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Abyssal Speedmapping Session 55 - All your Flash memes are belong to us!

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Previously, on days of our ASS


Hey everybody on Doomworld dot com.  Call us a Dinosaurs Story, because after a month off for Mayhem (yes it did happen), Were Back!
We will be hosting a session in a similar vein to our previous session (dead.ass AKA ASS54. see above link) two weeks from today.
Per usual, the show will be on a Saturday at 1800 GMT with a second session likely hosted by obsidian twelve hours later.

This month, ASS 55 will be held SATURDAY JUNE 26.

This is a link for some convenience.  For further convenience https://discord.gg/Edytm9nqmW is a link to our ASScord where we generally run the show.
If you are reading this and have an account here, you are most likely welcome to join.  The session has a bit of a fifteen minute warmup and fifteen minute cooldown of sorts.

Anyway, we hope to see you there.  Thank you and have a nice ASS.




Edited by TMD

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Afraid I won't be present for this one. That said, I'm sure if I told my dad I'm gonna miss his birthday for some ASS, he'd understand. 🤔

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oh dadgum it, innit there anybody not having a dang birthday or going to a dang birthday that weekend?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ladies, gentlemen and all those who dwell between, there are twelve hours until Round One of this month's session! Remember, Round Two is another 12 hours later and hosted by yours truly.













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An hour and a half until the show!  Im going to be having lunch soon so the one hour alert will likely get missed.

Reminder I will also be streaming at https://www.twitch.tv/qqnezbit so you can follow along there too, if you dont care for discord.

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Well Im a dickhammer and managed to mess up time zones once again.

Show will start in an hour but we are still in the server.

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Happy 25th anniversary to everybodys favorite rumble in the jungle
To celebrate, we are doing Plutonia themed maps, with a Plutonia resource pack!
So break out your Chingunners, skinny toastybois, and Skelingtonks.

Welcome to ASS 55:  The Plutonia Assperiment

PS: Also its on a a beach instead of a jungle



1. No Hitscanners (this includes player weapons) 2. Needless amounts of torches

Edited by TMD

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Round Two is in 4 hours! There was a bit of jiggery-pokery with timezones earlier, but it should be sorted now.

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1 hour ago, Obsidian said:



100 lines! Hop to!

ah, forgot about this one. sorry

Edited by NeedHealth

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12 minutes ago, NeedHealth said:

ah, forgot about this one. sorry


S'all good, it isn't mandatory to tackle all of the themes.

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Pencils down, stop mapping! You have 15 minutes for bugfixing and last-minute touches and then we're done.

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15 hours ago, TMD said:

So break out your Chingunners


1. No Hitscanners


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5 hours ago, Gez said:


my dumb dumb head immediately thought of TNT map09 and in the interest of saying "TNT also dropped 25 years ago but to thumb my nose at that, ill make sure they dont make a stronghold map"  By the time I realized what I had done, mapping was half an hour in.

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