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All Doom games are mine now!

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Yes! I bought all of them. My PC is good enough to even play Eternal (which took forever to download). It's a dumb thing to make a thread for, but I finally have all the games of one franchise, from oldest to newest. This is the first time this happens... and this is my favorite game franchise. Yay. Oh and it also means I'll be able to join conversation when y'all speak of everything Doom instead of being limited to the old games.


...and the first thing I see when I enter Steam is a "hotdogcubus". Yeah I really am wondering how different the new games (haven't played them yet. I have to download the other one!) are from the old ones. Thought the newer games were dark and serious compared to the crazy shit you can see at community wads (and I saw some people kind of sad saying the new games were taking the "serious route" here once). You know, Santa Doom, Doom in Spain, Mock 2, Impcense, all that... but then I see a Mancubus who spread mustard on itself.


But yeah I'm so stupidly happy right now.

Edited by HombreSal

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Welcome. You should play Doom 2016 first, for mechanic and story context. The game is still good to this day. It still won't completely prepare you for the intense amount of mechanics and story shoved in your face early in Eternal, but definitely will help give you the basics first.


Classic Dooms have more darker environments in terms of gore and hellish scenes, but there are some environments in Eternal that's pretty awesome.

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Do you have Doom RPG, Doom II RPG, Doom VFR, both versions of the board game, and also I guess (sigh) Mighty Doom?

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I's great when you can finally play whatever doom you want in your same machine/console. So that's wonders for you. Hope you make all the challenges from Doom Eternal 

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On 6/16/2021 at 1:44 PM, HombreSal said:

Yes! I bought all of them.


Are you talking about _all_  plattforms  (PC/MAC/CONSOLE/Handhelds/Smartdevices etc..) or only about PC?
Alone to collect all versions from MS-DOS Doom seems impossible to me, there are too many! Or don't you care about different versions?

Edited by DoomGater

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On 6/16/2021 at 11:16 PM, Gez said:

also I guess (sigh) Mighty Doom?

Ok, I know the people saying "Do you own every DOS version, console port" etc are probably joking, but there is no way in Hell or on Earth that "Mighty Doom" is a real doom game. I don't give a flying fuck what the law has to say about the matter!

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I only have Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom 64 and the PSX ports


Edited by Teo Slayer

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5 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Ok, I know the people saying "Do you own every DOS version, console port" etc are probably joking, but there is no way in Hell or on Earth that "Mighty Doom" is a real doom game. I don't give a flying fuck what the law has to say about the matter!

It is ok. Mighty doom isn't real, it can't hurt you.. more than it already did!!! 

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14 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Ok, I know the people saying "Do you own every DOS version, console port" etc are probably joking, but there is no way in Hell or on Earth that "Mighty Doom" is a real doom game. I don't give a flying fuck what the law has to say about the matter!

"might doom isnt real freeman you are just being paranoid"

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