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Overclocking ASUS A7N8X boards


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Alright, I have decided to go the AMD way since I cannot get enough of the ASUS A7N8X board, I've read lots of reviews on it and tests showing how close AMD is to Intel. That said my computer will be AMD based. HOWEVER they mentioned that you can overclock them easily to incredibly high rates and not need extra fans or water cooling, by adjusting the voltage levels, and a few other things. I was curious as to what you would recommend me doing for overclocking and not overheating the board or chip at the same time, since I will be running on a gig of 400mhz fsb ram and it sounds so easy to OC on this board, I'm just curious about how I go about it and how high I could push it. Thanks.

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Alientank, while I could probly answer your question, you'd do better to ask on a more appropriate forum, like the [H]ard|Forum. Or, alternatively, you can come find me on IRC when I'm in a more PC-minded mood, and ask me then.

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