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Dwars's Heretic HQ SFX Pack - All Sound Effects Remastered!

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Thanks a lot Mr. Rabbit, I was waiting for something like this. Tested it in Chocolate-Heretic and they sound very good.

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I listened to the sounds quickly in SLADE and was surprised about the quality. Expected this to consist mostly of upsampled stuff, but pretty much all samples sound clear and more detailed. Ingame they also sound great and blend in with the remaining original entries just fine. It's definitely a keeper for me! Hopefully even more entries will be found/made.

Edited by NightFright

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Everything is in the Doom sound format, so it should!


My only concern right now (aside from finding the rest of the possible sounds) is the volume of the audio working in game. Some sounds also are cut slightly differently from the original too, but are still quite close.

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UPDATE FOR 06/10/21


Added the following newly remastered sounds:

  • CLKDTH (Sabreclaw Death)
  • GNTHIT (Gauntlets Hit)
  • IMPAT1 (Imp Melee)
  • ITEMUP (Item Pickup)
  • MINPAI (Minotaur Pain)
  • MUMHED (Nitrogolem Projectile)
  • STFHIT (Staff Hit)
  • STFPOW (Powered Staff Hit)
  • STFCRK (Powered Staff Crackle)
  • WATERFL (Waterfall Ambience)

Adjusted the following sounds:

  • IMPPAI (Imp Pain) (right source, just wrong location - it was a reversed sound!)
  • GIBDTH (Gibbing Death) (last part temporary added the missing wheezing sound from the base game, still hunting for source)



  • Adjusted CLKSIT and ITEMUP volumes to deal with clipping, will likely rework ITEMUP soon.
Edited by Dwars

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After checking this out ingame, I identified two sounds that seem to have distortions/hissing noises in them, as if they were oversampled or exceeded maximum loudness level: CLKSIT (right at the beginning) and the new ITEMUP. Maybe you can check these again and try to remove those annoyances. Especially the second one is bad since you will hear that sound very often when picking up ammo and other items.


Otherwise, it's a really great collection of excellent sounds.

Edited by NightFright

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I planned on having ITEMUP reworked, it's basically just a triangle noise that can be made from scratch. As for CLKSIT, I'll also be tweaking that soon.

Edited by Dwars

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Great! Keep going with this, it's already a worthy Heretic counterpart to PerK's Doom HQ sounds, which are, needless to say, autoload material.

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This is so cool, love that projects like these are still getting started up, hopefully we can track down enough to make a full replacement

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UPDATE FOR 06/11/21


Added the following newly remastered sounds:

  • PLRWDTH (Low damage player death sound)
  • SORDBON (D'Sparil Bone Fall Noises)
  • SORDEXP (D'Sparil Explosion - may revise in the future)
  • PSTOP (May need remixed but should be the same sounds)

Adjusted the following sounds:

  • MUMDTH (Golem Death) (Made the 'spirit' half higher quality, for some reason the pitch shifter reduced the audio quality of it when I first remade this sound)
  • GIBDTH (Gibbing Death) (reworked the wheezing sound near the end)
  • GNTACT (Gauntlet Activation) (Now uses the welding source, same as STFCRK)

Still hunting for the hitscan weapon sound sources (GLDHIT and BLSSHT/BLSHIT), if anyone has any leads, let me know. I might also need some help balancing the volume of these sounds, I know some of them can be a little quiet in-game.

Edited by Dwars

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The new sounds are pretty nice to hear in action. That's the kind of work that we may especially appreciate. You enhanced a classic game without introducing any undesirable changes, and not requiring gzdoom which also introduces excessive changes. Thanks a lot.

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Time for a potentially divisive second update for 06/11/21, it's... 

