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Dell Latitiude - Broken FN key, how to increase brightness?

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Apparently no one else on the planet has ever had the Fn key break on their laptop. It's required to turn the brightness up, the screen is stuck unreadably dark. All the solutions mention doing it from the BIOS, which is pretty absurd a ring to have to jump through (I'd sooner buy a new laptop than do that each startup). Can anyone help me with this? Maybe a virtual keyboard with an Fn key?

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1 minute ago, Doomkid said:

Maybe a virtual keyboard with an Fn key?

This, or an external keyboard, or any software that can let you remap keys/make macros should work.


You might want to just replace the keyboard itself, I've fixed a couple and they're usually relatively cheap and easy to install.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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Googling found me this Quora answer which says that there's a brightness slider in the Power Options control panel item. I don't see it myself, but that may be because I'm not on a laptop.

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Thank you all very much for the replies. I never thought to look under "power options" (shouldn't it be under display options?!) but either way this is the most straightforward solution. Thanks again!

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