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Putrefaction Labs (my first map) - Now with an update!

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10 minutes ago, Clippy said:


I have the biggest smile on my face seeing this, thank you so much. I'm so sorry you got stuck in that lamp though I gotta fix that now lmao.

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So first things first, this maps needs bordering on the textures, what I mean by that is that when you want to place another texture in a place a different looking texture it should have another texture so that the transition is a bit more natural, one of the most commonly used textures for bordering are the SUPPORT textures, of course, some textures don't really need to be border  when you place a different texture next to it, like the TEKGREN textures because they look quite similar (btw, I'm writing this post as I play the map). 


Another thing, some of the DOORTRAK textures on doors aren't lower unpegged, meaning that they move up and down with the door, and that really doesn't look good (if you want to make a door without having to deal with that if you're using UDB make a sector for the door then on that sector press Shift+D and it should give you some options for the door).


And lastly, shotgunning Barons is so fun (this is sarcasm).


Overall it's a pretty good first map, it got a lot of hitscanners with only a few stimpacks, but to me that was fine, the texturing was ok except for the bordering issue I said, so, good job. 


Keep on making maps and dooming, because you'll only become better.


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Looks like a decent go for a first map, will download and play when I get the chance.

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8 minutes ago, 1Destro3456 said:

So first things first, this maps needs bordering on the textures, what I mean by that is that when you want to place another texture in a place a different looking texture it should have another texture so that the transition is a bit more natural, one of the most commonly used textures for bordering are the SUPPORT textures, of course, some textures don't really need to be border  when you place a different texture next to it, like the TEKGREN textures because they look quite similar (btw, I'm writing this post as I play the map). 


Another thing, some of the DOORTRAK textures on doors aren't lower unpegged, meaning that they move up and down with the door, and that really doesn't look good (if you want to make a door without having to deal with that if you're using UDB make a sector for the door then on that sector press Shift+D and it should give you some options for the door).


And lastly, shotgunning Barons is so fun (this is sarcasm).


Overall it's a pretty good first map, it got a lot of hitscanners with only a few stimpacks, but to me that was fine, the texturing was ok except for the bordering issue I said, so, good job. 


Keep on making maps and dooming, because you'll only become better.


Honestly I wasn't so sure about the Barons since I thought it would be okay for a final fight. Going through testing again on UV really showed that I needed to test it a lil more since I had placed so many other things in the cargo room.

Thank you though, I'm currently updating it now to improve some things.

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This is a really solid classic-style map. My only note would be that you make the same mistake almost every first time mapper makes here which is your doortrack textures move up and down with the doors. You can easily fix this in UDB by selecting the lines that the textures are on and in the edit window change the box that says either "upper unpegged" or "lower unpegged"(depending on if they are upper or lower textures). I look forward to the full megawad you (might?) have planned.


Here is my playthrough of this map:


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This is a seriously decent first map!  You've succeeded in creating something that is visually clean and interesting and plays nicely.  Others have already given you the sort of feedback I would have (mostly the doortrak thing) so I won't do much in the way of suggestions; just adding my +1 there.  But where I really want to heap my highest praise upon you is in the simple fact that you've done your due diligence and put some effort and care into this before sharing it with the world, rather than just shitting out something with orthagonal walls, misaligned textures and no height variation.  You know what to do to make a map worth releasing.  That sort of ethos and self-discipline is, IMO, a key thing that distinguishes a promising mapper from the rest.

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A pretty awesome map! The difficulty here is just right for HMP with it being neither too hard nor too easy. A couple rooms reminded me of a few IWad maps (like MAP05 of DooM II and MAP32 of Plutonia). The final room does contain a buf if you play on a less advanced engine like WooF as the "X" shaped sector is a little broken (looks fine mostly but it causes a sort of "sector bleed" like effect. Usually spamming the "make sector" tool fixes it).