The 'No Way I'm Gonna Find the Sources to These So I Did Them Myself' Update:


Added the following newly remastered/remade sounds:

  • IMPSIT (Imp Sight/Active) (Michael Raymond Judy's voice originally, now mine)
  • SORACT (lirapS'D ot rednerruS) (Also probably Kevin, now me.)
  • SORPAI (D'Sparil Pain) (Ditto)
  • SORSIT (hselF ruoY wehC llahS snevaR ehT) (Ditto)
  • WIZACT (Disciple Active) (Probably originally Kevin's voice, now mine and perkristian's from his old sound pack)
  • WIZATK (Disciple Attack) (Probably originally a mix of Kevin's voice and some sound effects, included the sound effects with my voice)
  • WIZDTH (Disciple Death) (Same story as WIZDTH but with perkristian's voice from his old sound pack as well)
  • WIZPAI (Disciple Pain) (Probably the only Disciple sound that doesn't have a homemade sound)
  • WIZSIT (Disciple Sight/Active) (Same story as WIZACT)

Adjusted the following sounds:

  • GNTACT (Gauntlet Activation) (First pass at volume consistency)
  • SORZAP (D'Sparil Attack) (First pass at volume consistency)

The ones in italics are the ones that I did original sounds for, though they also have some of the source sounds mixed into them. This is because it'll be highly unlikely that we'll get the sources to these unless Raven decides to release them (if they still have them.)

Edited by Dwars
D'Sprippy Edition

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At this point, a suggestion from my side would be to provide two versions of your file (if it's not too much trouble):

1) Only containing remasters of original sounds that were "rediscovered"

2) Containing everything, including your own remakes


Personally I'd prefer the first variant since I'd like to stay as close to the original sounds as possible, even if it means having less entries covered. Your recent remakes are good, without doubt, but I don't mind old sounds mixing with new ones if that means everything remains 100% faithful.

Edited by NightFright

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Sure. The only ones I planned to remake were the homemade ones, but I've included a link to a more 'pure' version in the OP.

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Third update for today!


Added the following newly remastered sounds:

  • HEDDTH (Lich Death)
  • HEDPAI (Lich Pain)
  • KGTDTH (Undead Warrior Death)
  • PHOPOW (Phoenix Rod Powered Fire)
  • HEDAT1 (Iron Lich Fire Attack)

Fun fact: PHOPOW and HEDAT1 are the same sound! So much so that PHOPOW is useless. I still included it anyway for completion's sake.

Edited by Dwars

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UPDATE FOR 06/12/21


Added the following newly remastered sounds:

  • BLSSHT (Dragon Claw Attack)
  • BLSHIT (Dragon Claw Hit)
  • BURN (Lava splash)
  • CHAT (Messages)
  • GNTPOW (Powered Gauntlet Attack)
  • HEDAT2 (Lich Ice Attack)
  • HEDAT3 (Lich Whirlwind)
  • HRNPOW (Powered Hellstaff Attack)
  • LOBPOW (Powered Firemace Attack)
  • MINAT1 (Minotaur Ground Slam)
  • PHOSHT (Phoenix Rod Attack)
  • PSTART (May need remixed but should be the same sound)
  • RIPSLOP (Ripper Noise)
  • SNKATK (Ophidian Attack)
  • SBTDTH (Serpent Death)
  • SORRISE (D'Sparil Rising)

Adjusted the following sounds:

  • BSTDTH (Weredragon Death)
  • MINDTH (Similar to BSTDTH)
  • MUMAT2 (Reduced Clipping)
  • WIZATK (Added SNKATK Element)

The weapon sounds are still a bit quiet. I'm hoping to get them adjusted in the future.

Edited by Dwars

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You really seem determined to get this done, man. But it's true, some of the sounds could be louder. I noticed when playing with my regular sound settings and music volume seemed too high suddenly.

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1 hour ago, NightFright said:

You really seem determined to get this done, man. But it's true, some of the sounds could be louder. I noticed when playing with my regular sound settings and music volume seemed too high suddenly.

Since you mentioned this, I want to note the volume of sounds and music depends on many factors, such as the port, port version, audio frequency, number of audio channels, and so on. Therefore, 3\4 mods that use their own sounds have problems. The sound can be made louder, but it is advisable not to exceed the signal level above 1.

