ Supercharge). This is well-designed (challenging too, I got my ass handed to me a lot), and the fact both maps are able to run in Eternity as well is an excellent feat!


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Awesome video :-)


Good to see that using a mod doesn't really break anything {so far}.  


Thanks again everyone for the videos and kind words! Most of all, i hope yall had fun playing!


As a bonus, here are some super rare collectors item design documents







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  • 4 months later...

Here's an Eternity FDA demo of MAP01, dreadmoon1.wad. Recorded with devbuild git c3dc42ed, but should also work with Eternity-x86-4.03.00-pre-580-g2a0b4b4a.7z from https://devbuilds.drdteam.org/eternity/.


The start is rough, I died once until I learned the route to the equipment. Even after that, there are times when I had to pistol and punch monsters to save ammo, but eventually I learned to run for the Plasma Rifle, which is the main weapon for this map. It gave me a safe feeling overall (it's the best weapon for venturing into the unknown), especially given that its ammo was sustained by the plasma rifle monsters.


One questionable thing I noticed: there's a double sliding at some point. It didn't make any sound when moving. Is that intended?


Demo duration: 22:50



Edited by printz

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Thanks for playing! I enjoyed watching. You missed a couple of things.. when you got the radsuit you backtracked a little and spent time in the acid pools.. until you got to the acid river, which you carefully avoided stepping on the same way you did initially.


Good spot on the sliding doors without sound, I'll look into fixing that for our next release. MAP03 is nearly finished.. some of the complicated effects still need work, but it should be out soon!

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2 hours ago, Gwarl said:

until you got to the acid river, which you carefully avoided stepping on the same way you did initially.

I avoided it because I thought it's a death trap, I didn't know it has underwater areas and that the walls have grips for getting back up. You can never be sure with someone's PWADs.

Edited by printz

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  • 1 month later...

@Gwarl, sorry for this, but please check all lines with special "223" (Scroll_Floor) with displacement and accelerative scrolling. Until today's dev build, they were defined wrongly in Eternity (the accel and displace bits were swapped, see this thread too:



I fixed it now, after checking most wads (but I missed yours), so that it works like in GZDoom. How did you test MAP02? In GZDoom or Eternity? If you did it in Eternity, you'll need to readjust those lines!

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On 12/26/2021 at 6:29 AM, printz said:

@Gwarl, sorry for this, but please check all lines with special "223" (Scroll_Floor) with displacement and accelerative scrolling. Until today's dev build, they were defined wrongly in Eternity (the accel and displace bits were swapped, see this thread too:



I fixed it now, after checking most wads (but I missed yours), so that it works like in GZDoom. How did you test MAP02? In GZDoom or Eternity? If you did it in Eternity, you'll need to readjust those lines!

I did both.. the map contains a voodoo doll on a scroller, and depending on whether the scroller he's on is accelerative or displacement, the doll will cross a linedef which raises a floor, and the other scrollers are then set according to the floor height.. I was quite proud of that hack it's very robust and means the map will still work correctly despite the bit switch :)

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