I quite like the tech-base theme here as the map flows very well. I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your work. :)

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I tested Putrifaction Labs maelstrom.wad with PrBoom-Plus on Hurt Me Plenty, well designed map, 76/100. Excellent texture placement compared to several Doom II mods that I have tested. The flickering lights, the changes in lighting values, and level variety improves the graphics of the mod. This is a map that does not use the same rooms, over, and over again which contributes to better graphics. The combat was lightweight, which is fine for the first map of a mod. I had plenty of ammo near the end of the map, and I used the shotgun through most of the map. My recommendations, have enemies ambush the player instead of appearing in front of the player. In the map, after you open a door or press a switch, all of the monsters in the room will be in front of you. Enemy ambushes will slow the player down, and increase the difficulty of the map.

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Good classic map, not overcomplicated, fair enough to have pure fun playing it. Feels like this map is a part of whole episode. I've been not surprised if it planned. Don't blame for final barons - this choice is supported by the event "find the button that opens this door", and it's great. Meanings prevail over content. 

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  • 1 year later...

Oh wow it's been awhile since I last ever edited this map...

I'm unsure if anyone will believe me but I owned the Caterste account long ago and posted my first map on it. Only problem is that is map is really messy and I've been meaning to update it. Only problem is that I'm on a different account and the Caterste account cannot be accessed by me anymore since a lot of things happened like I forgot the password, the email connect to the account doesn't exist, etc, etc. I also have an issue with username changing, this is very appearent with my semi-recent change from "arsenalchan" to "wuunds". Basically I've just had a lot of usernames since Caterste. You'll just have to believe me.


Putrefaction Labs 2.0!




What are the changes from the original?

- Fixed map issues like unpegged textures, unneeded sectors, and certain parts of the map make more sense!
- Removed all the unused textures from d1gfxd2.wad!
- ...and other changes!


WAD Format: MBF21

Map Slot: 01
Music: In the Dark

Ports Tested In: Nugget Doom and GZDoom (uses the UMAPINFO to properly work.)


Content: One map.

Credits: Uses d1gfxd2.wad ("Doom Textures For Doom II").

DOWNLOAD: putrefaction.7z

Have fun with this lol, I feel like going back to a two year old WAD I made and fixing it up was probably not needed but whatevs. Also, I forget why the first version had the name "maelstrom.wad" since the name didn't really have anything to do with the map itself. It might have been for some planned Megawad I wanted to do (fat chance).

Edited by wuunds
forgot wad format

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4 minutes ago, wuunds said:

Oh wow it's been awhile since I last ever edited this map...

I'm unsure if anyone will believe me but I owned the Caterste account long ago and posted my first map on it. Only problem is that is map is really messy and I've been meaning to update it. Only problem is that I'm on a different account and the Caterste account cannot be accessed by me anymore since a lot of things happened like I forgot the password, the email connect to the account doesn't exist, etc, etc. I also have an issue with username changing, this is very appearent with my semi-recent change from "arsenalchan" to "wuunds". Basically I've just had a lot of usernames since Caterste. You'll just have to believe me.


Putrefaction Labs 2.0!


  Reveal hidden contents


What are the changes from the original?

- Fixed map issues like unpegged textures, unneeded sectors, and certain parts of the map make more sense!
- Removed all the unused textures from d1gfxd2.wad!
- ...and other changes!



Map Slot: 01
Music: In the Dark

Ports Tested In: Nugget Doom and GZDoom (uses the UMAPINFO to properly work.)


Content: One map.

Credits: Uses d1gfxd2.wad ("Doom Textures For Doom II").

DOWNLOAD: putrefaction.7z

Have fun with this lol, I feel like going back to a two year old WAD I made and fixing it up was probably not needed but whatevs. Also, I forget why the first version had the name "maelstrom.wad" since the name didn't really have anything to do with the map itself. It might have been for some planned Megawad I wanted to do (fat chance).

Oh hey nvm I can access this account still. LOL.

Well this confirms I'm not bluffing so hopefully this is all understandable.

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