As for this particular mod, it is not known how the volume of sounds was balanced.

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In an attempt to get over some of the limitations of the sound format, I made a version that utilizes .ogg files that can be downloaded in the OP. If you value your ears though, you should only use this in ports that support it, like GZDoom, since any other port will either not play them or not play them right. And boy, how they don't play them right...

Edited by Dwars

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UPDATE FOR 06/13/21


Added the following newly remastered sounds:

  • AMB2 (Flesh Ripping Ambience)
  • AMB11 (Footstep Variant Ambience)
  • NEWPOD (Pod Respawning)
  • PODEXP (Pod Explosion)
  • TELEPT (Teleportation)

Adjusted the following sounds:

  • AMB4 (Better Footstep Variant)
  • BURN (Redid the sizzling and frying sounds entirely)
  • HEDAT3 (Lich wind reworked entirely as well)
  • LOBPOW (Cannon sound replaced explosions)

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Today's update added at least one sound (BSTACT - Weredragon Active) and reworked a few weapon and homemade sounds. Hopefully this should reduce the need for a 'pure' version. Some homemade enemy sounds (such as the ones the Disciples and D'Sparil play) have been upsampled, filtered, and remixed. I know this isn't ideal, nor perfect, but it does give those certain enemies a little extra magical flair. I mean, they're otherworldly wizards after all, they're probably gonna sound weird.


Anyway, I'm probably going to take a break from this for the sake of health. My perfectionist tendencies regarding this sound pack distracted me from important stuff like eating and drinking. If anyone wants to have a go at tweaking the sounds themselves, the sister thread in the OP has a spreadsheet of potential sound sources that you can work with.

Edited by Dwars

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I decided to do one more update for a bit, and I did a bit of work yesterday too. Either way the following sounds have been added:

  • CHICPAI (Chicken Pain Noise - Used the CHICACT source and added more frequency to the warbling)
  • CLKPAI (Sabreclaw Pain Noise - Somehow I forgot this, it's the same as the Undead Warrior but without echo)
  • PLRCDEATH (Player 'Crazy' Death - from high damage)
  • SORDSPH (D'Sparil Death Scream)
  • SNKSIT (Ophidian Sight Sound - It's quiet, but there!)
  • WIND (Wind Ambience)

And the following sounds have been adjusted:

  • BLSHT (Dragon Claw Firing - Treated the 'sizzling' noise)
  • CHAT (Messages/Secret (in some ports) - Touched up the chiming quality)
  • ITEMUP (Ammo/Health Pickup - Should sound closer to the original now)
  • GLDHIT (Elven Wand - Treated the 'sizzling' noise) 
  • KEYUP (Key Pickup - Added a bit more frequency)
  • KGTPAI (Undead Warrior Pain Noise - Fine tuned the echo)
  • TELEPT (Teleportation - Added a bit more frequency, source sound didn't pick up the flange enough)

And with that, all sounds are now in some way or another accounted for! Even still, this pack may get updated in the future.

Edited by Dwars
Hotfix to add CLKPAI and adjust KGTPAI

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This might very well be, hands down, the best sound remaster for any idtech 1 engine game so far. Perk's project for Doom is great and faithful, but this one is even more complete with really compelling quality.


I like the new ITEMUP version. Well done, a really nice improvement!

Edited by NightFright

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Even with all sounds accounted for, I still want to try to get the best out of them I can get. So here's the...

UPDATE FOR 06/23/21


Adjusted the following sounds:

  • HEDACT (Timing of sounds fine tuned)
  • HEDDTH (Timing of sounds fine tuned)
  • HEDPAI (Timing of sounds fine tuned)
  • HEDSIT (Timing of sounds fine tuned)
  • KGTDTH (Timing of sounds fine tuned)
  • LOBPOW (Combined sound sources of previous versions)

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